A GENTLEMAN in search of wild flowers saw a rare plant growing from the edge of a cliff at some distance off and much wished to possess it. Seeing a shepherd boy near, he offered him a sum of money if he would go down the steep cliff and gather the rare flower. The boy steadily refused; the gentleman tried to induce him, but in vain, until at last the boy said: “If you will let my father hold the rope I will go down.”
The gentleman gladly consented; the boy ran to get his father, who held the rope by which he was lowered down the precipice, returned with the plant in his hand and received the reward.
“Why did you not let me hold the rope?” said the gentleman as he gave the boy the money.
“Ah, sir,” he replied, “I did not know you, and you might have let it slip, but I knew my father would not let it go.”
Now this was faith; the boy knew his father loved him and so he could trust him.
Dear children, Jesus has proved His love to us in a far greater way; He has really given His life for us, He has gone to Calvary’s cross and has borne God’s punishment for all our sins, so that if we believe in Him we shall not bear the judgment which we truly deserve to bear for all that we have done against God.
He is offering salvation to you now and is waiting for you to accept it. Will you trust Him? If you do:
“He will save you,
He will save you, just now.”
ML 08/25/1918