Facing Death Safe in the Arms of Jesus

Duration: 47min
1 John 4:14
Listen from:
Children—S. Rule
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Who has a number, a song that you'd like to sing? And we're going to.
There are three things I didn't like when I gave out songs when I was the age of some of you and even.
I didn't like it when they talked and talked and talked about the songs because I wanted to make sure I got my song in. So I'm going to give as many of you a.
Second thing I didn't like is when they said you have to.
Backpage because there's so many.
Sometimes they said well, this thing, the 1St and the last verse, but if there's lots of verses, that's what they would do. But I'm going to do that maybe so that more people have a chance to sing. That's why we do it, so that other people have the chance to give out a song that they really enjoy.
I think a lot of you enjoy the songs from here, So what if I think about the first one?
OK. What number would you like?
#41 he said. So somebody could start these for us.
We'll start with that one. We'll sing all of that one of them.
I tried her saying in glory.
To God.
We must start to say your extract is 1 to one.
And I want to sin that much.
To be called and why and being singing glory.
Glory to God.
Who else has a song you'd like to sing this morning? OK, we'll give you a chance. Which one would you like #9 OK, everyone heard that.
We'll sing the first and last verses of #9.
He will stay here now.
Let's get several more. Who else? What has one that you'd like to sink? OK, can you tell me the one?
You're that number 12.
We'll sing the first verse and do you want to sing verse 2-3 or four?
Set two first 2 verses, then of #12.
Who else has one you'd like to sing? Lots of choices. OK, we'll try to get as many as we can. You give me the suck #25 Thank you #25.
We'll sing the first verse.
And what's your next favorite verse after the first one with the last one? OK, we'll sing the first verse and the last verse of #25.
That is very crazy like the.
Living days are going to.
Be and I'm going to bend you on 18353.
I'm your eyes nice to play millions on.
Two more.
OK, this is hard. There's lots more than two hands. 44 Anyone who didn't hear it, it's #44.
And the first verse and what's your next favorite verse?
Verse three. OK, so the first and last verses of #44.
And one more.
OK, I'm very sorry for those that I can't call on, but maybe you'll get a chance. OK, Forty. OK, thank you #40.
And the first verse? And which other verse would you like to sing?
Number two OK the 1St 2 verses of #40.
He will go away myself.
I have some wonderful things to share with you this morning, and we have about 1/2 an hour left to share them together. We're not going to get through all of them. Some of them, the most important ones, I want to share from this book. But to show you the difference between and the other things I have to share, I brought along things that aren't nearly as nice.
I'll share a few of them here. First, while you say your verses, some of you at least get a chance to see a verse, and I'll just ask for the starters, at least if you had a chance to give out a song.
Don't be the first one to say your verse this morning. Somebody that didn't get a chance to sing out, say this song. I'm sorry. Give out a song. Then they could say their verse first. OK, Thank you.
The Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world first. John 414. Good. That's the verse I learned too. You can come up if you'd like and pick something from the plastic bag that's in here. There's a few other things I need. Anything from in there you can have. Who else would like to say it? Okay.
Vara Sentosa and the Bishari of the world.
First, John.
414 Good. Thank you. Who else? OK.
Five years since the sun dived the savior of the world first. John 4/14, Thank you.
The Father sent his son to be the savior of the the Son.
World savior of the world first John 4/14. Thank you very much. You 2 girls can take something from that plastic bag in there if you'd like. Who else? OK.
Brandon the Father sent the Son to be the savior of the world. First John 414 Good. OK anybody that would like to say something?
All right, too, we'll get a few more.
Say it. The Father sent the Son to be the savior of the world first. John 414 Good. You can take something if you'd like.
Like you. You OK? Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world first. John 414. The Father sent a son to be the Savior first. John 414. OK, now I have plenty for everyone.
So those of you who didn't get a chance to say your verse yet, you can say it to me later if you'd like.
I want to talk about.
All right, thank you. Now there's some things that are nice. My little boy on the way here this morning, he said he had a book in his hands. And he said, I love this book. I'm going to keep it forever and forever. I think he said that because that's what I say about him sometimes. And so he said that about the book. You know where the book is, It's in the car. He didn't even remember it when we got out of the car to come in. It's in the car. You know, that's how we are with some things I used to really like.
Superpowers. Does anybody like them?
Well, what happens with a Super Bowl after you play with it for a little while? What's something that can happen to your Super Bowl?
Anybody tell me what could happen to it? What might happen to it?
It could get lost. You know, if I took this Super Bowl and I was playing and having a really good time and I was bouncing the ball around and I was a little bit careless, it might just kind of vanish somewhere and I'm not quite sure where and it's gone, right? The other thing that could happen is, you know, sometimes when you're playing with a super ball and you're not supposed to and you're bouncing it and you're having a good time with that super ball and you're not supposed to be playing with it, what's another thing that happens besides it getting lost?
Maybe you don't have a mom and dad like this.
What might happen to it? Can you help me out? Let's see somebody that I haven't had a chance to hear from. Most of you I have, Okay? Can you tell me what might happen to it? If you're playing with it when you're not supposed to, What might happen to the Super Bowl?
It might break. It might break. Yes, I've had some that got broken.
Your parents might make you throw it away. Oh, you might throw it away. OK, maybe they might take it away. If I were playing this when I weren't supposed to and Mr. Highland were my dad, he might take that and put away in his pocket. So you can't play with it. Now, that's one thing that could happen. What's another thing? Anyone like Bubbles?
I've seen some people that are lot older than you on the front rows having a lot of fun with bubbles.
People can get this off if you take a bubble and.
Can I blow bubbles? Is that allowed in here you think?
Bubbles are nice.
OK, can I blow a bubble?
And blowing toward you.
Aren't they beautiful? Can you see the colors shining from them? How long do you think they'll last?
Of God, 60 seconds. OK, you use your stopwatch a lot. Good, that's good. And they're gone. You know, somebody play with them that sometimes. You know, what's another thing that happens if you're playing with bubbles? What happens when you're playing with bubbles? Having a really good time? You start to run around, you're blowing them outside the winds, blowing them along. And what's something that happens besides bursting and disappearing? What's something else that happens to those bubbles and they're gone?
Yeah, you spill the bubbles, you're running along, you're not looking where you're going, and you kick it over and most of it just comes pouring right down and it's gone. I want to share with you some things about the Lord Jesus Christ that are going to me. The most beautiful thing about that verse is not just that a savior came to the world, but who it was that came.
Remember the verse that they all said the Father sent the Son?
To be the savior of the world, right? He sent the Son, He just didn't send anybody.
He said the Son, the Lord Jesus, we're going to talk about him a little bit, but I want to see first who was listening in gospel last night. So I was already thinking about the verse. And Mr. Highland, when he talked in gospel last night, he gave 2 examples from the Old Testament that he said were pictures of this verse and he told the story. Can anybody tell me? I've got a couple more of those super balls if you like them. In fact, I've got three. That would be about right.
Who can tell me what pictures from the Old Testament? You're listening last night and that was important. Who can tell me what pictures from the Old Testament he talked about? Not just when you think of, but that he talked about? Just tell me one. Don't tell me more than one.
He said that like Joseph with, he got sent into Israel. OK, that's pretty close. That's pretty good. He talked about Jacob sending Joseph, didn't he? And he talked about another one. Maybe that helps some of you get your memory started.
He talked about another one. OK, there's three. Maybe you'll get a chance.
He said he lost his bag. He said he lost his bag. That's good, that's true. That wasn't related to this first, though.
Jesse sent David to the camp of the Israelites. Good. Jesse sent David to the camp of the Israelites. There you go. And there was another story. You remember the thing he said about a letter?
No, OK, it's good. You know what? What did he say about a letter?
Name. Well, he ran away from his master.
OK, he was No.
I don't remember that one going with this. We'll go with one more here.
What was it?
He said when he lost his fact that they sent him a letter and gave him 300 something. 300 something. Yeah, I think some people remember what those 300 somethings were and they. Okay, I'm going to give you something with that. That's not the story I was thinking. Would you like a horse? Okay.
Not a big one. All right, He's what he talked about a letter. Well, if maybe you can ask your mom or dad later, we won't take the time to go through that story again. I want to talk about some wonderful things about the Lord Jesus. And it's not just how many of you have gotten a letter from the president. I've gotten a letter from the president.
Most of you have. Have any of you gotten a letter from the president that said something of that about a Presidential Fitness Award?
They still give them out. I know because at least as of a year ago they were still giving him out. Maybe it's the people that are older. I do you think he signed that letter and he came to give it to me personally, I think I got to meet him.
I didn't get to meet him. I think there were. He signed one and then they made several million photocopies of it, or copies of it, or printed them, probably with several million of them, and they mailed it all out of everywhere. Would it be fun to meet the president?
A year and a half ago, I had the president's daughter. She was in my class. Would it be nice to be with the president's daughter in your class? My president never came, never said hi to me. I don't think he has any idea who I am. But there's something that's wonderful, that's beautiful. The Lord Jesus came.
Himself, the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world so that you could know Him personally. I want to tell you a story about the name of the Lord Jesus and then we'll look at some things in His word. In fact, maybe we should look at the first one in His Word. This one was referred to last night. If one of you could read it for me in your Bible, it's in Galatians chapter 2.
Galatians, chapter 2.
And verse 20, the last part of the verse.
By the way, there's something for everybody. This is the first part of a puzzle. You know, Samson, the Bible, he liked riddles and puzzles. So I'm giving all of you a puzzle. I'm not going to tell you what the puzzle is, but this verse is the first part of the puzzle. So you'll have to think and listen. And if you think you know what the puzzle is, then raise your hand. But you won't know after one verse. Who could read Galatians 220 for all of us? OK, thank you.
I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless I live yet not I, but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh. I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. OK, thank you very much. The Lord Jesus Christ loves you the most wonderful thing. Last night we heard that verse 2. The Lord Jesus Christ loves each and every person in here. How many have heard that before?
So anyway, that's the first time you've heard that.
You know soap bubbles, they're fun the first few times, but if you had to play with if your mom and dad said you have to play with soap bubbles for the next 5 hours.
Would you enjoy that? If they sit here, would you like to play and you played for 10 minutes then maybe. But if they said you have to play with them for the next 5 hours, what would you say?
What would you say?
I'm not going to.
OK, I was afraid after I asked the question before I put the mic here. Yeah. So I'm. I think you know what? That's what some of us would do. Some of us would be disobedient. I should have said, what would you feel like? And that some of us would say, oh, no.
I don't want to do that. Maybe inside, hopefully we would be obedient. But you know what? The Lord Jesus Christ loves us and it's good to hear about it over and over and over again. That's the first part of our puzzle. I want to tell you about somebody who had never heard, I don't think had ever heard a gospel verse before, who called to the Lord Jesus. It's very simple to talk to the Lord Jesus. This lady lived in a country called China and over in China where she lived back when she lived.
I just have a tiny little one here to show you.
There were a lot of maybe not this kind, but there are a lot of these. What's this?
Who can tell me what this is? All right, what is it? It's a tiger, all right. I am sure that it was a bigger than this one. It was a great big tiger. And you know what she did for a living, something that none of your moms and dads do, I don't think. She went out and they had a lot of cemeteries up on the hillside where she lived. And so she would go out and they didn't have a lot of trees, but there are lots of long grass. And I guess the tigers lived in the long grass. So she would go out up near the cemetery, through the cemetery to where there was long grass up on the top of a hill. And she would take with her something called a sickle. Now, you read about sickles in the Bible, so you probably know what it is. Who can tell me what a sickle is? This was a small one, I take it. It was maybe not much more than about a foot, foot and a half tall.
Who can tell me what a sickle is? Just one?
How many of you have studied the Book of Ruth in your Sunday School class? How many of you have heard about Ruth?
They talked about Ruth. Did they talk about a sickle in your Sunday school class? Maybe not. Maybe if somebody could tell me what a sickle is.
It wasn't you. I'm sorry. Can you tell me? It's a Crescent shaped blade with a handle that used for cutting grass. Good. It's a Crescent shaped blade. He said. It's abounding curve that means and it's got a blade on it, a little small thing and you take it and you grab some grass and you cut underneath it. I've seen people using a sickle and they cut it to grass. So she was walking up on her back, she had a baby tight on and she had another little small child by the hand. She was walking up the hill or sickle in one hand and you know what she meant coming the other way in the tall grass.
Oh, you can guess, right? What did she mean coming the other way in the tall grass?
A lion? Well, in this case it was a tiger, a great big tiger and two little tigers. What do you think the mom tiger thought the lady was going to do?
Uh, do you think she thought?
I heard one of her babies. Yeah. She thought I was going to hurt one of her babies. So what do you think? That the tiger came and she jumped at the lady and the lady took her sickle. And you know what she did when she swung the little sickle at the tiger?
She had never met the Lord Jesus, but one day, maybe some weeks before, she'd been walking through the marketplace. And as she walked through that marketplace, she heard a lady talking to some other Chinese ladies, telling them that Jesus was somebody who could help them.
And as she walked through, she said, Jesus, as somebody who could help you. What came to her mind? That moment when the tiger jumped at her and she grabbed her little sickles in her hand. She took her sickle in the hand. She said, what do you think?
All she heard was walking through a market. Jesus can help people. And so she said, oh, Jesus, help me. And she swung her sickle and she had to do it over and over again. And then all of a sudden the tiger, I don't think it was hurt at all, got up and walked the other way or ran away. And she was hurt and she was bleeding. She couldn't even walk. But she dragged herself to a town. And you know what kind of hospital she went to.
It was a hospital where there were Christians that told her about the Lord Jesus and she came to know the Lord as her Savior. Isn't that nice? Who was her Savior before she heard the word of God? Even before she heard more of the word of God? Who saved her life? Who did she call to to save her life?
Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ, she called out to him and he saved her body. But then far more important, she came to know this person who loved her, who came to be her Savior to save her soul. Let's look at another spot. It's in the Bible and Lukes Gospel chapter 15.
This is the second part of your puzzle.
And I will read for you.
All but one of these verses.
I'd like one of you to help me read that last verse. This is Luke 15.
And verse.
What man of you having 100 sheep, if you lose one of them, doth not leave the 90 and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it. And when he has found it, he layeth it on his shoulders rejoicing. And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbors, saying unto them, Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost. So I'm going to read for me verse 7.
Read first seven for everybody. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one Sinner that repented more than over 90, and nine just persons which need no repentance.
Thank you. That's the second part of your puzzle talked about the Lord Jesus. Remember, I should go back and say clearly we want to know who this person is, who the Lord Jesus is the Son of God that came and we found out that he loves you. Here's someone who rejoices, bringing his lost sheep home. And there's one part of the story I want to think about with you. Does anyone want to get on my shoulders?
You're willing to. OK, put down your two. Oh, that's going to lose one of those. Roll away. No, OK, that's fine. Now you're going to come on my shoulders. How would you like to be up on my shoulders? Any way I want?
Is that OK? You ready? All right. Come on up. Like this. How's that? Is that good enough? Could I carry you this way? Am I strong enough to carry him like this?
Yeah, well, we've got him here because you'll remember the verse. You'll never forget this part of the verse. I want you to turn to Isaiah and I want you to look at part of Isaiah. He'll remember the verse two, I'm sure, if we turn to Isaiah.
And I think it's chapter 6.
Isaiah sorry, it's taking me a while to turn there, but sure, I'm sure comfortable Isaiah chapter 6, he's on my shoulder.
And I'm going to read something. I'm sorry. I always, I think 69 and it should be 96. Let's turn to a chapter Isaiah Chapter 9 and verse 6.
For unto us a child is born. That's the Lord Jesus right unto us. A son is given, and the government shall be upon his. What's it say? The government shall be upon his shoulder. Did you see the difference there?
Were you listening carefully? What was the difference between that verse and the one we read in Luke? Just a little bit different to that little part of it, right? The government shall be upon his. What was it again?
Shoulder, it said, Right. He's on my shoulder, isn't he? Can I carry him on my shoulder? Yeah. And the government shall be up on his shoulder talking about the Lord Jesus. He can take the government of the whole world and put it on one shoulder. Shoulders are strong, right? I wouldn't want to carry him at arm's length. I couldn't do it.
But on his shoulder, that's for strong as on one shoulder. Right now I'm going to do something else. Let's go back and read and look. You ready again? You still want to help me? Thank you. All right. Now, this is the way. This is the way I carry my boy when we're out walking. This is more comfortable for me. But I like it better. And I think he probably likes it better too. And it says that. How did that sheep get carried home? Can you go back to Luke?
Can you go back to Luke's gospel? Maybe you don't need to.
Laid it on his shoulders.
Oh, he did what?
What did it say back there?
Played on its shoulder. He carried it home on its shoulders. Yeah, he did. He carried it home on his shoulders. What's different about this?
I can carry him around on my shoulder, can I? But isn't it nicer to be on both shoulders? Yeah, it's a lot nicer to be on both shoulders, right, If it's in the wrong world.
The government, the whole world. One shoulder is good enough for the Lord Jesus, but if it's taking you home to be with Him in glory and keeping you safe the whole way, what does he use?
He uses both shoulders, right? All the power of God to take you all the way home to where he is. That's what he is, and he goes home rejoicing.
Now let's look at another verse in John chapter 14. This is the third part of your puzzle.
Just raise your hand. This includes adults because this ones for you too. How many of you know what the puzzle is or think you do? I won't call on you, so you can just say you think you know you think you know you think you know. Good.
Let's turn to this first. This verse I think will give it away for lots of the adults and some will still be confused. It's in John chapter 14 and we're going to look at a verse. If someone could read it for me.
John 14 and verse 27. Someone would read that. Someone that hasn't had a chance to read yet could read John 1427 for me. OK, thank you.
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.
Not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be Topper need to let it be afraid. Not a wonderful verse, the Lord Jesus.
Man of peace, he's the Prince of peace. He's a person who was perfectly peaceful in his life and we don't have time to go into the whole verse, but here it says peace. I leave with you. Let me tell you just another illustration. Some of you have heard it before of what the peace that the Lord Jesus all kinds of things that talks.
About in the scriptures about peace, but I'll just tell you one story about what it's like to have peace. Yesterday somebody else mentioned, I want to see if you were listening not just in the gospel meetings, wonderful to listen. Then one of the other meetings somebody talked about, well, they didn't talk about, but they mentioned World War 2.
Anybody remember that you were listening carefully enough to hear that?
OK, I'm going to tell you a story from that part.
What? Who was it? Do you remember?
If you don't know who it was, can you point to where they're sitting? OK, that's right. Mr. Brinkman mentioned something about World War Two. That sounds like a long time ago, but some people here were born during World War Two, and some people were old enough to remember World War Two, and some people are even older than that, and they were old enough to be worried all the way through it.
And they were worried. But we want to talk about people that had peace during World War Two. These people lived in well, they were from the so it was called the Soviet Union, then they were from.
What's Russia now? And they invaded a place called Finland. And when they invaded Finland, there was a battle back and forth and a bunch of the Russian soldiers were captured. And they were put inside the basement of a town hall. And for some reason, seven of those soldiers were going to be killed the next morning.
They were. I don't know what they did because not all the soldiers were going to be killed, but seven of them were going to be shot the next morning. Do you think they were enjoying the peace that it talks about in this verse?
Would you be really comfortable if you were seated? The only escape from the town hall was up to us in the basement. I take it it didn't have any windows. The only escape, the only way out, was up through 1/4, and in that quarter there were lines of finished soldiers and their commander who told this story.
Would you be enjoying that night, do you think?
Maybe you're not sure. You can't picture yourself there. How many of you enjoy being trapped where you can't get out?
How many of you have been wrestling with your uncle and they've pinned you down and you're wiggling around and you can't get out? How many of you are like that? Only one boy, Only a few of you. How many of you have been wiggling around, not being very good, and your dad or your mom have hung on tight and not let you wiggle?
A few more. All right. Sometimes when you're these people were completely trapped and they were worried and they were angry. You know, they grew up in a country at the time that was atheist. They didn't hear about the Lord Jesus at school. But their moms, some of them had heard about the Lord Jesus from their moms when they were young. And some of them were cursing and swearing and punching the walls until their hands were bloody. And one of them was seated there and he was just sitting.
His head in his hands and he looked very sad but very thoughtful.
And then after a little while, he set up.
And he started to sing.
What do you suppose he's saying?
I would never have guessed.
That would be a good guess. His song was a little bit different. He sang safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on his.
I can't quite go to right help me save on this gentle breast, tender breast.
I'm going to look it up. I have the song right here in my Bible, and I thought I had it remembered, but just at the moment I can't seem to remember it. So it says right here, safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on his gentle breast, there by his love, or shaded sweetly my soul shall rest. And he sang it over and over. And every time he sang it, he got a little bit happier, a little bit more content. And he sang it again and again and again. And I'll shorten the story to tell you. By the time that night was over, all 7.
Of the people there that they were going to be killed the next morning, except that the Lord Jesus as their savior.
They were going to be killed the next morning. And the soldier, by the way, the commander of the Finnish troops, he got saved too, because they started to quote verses they remembered from when they were children. They started to sing songs that they remembered when they were children and at all the Lord Jesus brought it by the Spirit, brought it all back into their minds that night.
And every single one of those seven were going to be killed. Instead of cursing and swearing, they were let out and they said, can we sing one more time? And all seven of those men.
Lifted up their hands to heaven, and they sang one more time That song that ends with Sweetly my soul shall rest. They had peace. They asked to have their eyes uncovered. And then everyone in those seven was sent into eternity by the bullets from those Finnish soldiers. But they all went straight with peace to the presence of God himself. Isn't that a wonderful thing? They went straight with peace.
To the God of peace, because they trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ to wash their sins away in his blood, and they got to know a little bit that night about a God of peace.
Now I'm going to skip over the next.
Four. So those of you who are going through the puzzle, I'm going to skip over the next four and I want to talk about one more. We only have one minute left. This is a very important one. Let's turn to Matthew, chapter 27.
Matthew, Chapter 27.
And we're going to look at one other three member. We're talking about the Son of God and what he's like. We talked about how He loves you. We talked about how He takes you safely rejoicing home to heaven if you've trusted in him. We've talked about the peace that He gives. And then I said I was going to skip over. I think it's four more and maybe I counted wrong there.
Sand down to Matthews Gospel chapter 27. Let's read just a couple verses. I'll read them quickly.
Verse 27. Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers. And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe. And when they had plotted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his hand, and a Reed in his right hand. And they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail King of the Jews. And they spit upon him, and took the Reed, and smote him on the head. And after that they had mocked him.
They took the robe off from him and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him.
If somebody comes over on purpose.
Can I borrow you one more time? No. I mean, yes, OK, I comes over and buy you and on purpose, I'm not going to do it hard, but just for the illustration, on purpose, they stomp on your foot.
And you respond nicely to them. What's that called?
What's that called?
OK, it's called.
OK, that's right. It's called overcoming evil. I wasn't thinking of that word, but that's absolutely right. You can overcome evil with good by responding with good for evil. I was thinking of the word meekness. That's responding in meekness when somebody treats you badly and that respond by not fighting them back, that's responding in meekness. Now we're going to finish quickly. Who can tell me what the puzzle was? Some adult maybe?
Oh, you think you know Bruce? Can you tell me what it is?
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering. We were going well. I didn't expect we'd get to it, but if you want to look it up, there's lots of examples in the Bible. I'll just give you the verses so you can enjoy them later. So I have to go through it quickly. I won't remember them and I did write them down.
The long-suffering, I was going to mention the Lord with each of his disciples and how with Philip he said how long a time he'd been with him and he didn't understand in John 14 and then long-suffering, gentleness.
There's lots of examples of gentleness, but one is the Lord Jesus taking the children up in his arms and showing them love, gentleness of joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness. There's many examples you can look at all over in Mark chapter 3 you'll find some about goodness faith. There's lots of examples. One we're going to look at was in Luke chapter 22, meekness we just did and self-control, temperance. The last one, lots of examples, but in Luke chapter 4 you can read an example of the Lord showing perfect self-control.
That's the Son of God who came for each one of us. Let's turn to him in prayer.