Extracts From Swain

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
IT is better to be the Lord's servant than the church's idol. It is better to be the Lord's servant than the world's master.
I SHALL be rich when I am emptied of myself and filled with my Redeemer's glories.
THE strongest graces in a Christian soul are only the shadows of the excellencies of Christ.
THE Lord's gifted children are like bees—they are constantly employed in seeking honey from the flowers of wisdom, and storing it up in hives, for the use of the whole church.
IN the battles fought by men, some must win, some lose, but in the Christian conflict every fighter wins.
GOD and His works are alike in this: the more narrowly they are inspected the more beautiful and glorious they appear. Man and his works are alike in this: the more closely they are inspected the more their deformity is exposed.
THE Christian's motto is, "Get good, do good, and give God the glory.”
A CHRISTIAN'S comforts may sometimes freeze in his own heart, but the wells of salvation out of which he draws them can never be frozen over.