Luther Loucks et. al.
Eternal praise, our God, shall rise:
In mansions far beyond the skies
Thy name shall be adored.
With joyful hearts our songs we raise;
Our God and Father, Thee we praise,
While waiting for our Lord.
When ruined, guilty and undone,
Thou gav'st for us Thine only Son,
We trust Thy truthful Word.
Rejoicing in Thy love we sing,
Praise for Thy gift of gifts we bring,
Thy goodness we record.
We praise Thee in our pathway here,
Far off we were, but now brought near
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Fresh grace for every moment here,
Fresh manna o'er the desert drear
Thy Spirit doth afford.
When Thou shalt come, for whom we wait,
We then shall see and know how great
The gain that faith hath stored.
With joyful hearts our songs we raise;
Our God and Father, now to praise,
While waiting for our Lord.