St. Petersburg, September 28, 1815.
“For me the most interesting, although not the most important discovery, was that, we fell in with a colony of Cossacks, consisting of about ninety persons, who are in these quarters for the word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ. They belong originally to the Don, and are of the sect of Duhubertzy, of whom, you will find some particulars in Pinkerton’s Greek Church. Since they came to Finland, they have had no books among them, not even a single copy of the scriptures. We had a long conversation with one of them who could not read, and yet he answered all our questions in the language of scripture. We asked if they had any priests among them. He answered, ‘Yes, we have a great High Priest, who is holy, harmless,’ &c. ‘Have you baptism?’ ‘We, are baptized with the Holy Ghost and with fire.’ ‘Have you communion?’ ‘We have communion with the Lord Jesus daily.’ ‘Have you churches?’ ‘I hope you are not so silly as to think churches are built of wood and stone; wherever two or three are met together in Christ’s name, there He has promised to be with them, and there is a church of Christ.’
“We have now conversed about God for more than an hour, and are of one heart and one soul. We are a church when you will. With the so-called churches we can have nothing to do, as they admit drunkards, &c.; but a church of Christ is holy, and all its members must be so too. You will find no such people among us.”
“‘What is your opinion of the new birth?’ reading to him the passage in John. We are born the first time when we are born of our mother, but the second time when our hearts are changed by the word and Spirit of God; when we are led to hate what we loved, and love what we hated formerly; when we give over living in sin; not that we are perfect in this world, but we have no pleasure in sin as before.”
“What do you think, is meant by being born of water and of the Spirit?” ‘By water is not meant baptism, but the word of God; for we are born of the incorruptible seed of the word which liveth and abideth forever; and as it is the Spirit by whose operation this is affected, so we are said to be born of the Spirit. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. So you see, we are not Christians, or born again, as we come into the world. We do not inherit it from our parents.’
“But seeing you cannot read, how came you to know all this?” ‘I wonder, you, can ask such a question. Has not Jesus promised to be with us always to the end of the world, and has He not promised to give them His Spirit to teach them all things?’ He has said, “When you are brought before governors and kings for my sake, take no thought how or what ye shall, speak, for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.” Now I believe the promise. I have often been called to answer for my religion, and have always found Jesus true to His word. And even now when called to come before you, I prayed God to fulfill this promise to me, and He has done it. You see I speak freely, and you seem satisfied with me. You are the first we have ever met with in this place who has understood us; you must be taught by the same Spirit.’
“Can any among you read?” ‘There are some who can read, but you seem to lay much stress upon reading and being learned.... It is enough if we are taught of the Spirit.’
“We asked him if he crossed himself before their lectures.” He replied, “That we cannot do.” ‘You know the commandments?’ and here he repeated the first and second. “Are you obedient to the law?” “As far as it does not interfere with our religion or our faith. We have sworn allegiance to our emperor, and we serve in the army.”
“You have been called Duhubertzy?” ‘Our gracious sovereign has been pleased to call us so, and we submit; we call ourselves true Christians. We are the same as from the beginning.’ ‘Are there many in the Don of your way of thinking?’ ‘Oh yes, many thousands, but they are afraid to show themselves or to avow their opinions.’ ‘Have you been persecuted?’ ‘If any man will live godly in Christ Jesus he must suffer persecution.’
“We then related to him what was going on in the religious world, and made him acquainted with the Bible Society. I wish you had been present whilst we related these things to him. He seemed to awaken as out of a dream; a heavenly joy beamed from his countenance, which melted our hearts. At last he exclaimed, ‘Now He is near! We have been long expecting Him to come, and long been convinced it could not be far distant, but never believed that such preparations were making for His coming. No person has ever told us of these things. I will go home to my church and relate to them all these glorious things. How will my brethren rejoice when they hear them!’
“We gave him a Russian Testament and some publications to carry home to his brethren as he always called them. It seems they have all things common, or nearly so. Their conduct is most exemplary. They have a good report of all men, even of their enemies.”