Extracts of Letters as Subjects for Prayer

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 8
234 Santa Anita Court, Sierra Madre, Calif.
My dear Friend:
I am so glad that you want to know something about our little Spanish “Messages of Love,” for I assure you that nothing gives me greater pleasure than to tell about it to those interested. The Lord has indeed graciously blessed this small effort to send the light of His gospel to some of the dark corners of the earth.
When we took up the work, a little over three years ago, one thousand papers were being sent to forty receivers. Through the Lord’s goodness the demand and supply have steadily increased in a perfectly balanced ratio, until now we are sending out thirty thousand papers monthly to three hundred and twenty receivers. It is indeed wonderful, and we can but exclaim: “The thing proceedeth from the Lord.” As nearly every one of our receivers represents a whole field, you can see how large is the area over which this “precious seed” is being sown.
Eight months’ supply of the paper is printed all at once (for economy), and these are brought up here and deposited in our basement. Each month several come to help, and in a few hours the three hundred and thirty or forty bundles are weighed, wrapped, labeled and stamped. Then one of our brothers sends his auto truck and seven or eight of Uncle Sam’s mail sacks. These are filled and taken to the post office, and our little “Messages” are soon on their way to all the Spanish-speaking countries of the world.
Numbers of interesting letters from those receiving the paper are continually coming, all so full of appreciation and gratitude, that it is a pleasure to read them. I will enclose copies of a few of these, and you might pass them on to any whom you think would be interested in them.
I was struck by the prayer of one of the brothers in the meeting here one evening. He asked the Lord to “put the spirit of prayer in the hearts of our brethren elsewhere for this work.” I am sure you will not fail to respond to this, nor to the touching appeals for prayers in the enclosed letters.
With affectionate Christian greetings,
Yours in Him,
Henriette R. Ulrich.
Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
Thank you for your little paper, “Mensajes de Amor.” We can use all you can send, as we give away hundreds of tracts. My native men go to outside towns with Bibles and tracts. There is nothing more in demand than the little “Messages.” We could use a thousand of each issue, and then not have reached a tenth of the people who would like to have them.
Very sincerely yours,
J. T. M.
Campeche, Mexico.
God has given us an opportunity to open up a Bible room in this city to be entirely dedicated to the distribution of God’s Word and tracts. Could you please send us about 200 copies of “Mensajes de Amor” monthly, and we pray and know that they will bring good fruitage in the vineyard of the Lord. Thanking you and praying for His success upon your work.
Yours in the Lord,
L. P. S.
San Pedro Sula, Honduras, C. A.
Thank you very much for the roll of “Mensajes de Amor.” They are very good and I surely want to be placed on your mailing list. We give out tracts at least twice a week in the trains, where we use about 50 to 100, then also in the park and in barber shops, where we can use a very large number.
The paper is simple and appeals to me, as we need things not above the understanding of the common people, who have little or no education. We do some village work also. I wonder how many numbers you can send me each month. As you see we can use at least 500, possibly you can for the present send me 100 to 200 to take care of one week at the trains, park and barber shops.
Am sure the Lord will provide in the matter as He does in all His work. The train work especially means a wide distribution of the Word, as the people are from all parts of Honduras. How happy we are to be used of Him in this precious work. Pray for souls here as I am sure you do for the other fields where the “Mensajes” go.
Yours in Him,
H. N. A.
Villa Maria, Argentine, S. A.
I herewith acknowledge your great kindness in sending us “Mensajes de Amor” which are very greatly appreciated by us, and all to whom they are distributed. They are most attractively gotten up, and can be placed in the hands of all classes, in the certain knowledge that they will command attention and be read. We shall esteem the favor highly if you will continue to send us your publication, and will endeavor to use it ever to the glory of God.
Again thanking you all and with our united love in the Lord Jesus, assuring you of our prayers, that your work may be greatly blessed of the Lord.
Yours very sincerely in Him,
H. F. B.