Fighting for the Khaki Testament

My next letter is from a dear worker to whom I have sent several parcels. He says: —
“Many thanks for another parcel, which I received safely last Sunday after I had just finished distributing the two other parcels you sent. I have visited the fellows in over one hundred tents in our camp here, and I now propose (D.V.) to visit some of the camps outside. I made a venture last Sunday evening, and found the men were quite willing to accept the Gospels and books. I am getting to quite enjoy the work. It is very encouraging at times to enter into a tent and ask the fellows if they would like a Testament or Gospel, and then to see several of them hold out their hands and to hear them say, ‘Ah, yes, mate, I’ll have one of those, Thanks.’ Last Sunday a man in the R.F.A. told me that the men in his battery up the line actually fought to get the Testaments and Gospels. I enclose a couple of five franc notes. If you have any difficulty in getting them changed, please let me know, and I daresay I can arrange to get postal orders instead.”