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Exodus 39

Éx. 39:11 KJV (With Strong’s)

And the second
sheniy (Hebrew #8145)
properly, double, i.e. second; also adverbially, again
KJV usage: again, either (of them), (an-)other, second (time).
Pronounce: shay-nee'
Origin: from 8138
tuwr (Hebrew #2905)
a row; hence, a wall
KJV usage: row.
Pronounce: toor
Origin: from an unused root meaning to range in a regular manner
, an emerald
nophek (Hebrew #5306)
shining; a gem, probably the garnet
KJV usage: emerald.
Pronounce: no'-fek
Origin: from an unused root meaning to glisten
, a sapphire
cappiyr (Hebrew #5601)
a gem (perhaps used for scratching other substances), probably the sapphire
KJV usage: sapphire.
Pronounce: sap-peer'
Origin: from 5608
, and a diamond
yahalom (Hebrew #3095)
a precious stone, probably onyx
KJV usage: diamond.
Pronounce: yah-hal-ome'
Origin: from 1986 (in the sense of hardness)

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a diamond.
The word {yahalom} may mean the diamond, from {halam,} to beat, smite, because of its extreme hardness, by which it will beat to pieces the other stones.
It is a fine pellucid substance never debased with any admixture of other matter; susceptible of elegant tinges from metal-line particles; giving fire with steel; not fermenting with acid menstrua; scarcely calcinable by any degree of fire; and of one simple and permanent appearance in all lights.
It is the hardest and most valuable of all gems; when pure, perfectly clear and pellucid as the clearest water, and eminently distinguished from all other substances by its vivid splendour, and the brightness of its reflections.

J. N. Darby Translation

and the second row, a carbuncle, a sapphire, and a diamond;