Every Scripture Inspired

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If Scripture be denied to be the Word of God, where is the church, the believer or the lost sinner? Where is Christ the Lord, or God's testimony to His grace and truth? No ground at all abides for faith. Make it an uncertain thing, the word of man really rather than the Word of God, and you lose God's saving love, grace and controlling power which kept infirm and erring man from a single error, that there should not be a flaw in all Scripture as originally given of Him. This is what God intended, as it is what the Apostle Paul pronounces authoritatively in his latest Epistle (2 Timothy). That too was the proper time for it. He says that not merely all Scripture in a general way is given by inspiration of God, but "every scripture," every part of the Bible, each part of the Old Testament and each of the New Testament, every bit of it is God-breathed. [23]