Extracts of Letters as Subjects for Prayer

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 13min
 •  11 min. read  •  grade level: 7
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The Continent of South America has been called the "Neglected Continent." But many earnest servants of God are endeavoring to do their part to change this appellation. They are asking you to lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest. We know our blessed Lord and Master said this with a "Behold I say unto you." Do you desire to have any part in it? Just consider, is it possible that you have lived the greater part of your Christian life, or all of it, without 'knowledge of the work that was being done of and for the Lord in those lands where the blackness of the darkness of heathendom or superstition reigned, and is reigning. We feel sure that it is possible, and that thousands of the best taught Christians have lived in more or less' ignorance of these things, for none made it their business to tell them, and they never sought the sources of knowledge. Have you, dear brother or sister, no touch with those fields white unto the harvest? Do not say that those dear servants of God on the Mission fields are not your missionaries, for are they not members of the body of Christ, where God hath set them, and ye arc all members, one of another?
In these days of apostasy, when the enemy of souls is bringing in a flood of unsound doctrine, and denial of the truth in religious places', is it not all the more needful that we should hold up the hands of those who still contend for the faith once delivered to the saints?
Potosi, Bolivia, South America
Dear Sister in Christ:
I thank you so much for the beautiful papers. They are well gotten up and take well with the folks here. I keep them for the Lord's day school, as they suit this aspect of the work splendidly. I sent one or so to our dear Brother, R. R., and he is delighted with them also.
Potosi is 14,000 feet above sea-level, and is so isolated, being locked in by still higher mountains. To get out of this town, one has to climb over a mountain 16,000 feet above the sea. This will give you an idea of the difficulties of the work here. The altitude is tremendously hard on the heart. Of course, if there is any defect, well, one cannot live here. But praise the Lord, He is able, in spite of trials.
The work is very encouraging here in spite of the darkness spiritually, of the people. They are, because they can read and write, learning to appreciate the truth of the gospel, this being brought within their reach by means of preaching, distribution of Bible, New Testaments, Gospel portions, and tracts. This is all being blessed abundantly to souls here, for which I praise God, and take courage.
I am grateful to the Lord, for the privilege of filling a little niche in such a dark land as this. I do feel my unworthiness, but praise His name, He is worthy. May it please Him, to so work in, and through, and for us, that we shall give every heart beat, and every pulse beat back to Him, until He come. Thousands are perishing here, and the laborers are so few. I am all alone in this dark city, not a soul to help carry on. But praise the Lord, not alone, for Thy rod and Thy staff (support), they both comfort me. But O, that others would come, sent of the Lord, for the need is so great. However, His is the work, His the power, and His the Glory. He knows, He loves, He cares, and that is everything! Just lift your heart heavenward occasionally for this "Dark neglected Land."
Your Brother in Christ Jesus,
E. F. S.
El Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico
Dear Miss Ulrich:
We have received two packages of "Messages of Love". We have nothing for our children in Spanish. I would like to know who thought of this great blessing for our Mexican children? I could give you many addresses of pastors in Mexico who would be glad to know that there is such a paper. Please let me know all about it. Thank you for these numbers.
Yours truly, N. P.
Nombre de Dios, Poanas, Mexico
Esteemed Sister in the Faith:
The congregation which is in my charge has received regularly each roll of the "Messages of Love," which you have sent, and these have been used with good results to the glory of our Lord. I have been away in the country, and surrounding cities and God has blessed us richly.
Although my congregation is poor in money for lack of work, I beg of you to tell me how much we owe you for the "Messages," because it is probable that we will not be able to continue buying this good periodical after having paid you, as we are very scarce of money, though it is a paper which is a great help to us, we shall be obliged to cease taking it for this reason. We are very sorry for this. We acknowledge with gratitude your kindness in sending us each roll. Many thanks. We are praying for this publication, which is so good. We beg you prayers. With love in the Lord, E. G. S.
(Later from the same.)
Nombre de Dios, Poanas, Mexico Dear Sister in the Lord:
I have before me your much appreciated letter, and it gives me the greatest pleasure to see that you, who are so distant from us, are pleased to interest yourselves in us.
We, this congregation, are remembering in prayer each day this work which these "Messages of Love" are doing, for I repeat that we and all reading with profit this good periodical, and are passing it on to the unconverted.
Many thanks for your kindness which you are showing to us so gratuituously, and we shall hope to receive regularly these good "Messages of Love," as we have been doing.
For my part, I am greatly pleased, and only our God and Father is able to recompense this work, and may He bless it by His Holy Spirit is my desire and my prayer.
Your brother in the Lord, E. G. S.
"For a long time we have been looking to the Lord to work in this idolatrous land of Mexico, and I cannot but feel that much of the seed that has been sown is about to spring up-God grant it. I am sure that you people who have so faithfully sent out the Word, will have your reward at the harvest time." M. V.
Panajachel, Guatemala, Central America My Dear Miss Ulrich:
He abideth faithful.
Mr. Townsend and my husband expect to share the work in this large Department of Solola until the Lord sends some one else to direct it, and we can always use "Messages of Love" to good advantage here; if you can send us some of each issue.
The time now is indeed short for seed sowing, and we are glad that the Lord is at hand in these strenuous end-time days, to cheer and bless. We know you will pray with us that His will be made manifest.
Yours in Him, L. H. T.
Ramerez, Argentine, South America
Dear Madam:
I recently saw the November number of your Gospel paper in Spanish and was attracted by the excellent production, both as regards the reading matter, and the general get up of the paper. I saw it in an obscure town in the province of Santa Ff, and I have been unable to find out how it got there. I should be pleased if you could send me a few every month for district visiting distributing.
Please pray for the extension of Gospel work in the Argentine. We have been in this country 17 years, and could give you some interesting accounts of Gospel work in it.
We remain, Yours in His Service,
E. G. G.
Manila, Philippine Islands
Dear Fellow-Helper in Christ:
I don't know to whom I am indebted for giving you My address, so that you have kindly sent me two packages of "Mensajes de Amor," but allow me to assure you that this splendid paper is greatly appreciated, and it, will be of interest to you to know that it is now being sent to many parts of these needy islands by mail.
There is intense missionary work here, but it is to he feared that education has greater place than conversion to God. At times we have been almost led to think that many of God's people in America had forgotten their responsibility to the eleven million souls of these islands, but we press on, assured that His gracious purposes will be fulfilled in spite of much to discourage. We shall greatly value your prayers.
Thanking you most heartily for share of the Lord's bounty, Yours in that blessed Hope, G. A. W.
Los Barrios, Prov. de Cadiz, Spain
Dear Miss Ulrich:
It has been a great pleasure and help to our work for the Lord here in Los Barrios to receive your nice paper for the young people "Mensajes de Amor." I have had some through Mr. Holmes, but I am writing to ask you if you could allow me some fifty or so, sent direct? I meet with so many, old and young, who would like to have them. May the Lord bless the Gospel messages which they contain, and give you to see abundant blessing resulting from your effort put forth in His name. It is sad indeed to see the children in these dark lands. Even the grown-ups so ignorant as to God's plan of salvation. It has been my joy and privilege now more than 20 years to tell the story of Jesus and His love in Spain and Morocco.
"His coming draweth nigh," so may we use up the opportunities.
Yours in Him whom we love to serve.
M. E. H.
Huehuetenango, Guatemala, Central America Dear Sister in the Lord:
"He abideth faithful."
Greetings in that most precious of names-Jesus.
For some time you have been sending me a small roll of "Mensajes de Amor". Not finding anything in the paper to indicate who were responsible for it, and fearing that it might be sent out to propogate some unsound doctrines or frills to the Gospel, that so much abound in these days, I have never made acknowledgment of it until now. So far as I have seen, you stand for the Truth, and should the Lord make it possible for you to do so, I could use, for His glory, the following to the address-centers under our particular care, 250 copies to Pastor Lopez; 200 copies to Pastor De Leon; 250 copies to Pastor Angel; 250 copies to Pastor Hernandez; 350 copies to my address. You may not be able to send so many, but this indicates what we can use for His glory.
Wishing you the Lord's best blessing, and that He may give you wisdom in the articles printed, I remain, in His dear Name and service, "Till He come", F. G. T.
Santa Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands Dear Sister in the Lord: You will see by the enclosed receipt when the packages of the "Messages" reached us, and how many. Yes, we do appreciate them very, very much, for they just suit our need among the young folks. Have been keeping some in reserve each month for the following plan: We shall have boys and girls, from ten to fifteen years of age, here each week for a reading hour. One or more of them will read the stories, etc., in the "Messages," and then each receive a copy to take home. Those that are left are placed aboard the ships, and how eager the men are to get all such. They are really starved for something to read. No one seems to pay any attention to their appeals or care about them, so they have been going through the years without. What a responsibility has been upon the religious leaders who have refused to hear them, and give them the Word of God. What an account they will have to give for these people who have perished for the lack of the knowledge of the living God. Surely we are living in the last days, and the Coming of our blessed Lord "draweth nigh."
Never has there been more need of earnest prayer for help, and we hope that you, and as many others as can, will join us in this.
The people here continue to come as usual to hear the Word, and we pray that many may be led from darkness to the glorious light of our Lord. It is very difficult for them to break away from their old religious ties, and many of them that do, are compelled to flee to other countries for safety.
All of my family join me in Christian greetings and God-speed for you and your work for Him.
Yours in the Lord's Island service,
F. C. M.