Extracts of Letters as Subjects for Prayer

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 11
Panajachel, Sonola, Guatemala,
Central America.
My Dear Sister in Christ:
Just recently your splendid publication, "Mensajes de Amor," has come to my attention, and I am desirous of circulating it systematically each month through our field of about one hundred thousand inhabitants, so we are wondering if you will send us, say perhaps, fifty copies monthly of this blessed little paper? We have started a very definite and systematic hut to hut, village to village, campaign of personal evangelization with the printed and spoken Word, and are rejoicing in the sincere interest manifested among a truly large proportion of those visited, with a demand for more literature leading them into the way of life. We are building up a mailing list for those really interested in the regular mailing of such literature.
Praying for you and your associates for our Lord's full and abundant blessing in this incomparable work of sowing the blessed and eternal Word, I am yours in that blessed hope, W. R. R.
Chichicastenango, Guatemala, Central America.
Dear Miss Ulrich:
He abideth faithful."
Recently we received a bundle of "Mensages de Amor," which is just the sort of a Sunday school paper we need for our people here. We are most desirous of obtaining, at least, fifty copies a month, and to put its good Biblical teachings into as many homes which hardly ever receive anything in the way of a healthy periodical. The tracts and "Porcions" are always joyfully welcomed, but a real periodical is a rare treat.
Your little paper is quite pertinent to the needs of people in this isolated section.
Yours very sincerely,
L. T.
Mexico City, Mexico.
Dear Sister in the Lord:
I one day received a copy of your Sunday school paper, "Mensajes de Armor," and as I have opened a little evangelical mission here hi dark, needy Mexico, and have a few children on Sundays, I would like very much to have some copies of this paper for my boys and girls.
Thanking you for your kindness, I am,
Yours for Mexico,
MRS. A. S.
Quezaltenango, Guatemala, Central America.
(Translated from Spanish)
Dear Sister in Christ:
It is with pleasure that I write to you for the purpose of telling you my desire. I have read one of your papers, "Messages of Love," and I see they contain precious truths which are very profitable for us and for our people here, especially among the Indian race, which I represent, and among whom I wish to distribute them. If you would have the kindness to send me some copies I would be very grateful.
Very sincerely yours,
E. F.
Tetuan, Morocco, N. Africa.
Dear Miss Ulrich:
Mr. H., a missionary in S. Spain, has given me a copy of your very helpful little paper, "Mensajes de Amor," and I will be very grateful to receive some copies, both for my work among the Jews, and also for the Spanish Mission School in connection with the North African Mission. In this school there are over fifty children in attendance, and the two English workers find it very difficult to get any literature. The children are all very poor, and beyond these two young workers in the school, nothing else is being done here among these poor people, who are as ignorant of the Gospel as the heathen.
I trust you are being greatly blessed in your work, and will have great joy in it in the coming day. With Christian greetings, Yours sincerely in Jesus, M. E. B.