
 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 14
It was during the winter of 1804 that Dr. Chalmers delivered his four celebrated lectures in the University of Edinburgh on Predestination, -and wound up his series by a fifth on the pulpit treatment of the subject. In this lecture, he warned his students most faithfully against the danger into which they might be tempted in dealing with such a sublime mystery. He said, "Gentlemen, we have entered on this great mystery with regret, and we leave it without a sigh. The subject which we have been treating professionally from the rostrum you will be called upon to treat ministerially from the pulpit, but remember that the provinces are wide apart. We are dealing with the heads of our alumni; you have to deal with hearts of sinners. Give me a band of men who never walked, as you have done, the halls of a University, whose only library is the inspired oracles of God, whose only tutor is the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, and let them loose on some wild moral territory, and they will do more ten to one, than our college-trained clergy, who must utter every truth and shape every gospel enunciation according to the rule and square of a rigid orthodoxy."