
 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
E TERNITY! how solemn! yet 'tis true
T hat unbelief hath endless ill in view:
E ach hour deriving terror from the last;
R ecurring torment, ne'er completely past;
N o heart to cheer, no hand to bring relief,
I ncessant agony, undying grief;
T he woe unspeakable, sheer blank despair;
Y ea, not one mitigating solace there!

E TRNAL LIFE!—no less, the Savior gives
T o him who in His peerless name believes;
E ntire remission, present, perfect peace,
R ich promise of incomparable bliss;
N ew joys, bright glories, shared with God's own Son—
A biding proofs of triumphs rightly won—
L oved like Himself, and lifted to His throne.

L et none exclaim, "These joys are not for me!"
I n Christ believe; He died for such as thee.
F ear not to take Life's waters; quench thy thirst;
E ternal life awaits the least and worst.
"Are there not with you, even
with you, sins against the Lord
your God?”
"All have sinned and come
short of the glory of God.”