The following comments will be in the form of notes to elucidate portions of the book, “The Prophetic Scriptures,” compiled by C.E. Lunden.
The notes include some taken from J.N.D. Page numbers will be indicated first.
Page 7—The Feasts of Jehovah
There is a volume of material ready at hand on this subject. We shall note main points only.
These seven feasts are basic, because Israel and Judah are the center of most of prophecy. A proper outline of God’s past ways with Israel is given in the first four feasts; the last three are prophetic.
The feast of unleavened bread suggests the manner of life compatible with those thus sheltered, self-judgment and sorrow before God.
Purity of life characterized the Lord Jesus.
The sheaf of firstfruits waved before God is Jesus Christ risen out from among the dead.
The burnt offering is wholly to God, the meat offering, fineness of flour, evenness of perfection in all of the details of the life of Christ as a man down here under the eye of God.
“Oil” speaks of the person of the Holy Ghost, “fire,” unto death, as a sweet savor to God, “wine,” the joy that fills heaven, because of a risen Man on God’s right hand.
These feasts are Jehovah’s; only after Jehovah has the firstfruits can His people partake.
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Seven sabbaths from the sheaf of firstfruits is Pentecost, a new meat offering, two wave loaves baked with leaven, typical of Israel and the Gentile joined in one in the new order. It is an offering to God, not a sweet savor, because of leaven in the loaves, not speaking of Christ but those who are His. This feast will continue until “harvest” when Israel is back in their land, an interval between Pentecost and the feast of tabernacles when the ingathering is completed before the vintage.
The feast of trumpets, (the new moon), reviews the history of all feasts which at this time are past. It speaks of the return of the ten tribes of Israel to their land again. More details in following notes.
The feast of atonement is the result of the tribes of Israel having returned, remembering their ways, repenting as they see and understand the marks of Christ’s passion.
Forgiveness follows their afflicting their souls, ending in the sabbath of rest, the feast of tabernacles.
This will be a time of ecstasy, rejoicing, sacrifices, and dwelling in booths to remind themselves of past days of temptations and labor in the wilderness, all reflective judgment. This feast; still future, is to be kept throughout their generations.
Page 11—The Seven Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven
In the Gospel of Matthew, Christ presents Himself to the J wish nation as their King.
John the Baptist, the forerunner, calls for repentance from Israel, telling of a new form of the kingdom yet to come, not known before, kept secret from the foundation of the world. (Matthew 2)
This kingdom suffers violence because of rejection on man’s part, but the violent take it by force; there must be earnestness and purpose of heart to enter it in reality.
Christ finds no response from Israel either in the figures of mourning or dancing.
Woe is pronounced on the most privileged cities where Jesus lived, preached, and performed His mighty miracles.
At this time of rejection, Jesus answered the Father, thanking Him for hiding these things from the wise and prudent and revealing them unto babes who were to form the new kingdom.
They are called to come to Him to find rest for their souls.
In Matthew 12:1414Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him. (Matthew 12:14) leaders of the nation plan to kill Jesus. With this knowledge He heals the multitude following Him and refers to the Gentiles as those who will trust His Name.
He says, “He that is not with me is against me.”
The Jews ask for a sign; He gives them the sign of Jonah, judgment, but shows that He had come to bear that judgment for all who believe.
Nineveh repented at Jonah’s preaching of judgment; a greater than Jonah was preaching grace.
There are two requisites to enter the kingdom of heaven—repentance, as in Nineveh, and a burning desire for the truth of God, as in the Queen of Sheba. She braved much to reach Solomon, thirteen hundred miles across desert sands to hear of the true God, but a greater than Solomon was there, the true God Himself.
Hearing of the coming of His mother and brethren, Jesus speaks of a new, everlasting relationship for those who do the will of the Father. “Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.” (John 6:28-2928Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? 29Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. (John 6:28‑29))
The law and the prophets were until John, then the kingdom of the heavens was preached. Those who entered were “wisdom’s children,” and wisdom was justified in them.
The kingdom of the heavens during these 2,000 years is the present substitute for the former physical, outward, visible kingdom. The kingdom of the Son of man, the outward, visible kingdom on earth, will follow when the kingdom of the heavens in mystery leaves the earth. The two are not to be confused, they are distinct but both of heaven.
The kingdom of the heavens presents a new phase of opportunity for the Gentiles, God acting in grace, above dispensations.
He seeks no fruit from Israel.
In Matthew 13, Jesus goes out of the Jewish house and sits on the Gentile seashore.
He speaks of sowing seed for a new crop, the old had failed.
The first of the seven parables is the sowing of the gospel seed of the kingdom of heaven; it is not a similitude.
The last six parables are divided in two parts: the first three, the
effects in the hands of Satan, the last three, the results under the blessing of God. All six are likenesses or similitudes of the kingdom during these two thousand years.
Some seed sown by the wayside is taken by the devil, some, among thorns (the cares of this life choking the seed), none brought to perfection, though all was sown in the heart. The devil, the flesh, and the world interfere but leave a religious profession.
That which was sown on the good ground gave varying degrees of fruit, one hundred-fold, sixty-fold, and thirty-fold.
To receive the seed and bear fruit calls for spiritual intelligence. “Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.” (Matthew 13:4343Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. (Matthew 13:43)) One who believes is born anew and has this intelligence.
He calls His own and makes them grow.
They are not heathen but what Satan introduced among the wheat.
It was very small (smallest of seeds) but becomes a tree, great with branches, a lodging-place for the birds of heaven (false doctrines).
Page 12—Leaven
This fills a limited sphere, three measures, the Roman earth where Christianity is known.
The leaven is the last of the progressive series of evil that leavens all of Christendom. It was hid, the seductive doctrine of Roman Catholicism.
Tares, Mustard, Leaven, the Great Delusion, the Man of Sin.
In the time of harvest the tares are gathered into bundles, false sects, to burn them, but the wheat (Church) gathered into His barn.
Later, when the bundles are burned, the kingdom of the Son of man, on earth, is purified; the righteous at that time will already be shining as the sun in the kingdom of their Father in heaven.
The first three similitudes are spoken to the multitudes in parables, the last three to the disciples in the new house of the kingdom. These are the “babes” of chapter 11:25.
Christ bought, not redeemed, the world for the treasure.
The moral beauty of the pearl, the Church, engages His affections, while individual virtues found in the treasures all cause Him to sell all that He had to buy them.
The gospel net brings in some who form the Church for the rapture; the rest are left on the seashore for judgment.
The instructed scribe links the prophets with the new revelation of the kingdom. It is so necessary that we, the instructed scribes, study the seven parables of the kingdom of heaven in view of understanding prophetic truth.
Page 13—The Seven Churches of Revelation
This is not a treatise on our blessed relationship with God or with Christ but is a book of judgment throughout.
Christ is judging among the golden candlesticks. All profession must be judged. It is from the Word of God alone that we gather His purpose and the end of what He is doing.
Here God is dealing with what is upon the earth, according to responsibility.
The church seen here is as a responsible body according to the privileges. Our heavenly calling and relationship are not the question.
In the book of Revelation the “testimony of Jesus” is not His fullness but His witness borne to someone else.
There are three great names in which God reveals Himself to man, first, “Almighty God,” second, “Jehovah” to Israel, going on to accomplish all of His promises, third, to the saint now it is as “Father.” What is called perfection is a response to the character in which God is revealed to us.
Here He bears all of the characteristics of the Ancient of Days.
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There are three great parts to the book of Revelation—first, “the things which thou hast seen,” that is Christ walking among the candlesticks, second, “the things which are,” the external state of the professing Church on earth, and third, “the things which shall be hereafter (or after these),” the closing events in dealing with the world.
The mystery of the seven stars gives the thought of power; and the angels are the symbolic representatives of the churches’ spiritual power. Christ sees if we are profiting from the blessing already given and if we are walking in a way suited to the promised glory, love, and hope.
The seven churches are an historical fact and in the condition spoken of. Number seven is perfection.
This is moral instruction, available to each saint. It is a successional picture during the two thousand years.
The character of Christ is seen first in each church, “He that holdeth the seven stars in His right hand, walking in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks,” second, the special trials, third, special promise to sustain the faith.
The seven churches are divided into two categories, the first three, the body at large, and the last four, the little remnant apart. In the first three “he that hath an ear” precedes the promised, in the last four it follows. In the first three, the Lord’s coming is not spoken of; in the last four, attention is directed to it. In the first three they are called back to the original standing, the last four, to the glory of the Lord’s coming.
In Ephesus He commends all that He can, but He expects a response of first love to go with it. Failure here is their departure from it. He must have the reflection of His love.
His ways individually and with the churches are the same. He takes notice of their departure and holds the door open for repentance. If love is wanting, service is valueless.
The normal state is the full power of God in the midst of evil. “Thou canst not bear them which are evil.”
The doctrine of the Nicolaitans taught Christ and evil in association with each other.
The failure in Ephesus was not in public acting but in the intimacy of communion with Christ in her love.
It is not individuals but churches that are judged. There was within the Church that which was to be overcome, not in the world only. The moment the Church is addressed by the Spirit as a fallen Church, it ceases to be in itself a place of security for the saints. A fallen Church cannot serve and secure me from error. I have to judge in individual responsibility what I am to receive or reject. Departure having come in, God uses Satan’s power, acting through the world’s hostility, for two ends: first, to exercise the divine life, second, to hinder further departure.
It seems strange that the church at Smyrna is left to be tried for ten days (probably one hundred years), but we must be taught that heaven, not earth, is our portion.
If the persecutions have their proper effect we can enjoy the comfort He gives. “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer.” “These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive.”
Judaism and development, the mind working, all serve to bring distance of heart from Christ. Instead of a little flock, its numbers increase, making a fair show in the flesh. Thus persecution comes, but one who has faith “shall not be hurt of the second death.”
In those days, the Church was manifested in the martyrs, not the teachers.
Page 15—Pergamos
In this church corruption is within. The church has gone through persecution and been faithful, seen in Antipas the martyr.
It was at the cross of Jesus that Satan became the prince of this world. Christians have no business to be dwelling where Satan’s throne is, making it their home.
Balaam would associate the believer religiously with the world and corruption, but not yet Jezebel.
In Smyrna the enemy was a persecuting Satan but in this church a seducing Satan. These persecutions only brighten souls of those who belong to God, while the seducing corruption of Satan separates the soul from God. Evil is not fully ripe, as in Jezebel’s time, only the teaching which allowed those evil deeds.
Following Pergamos, we see children born of this evil. For the individual overcomer, there is hidden manna, remembrance of a suffering Christ down here, now God’s eternal delight in heaven.
The white stone is a secret mark of approbation, individual joy, distinct from universal joy though mingling with it. To the world I am nothing, but my joy is His approbation. It is when evil begins to corrupt that I fly to Christ and walk under His eye for His approval.
Balaam, being a prophet, acts among the saints to seduce them, and Jezebel, a prophetess, establishes within the church a farther advance in evil, a mother of children of this corruption.
In this increased evil, we find, on the other hand, increased energy in a remnant of the faithful, whose testimony is brighter in the increasing darkness. During the “dark ages” we find the most faithful testimony and faithfulness not known before; men hazarded their lives to witness for God.
How little there is of this in our day. The character of Christ in this church is, “These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass.”
Here comes a hope, presented as a refuge to the faithful, because in the place where righteousness should have been, iniquity was there. The comfort, “Till I him will I give power over the nations.”
Then their cry, “What shall we do?”
“He that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end,” he shall have my portion at the end. “Even as I have received of my Father. I will give him the Morning Star.” Those who watch at night will see it. It is Christ Himself. (2 Peter 1 and Revelation 22) My whole portion for time and eternity is Christ. I am separated from the world by affection, “the Day Star,” not by fear.
Page 16—Sardis (Protestantism)
Failure and spiritual death, a name, but dead, and decay of vital power, not evil, are working here. Morally worn out s its character, but there is a remedy, Himself, all the fullness of the Holy Ghost at His disposal.
Seven spirits of God, seven stars—here is everything that can produce good and have all in keeping with it. If all outward supply is gone, He is still the same.
It all depends upon what Christ is to us. “I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.”
This is what we see all around us— “Christendom.” They had gotten away from evil doctrine but were a dead form with no living power. This is different from the Holy Spirit’s working.
In the Reformation, the energy was of God.
That is not what He is judging but the use of the blessing. To zealously contend for a name without fruit, as to what has been received, is only religious repetition ready for judgment with the world.
The two points to emphasize are “received” and “heard,” for this is where responsibility comes in.
The remnant within the professing body is the invisible Church— “a few names.” They “have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.” The Lord’s coming presented here is as a thief, the church the same as dead and judged with the world at the end.
Philadelphia (Brotherly Love)
Weakness characterizes this church, without reproach from the Lord.
Signs or miracles do not give inward strength, though they may confirm His Word.
There is nothing more dangerous than to have the outward manifestation of power going beyond inner communion.
It is sufficient for us that He knows our works. The Lord’s Name means always a revelation of what He is.
We have no outward power to meet Satan. We are weakness itself. “Thou hast a little strength.” But one safeguard is this—each soul individually for itself holding fast the written word of Christ and not denying His Name. His personal love strengthens our faith, settles the conscience, and guides the heart.
Whatever is said of Christ in the day of glory, the Church is associated with Him in it. In His Melchisedec character, for instance, the brighest place of royalty and authority as King, and the nearest in worship as priest.
“Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”
This proves that the true Church will not go through the great tribulation, we will be already in heaven.
Those who are mixed up with the world, believers, will be sifted before the judgment.
Page 17—Laodicea
There is nothing on earth so dramatically opposed to God as professing Christianity. It is the worst of corruption.
“The beginning of the creation of God” means that God will set up a creation according to His own will, with Christ the Center of it all.
The Lord’s coming is not mentioned here except the promise to the overcomer that he will sit with Him on His throne. The hope of the remnant is always His coming, though the state may be so low that this is forgotten.
The professing Church will get worse and worse until finally will be spewed out of His mouth.
The true Church having been raptured, Christ takes the place of the “faithful and true witness,” the “Amen” (firmness, verity, truth). 2 Timothy 3 pictures Christendom’s character and condition at the end.
In Laodicea there is neither heat nor cold but lukewarmness, a form of life but not the power of it. Gold is divine righteousness tried in the fire, Christ’s work on the cross, white raiment, fruit of believing, divine righteousness, eyesalve, still in blindness of nature.
The Lord is now outside knocking, calling to individual souls. The church is given up. He is outside. The promise to the overcomer is to “sit with me in my throne”. How different from feeding on the pure ripe fruit of the tree of life, as in Ephesus.
How low has the Church fallen?
There will be, at the close, much more connection between Judaism and nominal Christianity than people generally think.
The deception of the day is Judaism. It is that which is satisfied with anything which takes the form, without the power, of godliness. It is the principle of Babylonish idolatry which will ultimately govern the beast.
Infidelity, yea, idolatry and superstition, will bring in the final judgment.
By this summary, we are able to discern the connection that the seven churches of Revelation have with the coming judgments; in fact, the center of coming judgment is Armageddon, Christendom under the power of the beast and false prophet, rising up to attack Christ as He comes out of heaven.
Page 19 —The Throne of Creation’s Right
The conflict between the Man Christ Jesus and Satan was foretold in Genesis 3.
In Hebrews 10 the Lord said, “A body hast thou prepared me.” He—His Person—was already there when the body was prepared for Him. He would become a Man although already God blessed forever. “Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD.” (Jeremiah 23:2424Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord. (Jeremiah 23:24))
When Christ was born of a virgin, conceived of the Holy Ghost, He came as Immanuel (God with us).
Disregarding time, the spirit of God shows the woman, Israel in royalty, empowered with earth’s administration, in connection with the bringing forth of the Manchild, Christ, Who was to rule all nations. The travail is a further condition of the nation in the day of restoration.
The great red dragon, the Roman Empire under the control of Satan, was there ready to devour the Child. (See Matthew 2:1616Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men. (Matthew 2:16)) He was caught up to God and His throne. This includes the rapture of the Church, not considering the time interval.
The woman, Israel, is preserved in the wilderness twelve hundred and sixty days, the elect remnant of Revelation 7.
Following the close of the history of the seven churches, John, who represents the Church, is seen in heaven. He describes the throne and the One who sat upon it. The throne of judgment was surrounded with twenty-four elders, twelve elders of Israel and twelve elders of the church, twenty-four thrones altogether.
The four attributes of God are seen, the Creator Himself seated on the throne.
The four beasts, living creatures, probably seraphim, cry, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.”
The elders join in praise, giving their reason, that He is the Creator.
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A book is seen at the right hand of the throne, written on the inside and without, sealed with seven seals.
Now the question, “Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?”
A Lamb is seen, “as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.”
He opens the book in redemption’s right.
Thus we see the throne of judgment set for the coming day of God Almighty with the Judge seated upon it in creation’s and redemption’s right.
The rumblings of judgment do not disturb the elders, for their destiny is secured by the blood of the Lamb. They are seated next to the Judge Himself.
Praise comes to the Lamb from every kindred, tongue, people, and nation.
Page 21—Throne Set—Redemption’s Right
Blessing, honor, and glory are given unto the Lamb, together with power, riches, and wisdom, by all created things in heaven and on earth.
The Lamb is in the midst, then the living creatures, next the elders, with the angels on the outer circle.
Surely, here we should tremble for those who are on earth at this time (earth dwellers), who mind earthly things. Today we find ourselves in the midst of religious confusion, a great Babylon, the greater part of which will be under the judgment soon to be described in detail.
At one time someone told us of Jesus, the Redeemer. Is it not now our part to tell others of His compassions and saving love?
No one can describe the awfulness of the judgment soon to roll over the terrorized millions of Christendom, whose present complacency will turn into weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth in one terrible moment. “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” (1 Thessalonians 5:33For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. (1 Thessalonians 5:3))
Page 23—Beginning of Sorrows
The seven years of prophecy yet to be fulfilled, the prophetic week of Daniel 9, will follow the rapture of the Church. The land of Israel and its people will be the center.
Isaiah 18 seems to open again God’s dealing with Israel after two thousand years, in a remnant composed chiefly of Judah and Benjamin.
The result will be a testimony in Jerusalem.
It will be at this time, or just before, that some great maritime power, probably from the West, some distant nation or nations, will take up the cause of the Jews, not only to bring them back to their homeland in great numbers, but it may be the same power or powers that will make a covenant with them for seven years.
Some Jews, spoken of as wise, intelligent ones, from the two tribes just returning to Palestine, will teach the awakened remnant as to the King Jehovah’s soon return to Jerusalem. The result will be a testimony for three and one-half years in Jerusalem.
It was sixty-nine weeks of years from the decree of Artaxerxes until the beginning of the ministry of Jesus, foretold in Daniel 9. Over two thousand years have intervened and no prophecy is being fulfilled except what happened soon after the death of Christ, the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
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It is the people of the prince that shall come that destroyed Jerusalem in the year 70 A.D., the Roman Empire. This prince shall make a covenant between the Jews and his people, the Roman nations of Europe, for seven years, placing Jerusalem in the hands of the Roman Empire, much as in the time of Christ. They were guilty of crucifying the Lord, and God has not forgotten. The Spirit of God calls this “a covenant with hell.”
In the middle of the seven years the Roman prince shall sever the covenant and shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation of the apostate Jews to cease.
Because of the protection of idols in Jerusalem, the anger of Jehovah will be provoked, and He will send a desolator upon the land, probably the King of the North, (See Isaiah 7:1717The Lord shall bring upon thee, and upon thy people, and upon thy father's house, days that have not come, from the day that Ephraim departed from Judah; even the king of Assyria. (Isaiah 7:17)), while hiding the believing remnant in the wilderness for 1260 days.
When the Lord Jesus was here, His disciples asked about the end of the age. He told them first of the character of the beginning of sorrows, of providential judgments, as they sat with Him on the Mount of Olives.
The apostle John in his vision of the beginning of sorrows sees a rider on a white horse crowned and carrying a bow. His appointment is of God and he acts from a distant area. With this bow he subjugates the Western earth in unchecked victory and subdues everything before him in bloodless, brilliant conquest.
It is possible that the area enclosing the original Roman Empire in its extended form will fall under this mighty conqueror.
The gathering of weapons and lethal deadly instruments of war in the Mediterranean sea and the Persian Gulf areas only brings the day nearer.
The present weapons, if used, would leave this world sterile, not one living thing left. This conqueror shows that God may intervene and neutralize at least the use of these deadly instruments of annihilation.
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Following, a rider is seen on a red horse, symbolic of power, but carnage rather than conquest. This may indicate civil strife of a violent character, the result of long pent up feelings in regard to class, labor, and race.
Possibly the same rider is referred to in all of the first four seals, but here with his domain falling into irreparable confusion.
God will let man settle things in his own way in what he calls “his world.”
The bow of the first seal has changed to a sword, bringing trouble to close quarters, even hand-to-hand bloodshed, “they shall kill one another.”
The rider mounts a black horse, still in power, but accompanied with mourning.
Famine has reached out its shriveled hand in capricious irony. During the conditions rampant in civil war, farming will be neglected or disrupted, until food for the teeming billions of people of the world shall be in scarcity. Today there may be a scarcity of storehouses to store the grain and food. How different when man has his own way completely.
The West (Europe and environs), a supplier of foodstuffs for Eastern nations, will itself be suffering famine. What impossible conditions!
In the West the poor, or laboring class, will feel the famine more than the wealthy, who will for a short time still live in luxury. One quart of wheat a day in payment for labor, or five or six pounds of barley, is meager fare especially where there are children.
This is the period when providential judgments, earthquakes, storms, famines, pestilences, civil strife, as well as false christs, will aggravate the already almost impossible conditions.
A pale horse is seen, whose rider named “death, with hell” (the grave) following him, will be given power over a limited part of the earth (a fourth part) to kill with the sword, hunger, death, and with the beasts of the earth, probably pestilences.
Pestilence is the natural sequence of war and famine, especially when society is so disrupted that the regular means of public health and its services are in disarray.
Persecution in Israel will cause affliction and death. The first group of martyrs are seen lying under the altar, slain because of the Word of God and because of their testimony. White robes (emblems of victory as overcomers) will be given them, and they shall be vindicated as they wait for others of their Jewish brethren and their Gentile fellow servants to be slain as they were, so that they may all be raised together.
These shall cry for vengeance on the dwellers upon the earth. All of Christendom who remained after the Church’s rapture are spoken of as earth-dwellers. Scripture says, “Whose end is destruction, who mind earthly things.”
These apostates will be the murderers of the martyrs of the fifth seal.
The martyrs’ cry is, “How long, O Lord?” Here we have Jewish expectations and desires.
A great earthquake will be felt as the sixth seal is opened. It will not be merely a physical visitation, but the time will have arrived for all existing institutions and governmental order in the West to be subverted, leaving men without protection and driven to despair.
The fear of what is coming on the earth will so overwhelm them that they will call on the rocks and mountains to fall upon them to hide them from the wrath of the Lamb.
They were once in possession of the most precious truths which, if believed in the heart, would have not only hidden the soul from the wrath of God but would have brought the vilest sinner into His eternal favor, giving the heart peace. Opportunity for his being past, remorse and terror strive for mastery in the human breast.
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But the wrath of the Lamb had not yet come. These are rumblings of far greater judgments than heretofore, so terrible that were it not that the days were shortened no flesh would be saved.
Some flesh will be saved, however, by the intervention of God magnifying His Name.
One hundred and forty-four thousand (a symbolic number) of Israel are sealed before further calamities. God has remembered His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The four angels empowered to universal judgment are held in abeyance until God’s people of Israel and others are sealed or shielded.
The angel of mercy intervenes, revealing that God, in the midst of judgment, remembers mercy. “Mercy rejoices against judgment.”
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Besides all of this we are given to see a great company of Gentiles that no man could number who are to be saved out of the great tribulation to find a special place near the throne in the kingdom on earth.
When all judgments are past it will be God the Judge who will wipe away the tears of these trophies of grace.
Page 29—The Great Tribulation
This judgment is primarily in Israel, although it reaches out in many ways throughout the prophetic earth. In the West the temptation is felt, as in all of the earth.
The prophetic earth is not the world, although in it. It is a portion of the world that had a special testimony from God. It includes the false church, Israel, and the nations found within the perimeter of the four monarchies of Daniel 7. “Earth” is a moral term, used especially where the testimony of God is known.
The great tribulation period covers about 1260 days between the time when Satan will be cast out of heaven to earth and when he will be bound for one thousand years.
Although more severe and of a different character from the beginning of sorrows, it still will not be as severe as the Day of the Lord that follows.
What characterizes the beginning of sorrows is providential judgments to arouse men to recognize that God is speaking to them—earthquakes, floods, famine, etc. The great tribulation that we now are speaking of is not only providential but the spreading out of general apostasy, a severe action on the part of God to restrain idolatry.
God will not give His glory to another.
Thus, untold distress follows the fall of Satan from heaven. This is the cleansing of the heavens.
Page 30—Preparatory Judgments
Prayers of the saints suffering on the earth are answered in heaven by the “voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.”
The sounding of the first trumpet brings calamity to the prosperous inhabitants of the earth who were spared during the seal judgments.
Now all prosperity, great institutions, influential centers, financial circles, everything that is exalted will be humbled and judged.
Catholicism being under judgment becomes the means of judgment upon others (a great mountain) by idolatry. Commerce in the Roman earth is affected.
The great star which falls from heaven indicates a great religious leader carrying a torch, symbolic of a new order. As a result, all of the source of refreshment and well-being in public and private life are turned to wormwood (bitterness).
In order for Satan, newly fallen, to draw men to worship him, man must do his work. Being a spirit, he is not seen.
The Roman Catholic Church, spread out over the so-called Christian lands, will be just the tool suitable. The expression, “the woman rides the beast,” is the result. (See leaven in Matthew 13)
Men are placed under a strange totalitarian, religious control, subject to apostasy, as well as terror from anarchy.
All legitimate government is extinct on the Roman earth, disaster on every hand. Apostasy will be a part of governmental administration.
Pages 30-34
The judgment reaching the rulers, spreading out to the east powers, instilling apostasy as the truth, and the worship of Satan, as though he were God, show the great delusion taking effect.
It will be at about this time that a man arises, energized by Satan, given his power, throne, and great authority. He shall take over the government of the entire Roman Empire.
This man, the personal beast or little horn of Daniel 7, assumes control. He will be the seventh in the ancient forms of government of the Roman Empire. He also will be the eighth (new) form—satanic. This will be the full and final character of the beast (man), head of the Roman Empire.
For one hour (contemporary) he will be joined with the ten horns of Europe who will then become kings.
His time will be very limited – “the triumph of the wicked is short.” All that is recorded about the little horn, the personal beast, is, “Among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots.”
What emotional superstition shall finally clutch the so-called “Christian earth.”
There is a warning of three woes about to fall, the first on the Jews, the second on the beast’s empire, the third on all nations.
Daniel’s prophecy concerns the rise and fall of four great empires which had been given Israel’s place as having dominion in the earth. The fourth, Roman, here before us, has not its history given but its resurrection and fall.
Page 35
Daniel gives the political, whereas Revelation gives the moral, aspects of prophetic events.
Revelation 14 is a summary of the events of the little open book of Revelation 10.
The Lamb is on Mount Zion, not the exact time, but as God views it in regard to the past six thousand years. Christ will ask His Father for the kingdom. (Psalm 2:88Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. (Psalm 2:8))
We also see the redeemed on earth learning a song from the redeemed in heaven, mutual joy.
The everlasting gospel is the last call, an abbreviated form of Psalm 96, the gospel of the kingdom.
The seven last plagues are from God on the Roman beast and his subjects.
The vials are God’s answer to the slaying of the saints, seven vials poured out.
Page 36
These seven last plagues (there will be no more) which come from the temple of God bring special severe judgments of grievous sores upon those with the mark of the beast.
The second vial—general apostasy.
In the third vial all that men can turn to for relief or refreshment is forced apostasy.
The fourth vial—dreadful tyranny.
In the fifth vial the kingdom is full of darkness, no wisdom, purposes frustrated, no solution for a surrounding dilemma, power fading, men curse God.
In the sixth vial the ancient barrier of kingdoms dividing the “earth” from the “world,” the Euphrates, is dried, a form of speech suggesting the inroads of kings from the east.
These come from outside of the prophetic earth, God bringing them in for judgment upon the beast’s empire, from the east. These forces will be atheistic and Mohammedan, carrying both the sword and the venom of the serpent.
Although the action will not turn the apostates of Christendom from their idolatry and drugs, it will cement relations between the Jews and the beast.
Page 37
These are details in regard to the woman riding the beast, also the descriptions of the ancient beasts of the Roman Empire identification of its new head, the little horn.
Near the end of the great tribulation, the personal beast takes control of the Roman Empire under Satan’s authority. He is the eighth, but of the seven, taking the last or seventh form as an emperor, the eighth or satanic title being under a new diabolic form.
The ten horns give their power to him and are made kings one hour with the beast.
There cannot be much time left before Armageddon. (One hour is figurative.)
Pages 38-40
Babylon falls as a system of merchandising never to rise again. God Himself will judge it by the ten kings and the beast.
Babylon’s fall is not her destruction, which occurs later. From this time onward until her destruction, she becomes the medium of the antichrist, the false prophet, the place of every hateful bird. Hateful birds are evil spirits. (See Matthew 12:43-4543When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. (Matthew 12:43‑45).)
Because this Roman religious system of idolatry and corruption lays claim to be the continuation of God’s testimony on earth after Israel, she will have to carry all of the liabilities, all of the blood of the martyrs slain since Israel’s beginning.
“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth.” This is the last part of the first resurrection, when all martyrs are raised and in heaven. Revelation 14 gives a broad outline of last events.
We are given another picture of religious Babylon’s fall and destruction affecting all nations and societies in which she was enthroned.
Page 41
This scene is in heaven, all rejoicing at the destruction of the false bride of Christ.
They give honor to the Lamb, because the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife has made herself ready to reign with Him. This was at the judgment seat of Christ.
The supper will follow when all of the guests, the Old Testament saints, and the martyrs have arrived.
Israel having as a nation rejected Christ, He takes a Gentile bride, gathered from earth.
Page 42
The little horn, beast, has his own way, the woman riding the beast having fallen.
His time is limited, but with the support of the false prophet, the Jew, the entire western world under the symbol of the mark of the beast and his number 666 will have to worship him. These two wicked instruments of Satan, the two beasts, rise up near the end of the tribulation in their blasphemous forms to counter the coming of the kingdom of the Son of man.
Pages 43-44
Meanwhile we are taken over to observe events in the land of Palestine.
The land is filled with gold, silver, idols, as the two tribes have returned to their homeland.
The Lord will humble all pride and whatsoever man delights in or depends upon, and the Lord alone will have the glory.
Page 45
The rigor of the tribulation affects the entire economy of Israel from the rulers to the households. Money is valueless. Judgment reaches the domestic circle as well as the ancients until, being desolate, Judah shall sit upon the ground.
Seven woes are promised upon Judah.
Page 46
These will continue until Isaiah 10, which will be the end of the tribulation.
There is a constant reminder during this period, “For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.” (Isaiah 5:25, 9:17, 21, 10:4)
The last woe is upon those who decree unrighteous decrees. These seven woes in Judah are not the same three as in Revelation 9, although much at the same time of the first two.
We have been reminded before that the days of the great tribulation have been shortened, also of the Lord’s soon coming. It will be as the lightning.
A second star, the first woe of Revelation 9 which will fall from heaven, apostatizes Israel completely. This king of Judah with his diabolical influence will obscure the government and social atmosphere. Smoke and darkness suggest the general forces which shall act on Judah to take away every thought of God.
All wholesome influences will be poisoned, while torments shall exercise deadly moral results.
This atmosphere of idolatry and superstition shall prevail, but prosperity and human life shall not be affected, only torment of conscience. These are the early workings of the antichrist to introduce the image and the mark of the Roman beast.
The breaking up of the extended Roman Empire will bring down the dread of the great Assyrian who was always the bitter enemy of Israel.
Page 48
The second woe will be upon the Roman Empire from the East, countless hordes of cavalry moving swiftly into Europe from the east with little or no resistance.
How far-reaching the results of this attack will be at this time we are not told, but enough to close the gap between Judah and the beast.
God shall bring the nations against the professing Jewish people.
The Assyrian shall soon begin his activities which will finally bring him into judgment as well.
Page 49
At this time the mystery of God, traced through history, will be finished. Things not understood before will be manifested and come out openly here in regard to prophetic lines. The mighty angel (no doubt the Lord) “set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, and cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth,” and said there would be no longer delay.
The Lord comes to take possession of the earth.
To “measure” means to take possession of the altar, the temple, and the worshippers (not necessarily a literal temple).
Page 50
Two witnesses prophesy for 1260 days in Jerusalem until the personal beast arises and kills them. After three and one-half days, they will be resurrected, those of chapters 6, 11, 15, and 20, also. Thus ends the first resurrection.
The wicked dead in their graves will not be raised for one thousand years.
Page 51
The third woe—all nations.
“The kingdom of the world of our Lord and of His Christ is come.”
The general symbolic subjects of Revelation end in chapter 11.
The time of prophesying again, spoken of in chapter 10:11, now commences, giving agents, details, etc. In the meantime there is a famine for the Word of God. We are not told by what means. (Amos 8:11-1211Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord: 12And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it. (Amos 8:11‑12))
Page 52
The tribulation has worn men out, and even the remnant cry, “Lord, how long?” The answer is utter desolation, and in Israel only one-tenth shall return to their land. (Isaiah 6:1313But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof. (Isaiah 6:13), Leviticus 7:3232And the right shoulder shall ye give unto the priest for an heave offering of the sacrifices of your peace offerings. (Leviticus 7:32), Ezekiel 20:3737And I will cause you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant: (Ezekiel 20:37))
Judah is not yet delivered but drawing near, feeling already the travail of the deliverance. They are told to hide from the coming indignation.
Page 53
The ships of Chittim (the West) introduce the end time. The moment is nearing of the day of God Almighty upon the earth.
Three unclean spirits, working miracles, are seen gathering the kings of the earth to Armageddon.
Balaam cries out, “Who shall live when God doeth this!” This is the great indignation.
The sign of the Son of man is here.
An angel casts Satan into the abyss.
The close of Jacob’s trouble follows the seven woes.
The Assyrian is the indignation; at the end we will see that the Assyrian and Gog are the same. Isaiah 10 shows the beginning and the end of the indignation connected with the Assyrian. Then the yoke is removed.
Page 55—The Harvest—The Indignation
The Babylon spoken of here is not the same as that which has been referred to previously, “the harlot.”
What is referred to here is the political Babylon. Although the book of Revelation does not teach of the original empire, there were four monarchies which formed the image—the Roman is last.
Revelation shows the moral side of happenings, etc. Chapters 2 and 7 of Daniel give the political account.
Revelation and Daniel go hand in hand and complement one another. The four empires of Daniel 2 are seen as one image, each empire succeeding the power before it.
They were given the power that Israel once had and lost because of idolatry.
The power of Israel was originally transferred to Babylon. Media, Persia, Greece, and Rome each succeeded the last, carrying the responsibility for the deeds of all previous empires. They assumed all of the assets and liabilities. At the end the Roman Empire is called Babylon.
Representatives of all four powers will fall at the same time as one image, but in reverse order. (Daniel 2:35, 7:12) Then the power originally given to Babylon will be returned to Israel under Christ. (Daniel 7:25-2725And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. 26But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. 27And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him. (Daniel 7:25‑27))
Page 55
The day of the Lord is cruel. In the great tribulation there were two woes, one on Israel, the other on the beast. Now in the day of the Lord, the third woe, His indignation is with the entire prophetic earth and includes all nations.
This will be the time when men will return to their own homeland. The ten tribes are on their way. (Psalm 78)
The Son of man is on a cloud.
Before He appears in all of His glory, He will send His angels to clear His land of all evil. Though He won’t be seen yet, still it is His coming, in that sense.
Page 56
When all nations return to their homeland it will be said, “Behold the fig tree, and all the trees.”
The generation here is that which began at Sinai, a generation of unbelief.
The Medes are first mentioned here, later will be the Medes and the Persians.
This page gives one picture of the complete overthrow of Babylon.
The references to heaven and earth give first a moral change in Israel, a new heart with sin subdued, and before the eternal state, a complete physical change, elements burning with fire. (Isaiah 65:1717For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. (Isaiah 65:17) and 2 Peter 3:12-1312Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? 13Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. (2 Peter 3:12‑13))
Page 57
At the very end Scripture gives a proverb calling the apostate emperor of the Roman Empire “Lucifer” because he has been Satan’s representative before man.
Before the end, this man will make the earth to tremble, make it a wilderness, and destroy his own land.
He attempted to set his throne above the stars of God. There will be no remnant. “I will sweep it with the besom (broom) of destruction.”
Page 58
This vision gives the utter destruction of all Babylon, every inhabitant, all western Europe, her colonies, all territory from Florida and Montreal to Greece of that which includes the Roman people. There will be no survivors, none left to bury the dead. All of the sighing will cease. What an end to Christendom which was given the highest truth and privilege! It was not that they did not know the truth but they “received not the love of the truth.”
Esau or Edom mocks while Jacob warns his brother of the night.
More details concerning the antichrist are given to make clear his place and character, also his monstrous wickedness, before, his destruction.
Page 59
Different visions and pictures describe the development of the great apostasy and the mystery of iniquity of the Apostle Paul’s day till the day when the false prophet, attempting to take the place of God, is destroyed. When the antichrist is driven from his station, iniquity will end.
Christ replaces the false prophet, and His description is given in the person of Eliakim. It will be Christ Who will have the key of David, opening up blessing for Israel after God’s own thoughts.
Page 60
Christ will have all of the glory of His Father’s house.
We are given another picture of antichrist before his end. As the wolf (Assyrian) approaches, the hireling flees (John 10) and leaves the flock.
First the antichrist is king in Jerusalem, then spoken of as antichrist and, upon his destruction, called the false prophet.
Page 61
This is the time of the end.
The king of the North goes through Judah like a whirlwind, pushing Egypt back into their own land and taking them captive.
Dismayed at tidings, the king of the North returns, only to be stopped outside of Jerusalem.
It does not say when he comes to his end, but where.
Page 62—Armageddon
This is the time of the harvest ripe for judgment. The two apostasies, Christian and Jewish, coalesce.
Heaven will then open and the Son of man as the Lamb will come forth with a cortege pure and bright, all riding upon white horses. He shall be clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, His eyes as a flame of fire, and on His head many diadems. (Revelation 19:11-1511And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. 12His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. 13And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. 14And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. 15And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. (Revelation 19:11‑15))
It is the Lamb, and He alone, who executes judgment upon His enemies, Christendom, who trampled His blood underfoot, those who received not the love of the truth that they might be saved.
The beast and the false prophet shall be taken and cast alive into the lake of fire.
The coming of the Lamb out of heaven will be a mysterious thing, as a thief in the night. It is the singular vengeance upon those who had openly challenged His heavenly rights over all, also His earthly title.
The Lamb meets this challenge like a flash of lightning, without warning, except His Word given previously. He slays the beast’s followers with the sword of His mouth.
All who come together to battle at Armageddon and oppose the Lamb as He comes out of heaven will be crushed in fiery vengeance when He whets his glittering sword.
The great supper of the slain includes both small and great, free and bond.
“The times of the Gentiles” are now at an end.
Blood flows like water in Jerusalem. The Medes and the Persians seem to be the chief ones who attack. The Assyrian never enters Jerusalem.
The nations of Psalm 83 all attack at one time or another, mostly later. Edom will take the lead.
Page 63
The Roman Empire has held Jerusalem captive for 1260 days.
Following Jacob’s trouble, the Lord delivers His people.
Those who are teachers will have turned many to righteousness. Michael shall stand up, the great prince (angel) who stands in Israel. It will be a time of unparalleled trouble.
Page 65
Jacob’s trouble is likened to the days of Noah.
Harvest judgment is selective—one taken in judgment, the other left for the kingdom.
The powers of the heavens are the angels, having been given places at the gates of the New Jerusalem. Christ and the Church are given dominion over all.
The tares are burned.
Pages 66 and 67
A description of the harvest and Jacob’s trouble shows the earth utterly emptied, the land of Israel first, then the uttermost part (their neighbors), then the inhabitants of the earth, the western nations.
The angels will be placed together in the prison of spirits to await the great white throne.
The consumption levels civilization making conditions of life unbearable.
Page 68
Israel, having prospered under western influence, will be brought to utter desolation, leaving a little remnant, “two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bough,” all present hope turned to desperate sorrow.
Page 69
The prophet Isaiah reminds the remnant that the Lord will drive out the enemy when the work is completed in the hearts of His people. The apostates under the false prophet are reminded of God’s provision, “I lay in Zion...a tried stone...he that believeth shall not make haste.”
The nations about Judah will be used against them in the consumption.
The Assyrian, being of the North and the overflowing scourge, will pass through the land—before him like Eden, behind, destruction.
The consumption will be God’s strange work.
The plowing and sowing are symbolic of the judgment, then the blessing which follows.
Page 70
Primitive tools and farming methods will be used.
Page 71-72
God’s people are warned about leaning upon any one but God Himself. The surrounding nations are warned about making a confederacy against Judah—they will be broken to pieces. (Psalm 83)
All idols will be cut off.
The consumption will “search Jerusalem with candles.” All pride, high towers, anything that exalts man, will be humbled.
Page 73
In Jerusalem, the Lord called for weeping, but instead, the response was joy and gladness, until judgments overtook them. Only one-third of all of the land shall be spared.
Page 75-78—The Primary Restoration
When Jerusalem is completely humbled and the priests and the elders weep between the porch and the altar, crying for mercy, God will remove the northern army (Joel 2:17-2017Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God? 18Then will the Lord be jealous for his land, and pity his people. 19Yea, the Lord will answer and say unto his people, Behold, I will send you corn, and wine, and oil, and ye shall be satisfied therewith: and I will no more make you a reproach among the heathen: 20But I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea, and his stink shall come up, and his ill savor shall come up, because he hath done great things. (Joel 2:17‑20)) and will bring in blessing, pouring out His Spirit in the midst.
Thereupon the land will be quickly cleared. The enemies within will be driven out as Judah returns first to enjoy the blessings of the Lord that make rich and add no sorrow.
Acts 1 prophesies the return of the Lord Jesus to the little remnant of Judah.
He shall stand upon the Mount of Olives.
This will not be as He was seen coming out of heaven to crush His enemies. It will be the beginning of a new age, ushered in by the quiet manifestation of Himself to the elect of Judah. It will be the “same Jesus” of Acts 1, but not yet the showing of His hands and His side as later but a quiet drawing aside of the veil, similar to the first time that Joseph made himself known to his brethren in Egypt.
The former and latter rain are now given.
He will restore the wasted years. (2 Kings 8:1-61Then spake Elisha unto the woman, whose son he had restored to life, saying, Arise, and go thou and thine household, and sojourn wheresoever thou canst sojourn: for the Lord hath called for a famine; and it shall also come upon the land seven years. 2And the woman arose, and did after the saying of the man of God: and she went with her household, and sojourned in the land of the Philistines seven years. 3And it came to pass at the seven years' end, that the woman returned out of the land of the Philistines: and she went forth to cry unto the king for her house and for her land. 4And the king talked with Gehazi the servant of the man of God, saying, Tell me, I pray thee, all the great things that Elisha hath done. 5And it came to pass, as he was telling the king how he had restored a dead body to life, that, behold, the woman, whose son he had restored to life, cried to the king for her house and for her land. And Gehazi said, My lord, O king, this is the woman, and this is her son, whom Elisha restored to life. 6And when the king asked the woman, she told him. So the king appointed unto her a certain officer, saying, Restore all that was hers, and all the fruits of the field since the day that she left the land, even until now. (2 Kings 8:1‑6))
A fountain will be opened to the house of Judah for sin and uncleanness. “Water” is the Word.
There will still be another short period of 45 days before the indignation will be removed from the Land.
The great Assyrian spoken of as Gog in Ezekiel 38:17-1817Thus saith the Lord God; Art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them? 18And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face. (Ezekiel 38:17‑18), has yet to return to the land of Israel to be destroyed before Zion can be founded. All twelve tribes will return before the Assyrian will make his second invasion on Jerusalem. (Isaiah 10:24-3424Therefore thus saith the Lord God of hosts, O my people that dwellest in Zion, be not afraid of the Assyrian: he shall smite thee with a rod, and shall lift up his staff against thee, after the manner of Egypt. 25For yet a very little while, and the indignation shall cease, and mine anger in their destruction. 26And the Lord of hosts shall stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb: and as his rod was upon the sea, so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt. 27And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. 28He is come to Aiath, he is passed to Migron; at Michmash he hath laid up his carriages: 29They are gone over the passage: they have taken up their lodging at Geba; Ramah is afraid; Gibeah of Saul is fled. 30Lift up thy voice, O daughter of Gallim: cause it to be heard unto Laish, O poor Anathoth. 31Madmenah is removed; the inhabitants of Gebim gather themselves to flee. 32As yet shall he remain at Nob that day: he shall shake his hand against the mount of the daughter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem. 33Behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, shall lop the bough with terror: and the high ones of stature shall be hewn down, and the haughty shall be humbled. 34And he shall cut down the thickets of the forest with iron, and Lebanon shall fall by a mighty one. (Isaiah 10:24‑34))
God will gather all nations of the earth to Jerusalem to battle so He can pour out upon them His indignation.
Judah will be the first tribe, together with Benjamin, to be restored and have the kingdom set up again. Later the other ten tribes will return to them.
The Lord can rest in His love and its results.
Judah is like one who dreams, it is so blessed; they return praise to Jehovah.
The promises made formerly to the fathers are now being fulfilled.
Page 79
The Lord is in the midst of Judah now. Their enemies are their servants.
The gospel of the kingdom is for all nations.
Pages 80-81
Enemies such as Moab are subdued.
Jehovah, Israel’s strength, guides His erring people gradually back into His ways.
The remnant will have to wait until the ten tribes return. The Lord will hide His face until then.
Page 83—Return of the Ten Tribes
Christ replaces Israel as God’s true Servant. He will bring back all ten tribes and the scattered of Judah. He also will be given for a Light to the Gentiles.
Just as the trip from Egypt to Canaan, all needs of the ten tribes will be met, as they return. They shall come even from China.
Pages 84-85
There will be so many returning that the land will be too narrow for them. The Gentiles help them return.
They have been without king, prince, ephod, image, etc. in their exile, turned completely Gentile. (The book of Ruth exhibits this.) They are graven on His hands.
The apostates of the tribes will mourn when Jesus comes. The remnant will sing for joy as in the days of youth.
They will call the Lord their husband, no longer owning Baal.
Pages 86-89—Feast of Trumpets
There will be mutual joy between heaven and earth upon the return of the lost tribes. They will be “accepted with their sweet savor.”
These pages give a parabolic account of the return of the ten tribes to their land.
Pages 90-92
On the way of their return, the Lord pleads face to face with them. Only ten percent enter the land by faith, from the border to which He brings them. The apostates are left at the border to find their end associated with the enemy who will attack Israel when the Lord is there. (Isaiah 66)
Ephraim (Israel) has judged idolatry.
The prophecy is against the false shepherd. The Lord searches out His flock and feeds them.
When the ten tribes return they will remember their ways and repent.
Page 93
The Lord will be a Prince among them as David. The flock will no more be afraid of the nations but He will send showers of blessing.
There will be no more shame nor hunger.
Pages 94-96
The returning remnant will have a change of heart. He will sprinkle pure water upon them, the true Word of God in contrast to what the false prophet brought to the Jews.
The land will be like Eden, the first paradise. He removes the stony heart.
Figuratively, the graves will be opened, the time of national resurrection.
There will be given an everlasting covenant of peace.
Page 97
The sanctuary will be in their midst.
They together will enjoy one heart, one way.
Page 98
They will buy fields with money and will be cured from all sicknesses, iniquities pardoned.
Page 99—The Siege
Warning to gods or rulers, Psalm 82.
A confederacy of ten nations desire to cut off Israel from being a nation.
All twelve tribes are “one stick.”
Israel calls upon the Lord for help. They are yet to learn that there is only one Source for help.
Various methods will be tried, showing that the nation is not yet prepared to fully trust Jehovah. When they finally learn, the yoke of the great Assyrian that has been upon them since Deut. 28:47-5047Because thou servedst not the Lord thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things; 48Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee. 49The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; 50A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor show favor to the young: (Deuteronomy 28:47‑50) shall be removed.
Page 100
The Lord encamps about His house because of the Assyrian who has made one attack and will return. In the end the Lord shall be “terrible to the kings of the earth” when He pours out His indignation.
He tells Israel to wait upon Him while He gathers the nations. This will be part of the third woe of Revelation 9, all nations.
There will be a pure language, no more confusion of tongues. (Genesis 11:1-91And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. 4And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. 5And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. 6And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. 8So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. (Genesis 11:1‑9), Acts 2)
In the siege, the Lord, who has complete control, “will make the wrath of man to praise Him.” He keeps His people safe, and when the work of repentance is done in their souls, “the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain.”
Pages 101-102
In the interval before the last attack and invasion, during the “siege” while the various tribes are establishing themselves in the land, there will be rest.
The Lord will speak peace to the heathen. Israel is safe, no one will touch them again.
Zion will attack Greece (part of old Asia Minor). Jacob will take root and blossom.
Ariel, (lioness of Jehovah) or (Jerusalem), will be under siege because the full moral work must be done; all pride, self-confidence, and confidence in man must go. Dependence upon anyone but Jehovah must go.
In the siege, no one will touch His people.
Page 103
The Lord must send chastening upon the returned nation until they trust the Lord completely.
The spirit of the Pharisee which still lingers requires the heart to be searched deeply until they realize that God has made them, molded them, as a nation, to be a monument to His glory on the earth. Then blessing will result.
Pages 104-105
The work within the hearts of His people is progressing. Being now weaned they begin to learn— “They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine.”
There are still some who have not learned. The godly ones will have to wait until the full work is performed in Mount Zion. The entire remnant nation will be brought to understanding.
As threatening armies gather like a flood, Israel goes to Egypt for help. No help there, Egypt is captive. “In returning and rest (trust) shall ye be saved.”
The inner breathings of an old nature are in need of being quenched. The thoughts in the heart are still not turned to the Lord. More chastening is required.
Page 106
There is always something, such as companions or habits, that interferes with repentance. Here it is idolatry and trust in man.
The people are told that their great enemy, the Assyrian, will fall when the Lord’s furnace is in Jerusalem or the valley of Jehoshaphat.
Israel is reminded that the Lord is their Creator, and it is a small thing for Him to remove their enemies at the proper time.
At that time he will make His people a cup of trembling for the enemy.
The enemy is gathered as sheaves to the floor (threshing floor). Zion will thresh them and beat in pieces many people.
Page 107
Israel will be a burdensome stone for the enemy. At this time all of the earth will be gathered together against them in the siege.
“The Lord will make the governors of Judah like a hearth of a torch of fire in a sheaf.”
Page 109—The Winepress
The great Assyrian is now the great enemy. He has been a tool in God’s hand to perform the work that God has purposed. But because the tool has turned against the Lord and His people to destroy Jerusalem, his army shall be consumed in one day.
The nation of Israel has responded to the chastening. They no longer seek help from the outside. They are trusting Jehovah.
The great Assyrian having seen the western powers all destroyed, not knowing how it took place, will say, “By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent:...And my hand hath found as a nest the riches of the people: and as one gathereth eggs that are left, have I gathered all the earth.”
Thus Gog, the great Assyrian, is now for one moment ruler of all the earth, content that at last his plans, laid out many years before, have come to fruition. Russia has planned to conquer the world, and now it seems to be accomplished. They do not have Jerusalem (the center of all).
But “the triumph of the wicked is short,” here, very short. His army falls in one day. He does not know that the Lord is in Jerusalem at that moment.
Page 110
From this page to page 120 the various prophets give us glimpses of the enemy, the Assyrian, during the winepress.
Israel is told not to be afraid of the Assyrian, whose destruction will be like Pharaoh’s in the Red Sea.
This is God’s purpose for the whole earth, because the Assyrian is the last great power to be destroyed before the millennial day.
The western nations had been destroyed at Armageddon.
The exact itinerary of the Assyrian in his final invasion of Jerusalem is given here.
This attack crystallizes the heart of Israel, the nation, all one at heart to trust Jehovah.
Page 111
God’s purpose is to gather all nations to Jerusalem, to the valley of Jehoshaphat, where the Lord will set His throne to judge the heathen. His throne of glory, not yet the kingdom set up in splendour in Jerusalem, the city of peace, but at Jehoshaphat, just outside.
It was not known at the time of the prophecy as such except the meaning, “the place where God will judge.”
This is the climax, the great day of God Almighty, which will be the end of all vengeance judgments before the millennium.
This will be the time of the judgment of the sheep and goats, Matthew 25. Those who have heard the gospel of the kingdom will all be there—some for eternal punishment, some for the kingdom.
It will be the judgment of the “living”; it will be final. “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal.” (Matthew 25:4646And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. (Matthew 25:46))
Page 112
When the enemy attacks, the Lord will roar out of Zion, not only out of heaven, as at Armageddon. The nations will be sifted while Israel has a song in the awful night.
Page 113
It will be the mighty voice of the Lord that will beat down the enemy.
It seems that the Assyrian will meet the same doom as the antichrist, taken and cast alive into the lake of fire.
In this great last battle, mercy will be shown to any Jew or Gentile who repents. (Isaiah 66)
Some will escape of both and will be sent out to the inhabitants of the world who have not heard or seen God’s glory of judgment, to preach the gospel of the kingdom.
Page 114
Affliction for Israel will not rise the second time, the Lord being their stronghold.
Gog will have gathered the nations under the banners of atheism and Mohammedanism, a great net encircling these to their destruction.
There will be such a mass of men and equipment that it will be like thick clay when the Assyrian and his armies try to flee.
Page 116
The prophetic earth will be almost completely idolatrous.
The result of this battle will be that the Lord’s glory will cover the heavens, while the earth will be full of His praise.
Page 117
Conditions in the Land will still be under the desolations of war, the full blessing having not yet come, but the people say, “I will joy in the God of my salvation.”
The subject of Gog, the personal leader of the great Assyrian confederacy, is brought before us here.
His purpose in pride was to cut off all nations. But “Thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech (Moscow) and Tubal (Tobolsk).”
Page 118
It is in the later years at the end time when this Gog comes up to the land of Israel with unwalled villages. He will come like a cloud to cover the Land.
Page 119
He will be the same one spoken of by all the prophets as operating through different nations such as the king of the North, Media, Persia, etc. Gog attacks last.
The battle leaves but one-sixth of his army to return.
The Lord answers with pestilence, rain, hailstones, fire, and brimstone.
By this battle all of the heathen shall know of the glory of God Almighty.
Page 120
The weapons of war will provide Israel with fuel to warm their hearths for seven years.
Nothing is said of modern weapons but rather spears, clubs, staves, burnable weapons.
The days of the great tribulation with commerce destroyed left most nations without the means for manufacture of weapons. Primitive weapons as well as farming was the way of life.
Gog finds his grave, rather than his palace, at Jerusalem. The mountains of Israel will be a place for graves for his soldiers.
Page 121
All Israel shall be back in their land.
The Spirit will be poured out upon them.
Page 122
It is the time of all nations, not only Gog. This is the third woe of Revelation 9:28.
Edom is the battlefield, the people of Jehovah’s curse. They will be disinherited.
They were the leaders in the confederacy of Psalm 83. What awful carnage in Edom! The land will be desolate, a place for wild beasts.
Page 123
Again we see what was noticed on page 113, the vine of the earth, the vine of testimony to others, Israel, the false church, the nations of the prophetic earth, Israel’s neighbors, that have spread their vines of false doctrine everywhere, turning myriads into idolatry.
The sickle including Armageddon and the winepress were at most a few days apart but viewed together.
This chapter, the winepress, gives pictures, not all consecutive, but all happening within 45 days or less.
The Lord treads the winepress alone.
The Lord now being exalted fills Zion with righteousness.
Pages 124-125
They will see the King in His beauty as he exalts Himself and takes His place over all of the earth.
Through reflection, in mending their ways, Israel is reminded that God wants truth in the inward parts and a right spirit.
They make confession of blood guiltiness.
Pages 126-127
Ephraim (Israel) repents as a nation. They turn again to their cities, send forth their flocks, build and plant as they multiply.
When they see the wounds in His hands and side, the ten tribes ask, “What are these wounds?”
He answers, “Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.”
This is the day of atonement, every family weeping apart as they look upon Him whom they have pierced.
Page 128
Page 129
All judgment, now taken from Israel, has been poured out upon their enemies.
Page 130
See how the different Psalms explain the deep feelings of a repentant, redeemed people.
Pages 131-132
There will be some physical changes in the beginning of the Millennial day. (Zechariah 14)
Egypt will go through great trials, domestic and national. They will feel the wrath of a cruel lord, the king of the North.
Judah will be used to humble Egypt. Then there will be a change, and the Lord will have mercy upon that nation. There will be an altar to Jehovah.
Three nations, Egypt, Assyria, and Israel, will be the center of the millennial earth.
Page 133—The Millennium
A new spirit has come over all nations of the prophetic earth. Once the kingdom of the Son of man is established, the nations shall desire to know God’s ways. Good that it were so now!
They shall learn war no more.
Even the Gentile nations shall sit, every man under his vine and his fig tree.
The heathen who have never heard of the Lord and His glory, who live outside of the prophetic earth, will still worship idols until they hear the gospel of the kingdom.
Christ, David’s Son, is King and will faithfully carry out what God had expected of a king though no other king was able.
Page 134
He is the Firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth. His throne is forever. (Hebrews 1)
The nature of all creatures will be changed except the serpent.
During the one thousand years, the earth, then reaching out to include the entire globe, will hear the Word of God and be filled with the knowledge of the Lord.
Pages 135-137
The outcasts of Israel will be restored.
The differences that divided the ten and the two tribes disappear entirely. Unitedly they will fly upon their enemies, Moab, Edom, and Ammon.
Details here regard the disinheriting of Edom and reasons given for this extreme judgment. They will be a perpetual desolation.
Page 138
The judgment and restoration of Tire.
Page 139
David’s throne is established while Moab without joy is under the burden of tribute.
Page 140
The Philistines lost their land, disinherited. Arabia, a hireling, labors for Israel.
Page 141
A highway has been prepared from Burma to Turkey so that there can be transportation by land. This will connect with the King’s Highway in Palestine. It may be used both for Israel to return and for the attacking armies.
Also a highway in Egypt over the seven streams will yet be prepared for the return of God’s people.
Israel will be used for blessing wherever the name of Jehovah is owned.
Also dominion will be in Israel’s land keeping order upon the earth punishing Assyria and others.
There will be change on the earth, animal habits, etc.
Page 142
Prosperity will know no bounds as the inhabitants of Palestine build and plant knowing no scarceness and having no enemies.
Jehovah’s delight will be His people. The spirit of the people; will be humble, contrite, trembling at His Word.
Page 143
An entire nation shall be brought forth in one day. Both Jew and Gentile will experience peace as never before, in effect Much like the garden of Eden.
During the last battle before the millennial day (Isaiah 66) some will escape and be converted, both from among the apostate Jews and Gentiles.
These shall be the missionaries who will preach the gospel of the kingdom worldwide to those who have never heard of the Lord’s glory.
Each month all flesh will come to worship before the Lord.
Page 144
The wilderness blossoms like the rose.
A Man, Christ, shall be a hiding place. What contentment! The blind and deaf will be healed.
Pages 146-147
The former troubles shall be forgotten.
People from many nations shall come to pray. Strong nations seek the Lord.
Israel is the earthly bride, Zion is called “the city of truth.” Children shall play in the streets.
Pages 148-149
Strangers shall be given a place better than sons. Israel shall build waste places and repair cities.
Page 150
The nations shall be confounded as they see the rebellious nation of Israel pardoned and blessed. He will cast sins into the sea. He will perform the truth to Jacob and mercy to Abraham.
Israel shall possess Edom.
The plowman shall overtake the reaper.
The mountains shall drop sweet wine. Israel shall plant vineyards and gardens.
Their oxen will have the best of provender.
Pages 151-153
He will not hide His face anymore.
Each tribe, beginning with Dan, will be given its inheritance.
In the center of the Land Jehovah will give the priests their holy oblation (or territory). The sanctuary will also be in the center.
Zadok was faithful in David’s day; his sons shall be the priests. The land shall be divided by lot.
There shall be a prince of the house of David who will be co-regent with Christ and his portion will be next to the holy oblation (the priests’ territory).
The names of the tribes as given originally shall be on the gates. The city’s name shall be “The LORD is there.”
How Israel shall delight as awakening out of a dream. They shall exclaim, “LORD, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.”
Page 154
Israel’s prayers are answered. “Establish thou the work of our hands”, “O sing unto the LORD a new song.” This is Psalm 96, the gospel of the kingdom.
Pages 155-156
Should evil arise, it shall be judged every morning.
Israel shall have full energy and desire as in youth.
They shall settle within old estates, twenty-four hundred years or more later.
As they praise the Lord for His mercy, their shepherds shall cause their sheep to feed and lie down.
Beasts of burden shall be numerous.
Page 157
Their sons return with silver and gold. Kings and servants from the heathen shall serve them, building their walls, etc.
Their enemies shall bow down to them.
No more violence heard in the Land as they enjoy the Lord as their everlasting Light.
Pages 158-159
These pages speak for themselves.
Page 160
On page 45 Israel, God’s choice vine, was desolated because it bore wild grapes. In Psalm 80 the remnant prays, “Return, we beseech thee, O God of hosts:...and visit this vine;...Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand, upon the son of man whom thou madest strong for thyself.” Here on page 160, the vine finally gives sweet grapes under the hand of the Man of God’s right hand.
Israel is of one heart and one mind.
Pages 161-162
Jehovah comforts His people. Christ, God’s Servant, will also bless the Gentiles. The least turning to the Lord will be noticed by the Lord, both then and now.
Page 163
He will feed His flock, with the lambs in His arms.
There shall be physical changes in the Land. The Dead Sea shall be filled with fresh water so men can fish in it.
There shall be a plague upon all who do not come up to Jerusalem to worship, as the plague wherewith God slew the nations, their enemies.
Page 165
Iniquity will be forgiven, sins remembered no more. The city shall be built to the Lord.
Satan shall be loosed after one thousand years.
Apostates on the outward parts of the earth shall attack the beloved city. Fire from heaven destroys them.
Satan shall be cast into the lake of fire.
Page 166—The Great White Throne
Christ judges as God and Man.
It is the final tribunal, books opened, book of life searched. Dead were judged for their works.
Death and hell (the grave) and those not written in the book of life were cast into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.
Page 167—The Day of God
The Day of the Lord merges into the Day of God. There will be a complete change by fire in earth and heaven.
Righteousness shall dwell in the new heavens and on the new earth.
Time ends at the great white throne. There shall be no more sea.
The holy city shall still be seen as a bride after one thousand years.
The tabernacle of God shall be with man on earth. The heavenly saints shall visit the earthly ones.
Sorrow and death flee forever.
All things shall be new and of God.
May this meditation cause us each one to evaluate the present in the light of eternity that we may, as men, put away the childlike things and take up practically day by day with the heavenly and eternal things.
Dear friend, if you have not put your trust in the precious blood of Christ, you will have no portion forever, either on earth or in heaven. Hell, the lake of fire is sure for those who neglect or reject so great a salvation.
“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation.”
The End