William Kelly
Table of Contents
Q. The following sentence occurs in " The Bible Treasury" for February, page 210. "There is nothing in scripture to exclude a succession of creatures rising to higher organization from lower, as the rule with a striking exception here and there, from the Eozoon in the Laurentian rocks of Canada to the mammalia which most nearly resemble those of the earth as it is."
What reasons are there for supposing that creatures thus rose without a creative act?
Would not such an idea be out of analogy with the present creation, where God has made each after its kind? Gen. 1:11-12, 21-25. C.O.A.
A. There is and can be no good reason for the notion that creatures rose from the lower forms as the rule to higher ones without God's creative act. The very word " creatures " implies as much. Scripture is most explicit that all things came into being through Him, and that apart from Him not one thing received being which has received being. All such unbelieving theories of development are therefore in rebellion against the word of God. A creative act introduced each new species.
2. The answer to the second query follows as a matter of course. Even the most prejudiced cannot fail to recognize that creation, vegetable and animal, is ordered on grand typical principles, and that species hold throughout, though admitting of large variation within fixed limits, an immense accession for use and beauty.
The writer of papers on Gen. 1 has been told, that p. 210 teaches evolution. The notion is absolutely false. No evolutionist can consistently talk of " creatures." No believer can deny that plants preceded fishes and birds, as these were followed by land animals low and high, last of all by man created separately and with special marks of distinction. Here is in the Adamic week " a succession rising to a higher organization from a lower." A similar analogy marks God's creative energy in the previous ages of geology; save that man and certain congeners were not then made. But all this uproots evolution. The objector understands neither the truth of creation nor the error of evolution.
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