Eternal Life, What Is It? Part 1

 •  8 min. read  •  grade level: 15
It may seem strange to our readers to raise in their minds such a question as the one above; but we are persuaded that it will not -be without blessing to many that we do raise such a question in their minds. Not to lead them to look into themselves to see whether or not they have it, but the rather, as those who possess it, which all do who truly believe in Jesus, to lead them to contemplate it in its source and nature, as flowing from one who is outside themselves, and through Whom and in Whom they possess it.
It is of all importance not only to possess eternal life, and to be persuaded, on divine testimony, of its possession. as an answer to those who deny its present and known possession by the believer, while in this world; but also to know clearly front Scripture what it is in itself, as a security against those who by false teaching, as to that which eternal life really is, are seeking to overthrow "the faith once delivered to the saints," by making it mean merely endless human life in a body raised from the dead through Christ to enjoy earthly blessings under Him in the kingdom of God. By this it comes to mean simply endless existence, with the denial of endless existence save in those who have eternal life through Christ.
This is the view held by the so-called Annihilationists, hut even with a large mass of true Christians, who are quite free from the errors of the class named, the conception of what eternal life is, scarcely rises much higher, being made to mean a change of heart, and inward feeling, with security from eternal punishment, and consequent eternal blessedness in Heaven. That it involves all this is certain, but this is net in itself eternal life, and where, in those even who possess eternal life, the knowledge of what eternal life really is rises no higher than this the soul is open to the attacks of the adversary, as to whether eternal life is really possessed or no, by which the peace is disturbed, or, what is worse than this, to be taken captive by Satan, and led into error as to the true and eternal condition of both the saved and the lost.
It may perhaps be argued that where eternal life is really possessed, and Christ loved and looked to, as the One through whom it has been received, it is not of so much importance that the mind should be clear as to the doctrine concerning it: But this we believe to be a great mistake, especially in a day when " evil men, and seducers are waxing worse and worse," and " perilous times " have come. That the blessed Shepherd and Bishop of souls will keep from Satan's power simple souls who, with little truth, look to Him to be kept, we are more than persuaded, and that in His mercy He knows how to shelter the ill-taught lambs of His flock from the grievous wolves that are prowling round, we also believe, hut this does not do away with the solemn reality of our having to " stand against the wiles of the devil," and wrestle " with wicked spirits in heavenly places," and exposed to such wiles, and having to enter into such conflicts it is everything to have the " loins girt about with truth," that first and most essential part of the armor of God. The possession of truth is the only real safe-guard against error, and, " it is written," the only weapon against which Satan has no power. To be well armed with Scripture, as to the clues Lion of eternal life, we believe, at the present moment, to be of the very first importance, not only for our own sakes, but for that of others. May the Lord, in His, mercy, guide our pen while we write concerning that of which we read, " and a flaming sword turned everyway to keep the way of the tree of life."
We will first speak of eternal life in its source and mature, and then as possessed by the believer.
The consideration of eternal life in its source at once brings God before the soul, and that not simply as the source and author of that life, but as that which it is in itself; in that it is the being of GA 'Himself, We are not merely looking at life as flowing from God, but at life in God. In looking at God we look at the life, so to speak, but that life, eternal life, might thus be looked at by man, and, as we shall see, be participated in by man, God became man, "the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Life was in God eternally, but it was hidden from and unanticipated in by man, as a known thing, till the Son of God became man. The being of God, is life in Himself, as underived and self-subsisting. We read," the Father hath life in Himself," and the Son lath " life in Himself." This is life in independent. Deity. God according to His own eternal existence, in what we Understand as life. This life in itself, and displayed according it nature in moral qualities, came into this world in Jesus Christ. " That," says John, " which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life: for the file was manifested, and we have seen it and bear witness, and show unto you that eternal life, which was with the -Father, and was manifested unto us: that we which we have semi and heard declare we unto you."
In looking then at Jesus Christ we are looking, not only at the source or fountain from whence eternal life for man flows, but at that life itself. God is before us, revealed in His Son Jesus Christ,-" This is the true God, and eternal life." It is divine life, and thus eternal life in man, and, as in Christ, not merely divine life in man, which might look at the life in Christ as a derived life, though entirely divine, but " God manifest in flesh."
"That eternal life which was with the Father," as in tie Son, has been manifested in this world in the man Christ, so that it has been seen," " handled " and " heard," and thus is " the Word of life" for man morally dead, and without life toward God. Hence in receiving Christ. eternal life is received. A life, the source and nature of which is divine, and which is the very life of God in the soul, so that those who receive eternal life are said to be " partakers of the divine nature," 2 Peter 1:44Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (2 Peter 1:4).
In time presence of such a view of eternal life, how are our thoughts raised above the mere fact of endless existence in a state of heavenly blessedness, as having been saved from endless misery, with a mere " change of heart" toward God, as the effect of having been so saved and blessed.
The unfallen angels are in a state of endless existence in happiness, according to the nature and being of angels, but they have not eternal life, as being made " partakers of the divine nature" and thus fitted to enjoy what God -Himself enjoys, according to His own nature and being. We may too think of what it might have been for man to have forever lived amid the delights of the garden of Eden in the nature and being He had before the fall, or we may think of man restored in that nature and being to enjoy earthly- blessings forever in a restored earth, but this is not eternal life.
While, leaving aside time character of blessedness enjoyed, to Make the force of time expression " eternal life, " to simply signify endless existence, and by this to exclude the thought of eternal conscious existence save for those who have eternal life through Christ in this sense, is to deny the true nature and existence of eternal life, as well as to lose sight wholly of any state of punishment in the future for those who do not possess eternal life, and with this the present condition of the unconverted as now "dead in trespasses and sins" towards God, because now without eternal life, is gone, while that the believer is now "alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord," because now actually possessed of eternal life, has no meaning; and the' blessed consequences of such a condition, in present fellowship with the Father and the SOD, are necessarily unknown to those who hold such doctrines.
It is, too, the complete setting aside of all the real work of God in the soul by the Holy Ghost, whether in life-giving or in in-dwelling, while the doctrine carried to its lull result, as it now largely is, destroys Christ Himself, alike in His deity and true humanity.
Christ is eternal life in man, as well as for man,- and it is therefore alone in coming to Christ that eternal life can be obtained, while it is alone as seeing Christ's place with God, as man, that the believer's place, as possessed of eternal life in Him, can be adequately estimated or enjoyed.
The nature, then, and being of God, as displayed in Christ, is what eternal life is in itself, and this, whether we look at Christ as He was in this world or now -is in glory. The one view gives us its moral qualities,—the nature of God in light and love; -the other its state of blessedness in the glory, as Seen in the circumstances that surround Christ as Mall hi a body of glory in heaven. We must reserve. our-consideration of eternal life as possessed by time believer for OUT next number.