Extracts From Letters From the Front

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 6
As you have asked me, I am going to give you some details of the distribution of gospels among the soldiers. I saw there was no time to be lost if anything was to be done for their souls. I had with me five hundred gospels for general distribution, but my desire now was to give a gospel to each soldier. My supply disappeared rapidly. I was pained at the thought of having to give up this work, so important, when I learned that you had in your possession a great quantity of these portions of Holy Scriptures which you had on your heart to distribute.
In this city was concentrated an enormous crowd of military men, come from all directions; streets, restaurants were gorged with soldiers. I entered everywhere, watching that not one military man escaped without a gospel. For we know that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes. There was no time to enter into conversation but I asked them to permit me to offer to them before their departure, a little souvenir, of great value to themselves. All appeared ready to accept. Then drawing from my bag the little books, I let them know it was the gospel of our God Jesus Christ.
Many expressed much pleasure and gratitude. Some appeared to have some knowledge of what was offered them. One said to me, “I will keep it by me all the time, and I do hope to take it back with me to my home.” Another, “I wish to conform my conduct to its teachings.” Here and there I saw eyes illuminated with joy. One of the latter said to me, “I know this book, and better than that, I know Him whom it reveals.” These dear soldiers seemed comforted. I was able to gather a small number for prayer.
But any joy was disturbed and my heart wrung by a priest who was watching me, and noticing with what earnestness the little books were received. “You are doing a very wicked work,” he said to me. “These men do not need the gospel, we have distributed among them medals of the Virgin which have been blessed, and rosaries. They have need of nothing else.”
Alas! no need of the gospel of the grace of God, when men are falling from shot and shell like grain beneath the scythe! An image without life, hidden in the depths of their pockets, enough for them? What darkness! And besides, God tells in the Scriptures, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved,” but the name of Jesus.
I learned through some Christian soldiers that these gospels were being read everywhere in the barracks and on the trains. One day Satan raised a sort of persecution. A party of women went before me begging the soldiers not to accept what I was offering them, that it was a bad book. While other women followed behind me, telling those who had received them to tear them up. I changed to another place, and found the same opposition. Then the Lord came to my aid. The police came up and asked me what I was scattering. Immediately the crowd surrounded me. In a loud voice I answered, “It is the gospel of the Grace of God,” and I offered a copy to the police. After taking council together, he gave me permission to continue, saying himself to the timid ones, “You may take them. Do not be afraid.”
Later I came upon a train of eight hundred wounded, and while it was stopping at the station, I was able to distribute a large number of gospels, which were gladly accepted.
Before the war, men were high-spirited. They despised all religion, and mocked at the Bible; now they are accepting it. May God who opened the hands to take the gospels, open also the hearts of these dear soldiers to understand them, to the saving of their precious souls.
The night comes when no man can work. Let us redeem the time, watching and praying.
In publishing by permission extracts from these intimate letters, our object is to give God alone the glory, and to show how the hearts of the soldiers have been touched and turned to the Lord. May God use them also to encourage those who remain at home, knowing that our strength is in Him who answers prayer.
O Christians, to your knees! “He will bless them that fear the Lord, both small and great.” (Psa. 115:1313He will bless them that fear the Lord, both small and great. (Psalm 115:13)).