February 21

2 Samuel 3:33
IT was David who asked the question as he lamented the treachery of Joab in slaying Abner at the very time that the former captain of Saul’s host had yielded allegiance to him whom God had made king in Saul’s stead. And the answer to the question must be in the affirmative. Abner did die as a fool dieth. He had slain Asahel the brother of Joab, much against his own will, but in order to save his life. He was guilty of manslaughter. Joab was the avenger of blood. Hebron was a city of refuge. Abner was entitled to asylum there, but he left the place of safety to go out and discuss matters with Joab who treacherously slew him. Thus he died because he failed to avail himself of the protection that God had provided for him. Alas, how many there are who take the same foolish course! Christ is the only City of Refuge today. They who flee to Him find shelter from the Avenger. Apart from Him there is no safety.
“Hail, sovereign love, which first began
The scheme to rescue fallen man!
Hail, matchless, free, eternal grace,
Which gave my soul a Hiding Place!
Should sevenfold storms of thunder roll,
And shake this globe from pole to pole.
No thunderbolt shall daunt my face,
For Jesus is my Hiding Place.”