Fellowship in Rejection

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
My heart has perfect repose in the thought of being rejected. I only trust I shall always be able to bear it in meekness; neither in disdain turning from and scorning those who act thus, nor in self-vindication retaliating, but accepting all simply as that plan in which we are to have fellowship with Jesus, who was so misunderstood, and whose principles were so little appreciated, even by His apostles and brethren.
It is so valuable a school to learn in; the one in which the more you love the less you are loved, and still not be faint and weary, At times my heart is very sick at the aspect of things; such divisions, such jealousies, such evil surmisings; but then, I think, thus it was with the Lord. If I am called a teacher of blasphemy, so was He; if I am called a Sabbath breaker, so was He; if my authority to teach is questioned, so was His; if He was neglected by His own people, so are we.