Faith's Repose

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Oh let thy faith repose
In Jesus’ love divine;
The heart that all our sorrows knows
Is feeling now for thine.
Tell to His listening ear
The anxious thoughts that rise;
He’s moved by every falling tear –
He echoes all thy sighs.
Purer than aught below
The heart that bled for thee;
Not like the mingled love we show,
His perfect sympathy.
Well may’st thou then confide
Each interest to His care,
Since He has power and skill to guide
His loved ones everywhere.
If slow to understand,
When clouds thy pathway dim,
The way is still in Jesus’ hand;
The end is safe with Him.
See where He sits on high
In calm, unclouded peace;
Dwell there beneath His gracious eye,
And every fear shall cease.
Thngs New and Old, Vol. 1