
 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
I cannot go to meet the Lord,
As some will do today,
I do not feel so very well;
So I will stay away.
The night is wet and I can’t go
Where saints are met for prayer;
‘Tis only when the night is clear
That I am going there.
It is too cold for me to go,
This reading meeting night;
To risk my health by going there,
I think would not be right.
I know the gospel will be preached-
That message all so true,
But ‘tis too dark, the way’s too long,
I surely cannot go.
I like to hear a brother speak,
But I can’t sit so long;
‘Tis such a burden unto one
Who is not very strong.
I have so many things to do,
I really am not able
To go to evening meetings or
Be often at His Table.
Now is there not some remedy
For all this sad abuse
Of Christian rights and privilege,
And flimsy poor excuse?
Ah, yes! ‘tis when the heart is right,
And happy with the Lord,
Excuses fail, and glad response
Is given to His Word.1
A heart that’s right with God, will oft
With saints be gathered round
The One who says, With such as these
My presence will be found.
Ere long, the privileges we have,
Will all have passed away,
And we will be with God’s Beloved
In God’s eternal day.
Let us no more excuses make,
But ever seek to be
Oft in the company of those
Who soon their Lord will see.
And if we’re faithful to His Word2
And oft together come,
We’ll have a little foretaste of
The blessed rest of HOME.