Here in our picture we see a very common, and yet a very pretty sight. How natural this woman looks as she stands there feeding her chickens! I am sure each one of you has, in the same way, scattered bits of food to the chickens, as you called them around you, either in your own, or in some farmyard when you were visiting in the country.
Now as you look at this picture, does it make you think of the One who really has provided the food? He not only prides food and shelter for the chickens, but just think of the birds, animals and other tiny creatures that He has made, and how wonderfully He provides and cares for all!
What a Great Giver God is! and how dependent we are upon Him not only for our food and daily needs, but above all, for our eternal welfare.
Of all the good gifts, the greatest was the gift of His only Son, Jesus, to come down to this world to die on the cross for us. Have you accepted this Gift? There is no real peace for your soul until you do know Jesus, God’s greatest gift, as your own personal Saviour.
ML 04/02/1939