
 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 3
Faith judges as God judges. I see sin in the light of God's holiness, and learn grace in the heart of my Father. He that believes "sets to his seal that God is true." Faith is the only thing that gives certainty. Reasoning may be all quite well for things of this world; but if God speaks, faith believes. Faith "sets to its seal," not that He may be perhaps, but that "God is true." Abraham "believed God;" (not in God, though that is also true;) he believed that what God said was true. What, then, does God tell me, if I am a believer in His Son? that my sins and iniquities He "remembers no more "-I believe it. That I have "eternal life." I believe that too. It were sin to doubt it; not to believe that of which He assures me, is to wrong God.
If a son, I am in His presence without a spot of sin through the blood of the Lamb. Faith believes this; God hath said it. Were it my own righteousness in which I stood then, it must be torn to shreds; but it is a question about God's estimate of the value of the blood. What has it done-cleansed half my sins? No! It " cleanses from all sins." Again, I read, "Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree." Is this some of my sins? It is "our sins." And then if my soul knows, on the one hand, the value to God of the blood of the Lamb, I know, on the other, that it all results from the love of the Father.
GOD is in the midst of His people in all the fullness of His grace and mercy, in His perfect knowledge of His people's wants, and of the difficulties of their path, in His almighty power and boundless resources, to meet the difficulties and supply the wants.