Five Questions

Duration: 1hr 4min
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Gospel—E. Wakefield
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Toronto, Canada.
Marks the 31St 1961 Gospel Meeting.
There is a savior on high of the foreign.
Savior suffered on Calvary 3.
Savior is willing, save. Now as ever, his arm is almighty, his love great and free.
The remain seated and same #10.
As we've been on the same #14 has few cases power #14, let me stand up please.
I suppose then this company tonight.
There are some.
Though I believe that maybe the majority here tonight know the Lord Jesus as their personal savior.
There may be some that this all the night were not yet under the shelter of the precious blood of Christ. I suppose that every one of us here who are Princeton can look back to that time in our lives. And we did not know the Savior. And we let them say at the start of this meeting, before we turn to God word that I bring man and woman, I drink boy and girl.
Never yet for the speed price, as their personal savior tonight is lost.
How solemn it is to come into this room, all my friends who believe that as the gospel goes forth, the enemy of your precious soul will do all of his power to stop you from hearing not the preachers going, but the very voice of God speaking to your precious, never dying soul. I want to ask this question before we turn to God's word.
I want to ask you, my friends, every man in this room, every woman in this room, ugly boy, girl in this room. I want to ask you this tomorrow question.
If you had died last night.
All friends are problemless. If you have died last night, I asked you, where would you be right now?
Now, my friends, at the solemn, solemn question, but I wonder, if it made that you sat in that chair and you answered that question, where would you be now?
If you had passed away during the last 24 hours.
If you have passed away without Christ, you would be an eternal darkness away from God forever.
In your sins.
Non electric grain will pour it at night. 5 pressures in the word of God. The first question is found in the first chapter Book of characters.
The first question I believe that God ever asked, man.
The burly burning stomach questioned it.
The phone of the third gesture of Genesis.
And verse 9.
And the Lord God called unto Adam.
And sit under him. Where art thou?
All my friends at the first bikes and I believe that God ever asked, man.
At the very solemn crisis because it's calibrate and these three words where art, well, the thousands of men is lost.
Because of man is a fallen creature, The man is away from God and God asked that question.
Not because you know where mine was.
But because God couldn't see Adam that I believe that God would have this quite sense from this platform tonight.
Where art thou? Where are you hiding?
Where every unsaved man and woman is hiding away from God, and God asked us some questions. Where art thou?
There was a man.
Would only spend 1.
Say it was on it's United Nations record, wasn't serious and that wasn't sinned. Be committed. Send them away. Hiding behind the brains of the garden to hide away from God. He only had a record of 1 sin.
That one stands all the way from the presence of God.
Now, my friend, I want to ask you tonight if you're unsafe here, without Christ, without hope, without God in this world, I want to ask you about your record.
You stand up in the way to come up with the front here and say I have a record like Adam. I only have one sin against my name. You know, my friends, I know, but my own self, that our sins are many, our sins are many.
You know all that our life history is one that is black. And you know, my friend, you know, solemnly know. And if you knew you were released this world tonight, you would be in deep exercise about your soul welfare.
For after death, God said.
After death, the judgment, you have to stand before God tonight you like. To the very start of this meeting, we like to bring you into the immediate promise of law and zone.
Brothers of the presence of Christians, but into the presence of the 1080 God, a God who loves the Sinner, but a God who takes sinners with all his power, with all his life. And God asked that question, Where art thou?
An item was hiding behind the screens of the garbage.
And he was dressed in his piggly paper.
And he sighs in the presence of God. And he says I was negative. Negative. My friends tonight, where are you hiding?
Are you hiding behind your good work? Are you hiding behind your religion? Are you hiding hiding behind some sort of things you're doing in your life? You're not concerned in God? I made it. I made it.
When I sigh of the Lord Jesus outside of his death and resurrection, outside of his practice. Plus there's no salvation for any style of animal grace.
So tonight in this first question.
God will have it, the great New York Constant in New York, very hard into the very depth of your soul, my friend, Where I thou?
Where are you hiding tonight, my friend? Where are you hiding? Are you saving your life, heaven bound or hell bound?
Paper lock. There's no middle ground. There's no new salivators either. Tonight, you're on the way to eternal glory with flames.
Or you're on your way to eternal darkness without, right?
And we say again customer is not relationship.
There's no record in the word of God of the third cloud, save your love. He the believers in the front of God have everlasting life, first class, but he that believeth not shall not be life.
But the wrath of God of minus on him too fast you.
Earn one of those two matches.
Have you yet made that wonderful Discovery Insurance dinner?
Nothing yet found out that the word of God from sternum, who is true with all our sins and some jaws of the glory of God, there is no difference. God speaks the whole world and he says there's no difference.
For all of them, and come short of the glory of God. I ask you, tonight you discovered yet all I come to my friends the wonderful discovery.
To find out you're a Sinner and you'll never get to the heavens when you do the first steps of heaven.
Is to find out your law. Guilty. Penalties. Earning sinners. That's the earnings. First step is the glory of God.
Until you find out that, my friend, you'll never get saved, never. You'll never come to Christ. So you'll find you're a poor lock young Sinner. And so the next question?
And then the 4th chapter.
In the book of Genesis.
Here we find a gain of crisis that God is asking.
The ninth verse of chapter 4.
The Lord ceramic king, where is Abel, thy brother? And he said, I know not my my brother.
And he said, What hast thou done? How, my friends of the chapters, please. We find a man of lost. In chapter four we find that man is guilty.
How strong it is lost and guilty.
God, says the Cain, what hast thou done?
God not know, my friends. I speak rapidly.
Did not God know that Cain's hands were stained with the blood of ****? Who knew that exactly you were?
Bow with his holy eyes.
Cain as he killed his brother and yet he asked this question why didn't ask him to point out the came he was killed Asian. And the point of you tonight, my friend that you are guilty.
What have thou done? Saturday night we were visiting the lady.
And as he sat in her living room with her husband.
Smoking cigarettes.
He said. Well, I believe in all I have my own belief and I believe that.
You do the best you can, and you live a good life and try to see what's right. What else can God expect from a person?
And the speaker said this to her.
I wonder who was speaking to her said this. My dear lady, you realize tonight that you have a heart just like Judas and Charity. You have a harsh kiss like a dog, Hitler. You have a heart just like Iceman that murdered 5 million Jews. And your heart is no better than that man. Not a bit better, Not one bit better.
You and I are sinners, my friends. I want to turn. I don't ask you to turn, but I'd like to read to you a few scriptures.
Some God's words that shows God, God about your part of my heart.
In the 50th Jazz group.
The 50th Genesis Genesis VI verse 5.
Dot com.
That the wickedness of mind was greater than the earth with imagination of the cross.
Of this.
Was only evil continually.
14 Sam and the first verse.
Now I want to say, anybody in this room tonight is a stranger. I want you to solemnly realize that these are the words of the only living God to live.
The only living God who reach your heart, strong truth all through the negative opens of the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
Sam 14 first one.
The fool is set in his heart. There is no God. They are corrupt. They have done a vulnerable work. There is nothing to do with good. The Lord looks down from heaven upon these children of manners of the sea. If there were any that did understand and teach God, they are all gone aside, they are all together, become filthy.
There is none that do us good. No not.
One, not one, is there, and what God says, not one.
Jeremiah chapter 17, verse 9.
Jeremiah 17 verse 9. Again, God is speaking. Listen to what he says. The heart is deceitful above all things.
And desperately or incurably wicked, who can know, I the Lord, search the heart and other friends, the division of the Old Testament, the writings of more of us.
The Sands and the prophets all testified from God himself. The man's heart is bad, true and true. Your heart and my heart, there's no difference. God, there no difference. A man walks to a scaffold rope tie around his neck and he stopped and he turned me his car. Just just like my heart.
Yeah, my friends, the men that nailed the Lord Jesus right to the cross of Calvary, A man who's been in the very face of the Son of God.
Same kind of a heart if you have a strong life and as I have some burning same kind of heart, no better, no worse. The harder the people above all things and incurably with it. That's what God cares. Now turn to the 7th of March.
And we find the New Testament in the gospel.
The Lord Jesus is speaking in the 7th chapter of Mark and he says.
In the 21St verse.
For from within.
Of of the heart of man. Notice, my friend, this is your heart tonight in the city of Toronto. This is your heart and my heart. For some of these out of the heart of man received evil thoughts, adultery, fornication, murders. Is possible, is a possible, my dear man, inside your heart. And my heart is murdered.
So says the Son of God. So say to the Lord of life and glory.
Heart I, the Lord burst the heart. He searches your heart. He searches my heart. And He says inside your heart, inside my heart I link murder for the cases that don't freeze. And he goes on set cover to the wickedness and so on. The very Christ of God searching your heart, my friend, searches into your very soul.
And in the third chapter of Romans, where he started tovert his head, the very crown of the head goes down to the body of the burning feet. And he ends it up by saying, there's none good, nor not one for all of sin, and come short of the glory of God. Friends, I solemnly ask you tonight to put aside your reasoning yourself, your suspicions.
Your false teaching, your religion as they put them all aside and believe us, God since you're a Sinner, if you're a Sinner, my friend, hopelessly loved, hopelessly loved. Let's daughter himself comes in and saves your precious soul. There is no salvation outside of Christ gone along and save the soul. And my friend is not the Christian is not the voice. The preacher is not the message from the preacher. It's only God can give life. Only God can give life.
We can go into the summer tonight. We could stand beside the grave hall to some dead person. Carlo Conyers Raven clear and they laugh out of the desperate. Marcus.
And all that the Son of God go into the summer tree, let the boys of the Son of God penetrate that grave, and that dead person will come out of her grave with light, because only Christ can give life.
And I pray tonight my dear friends and everybody in this room.
Will hear not my voice only, but the very voice of God seeking your precious, never dying soul. You may stand tonight in the presence of God. You may be brought in the very immediate trend of holy right, Holy God. You may struggle with your sins. Your sins may trouble you tonight.
You might have no arrests and no sleeping. No, you may sit there, my friend, winking in your chair and shivering and shaking in your chair as your skin bother you. My friend of your sins bother you, a man where I work said to me, I can truthfully say to you, my sins never bother me. I knew that man was an ungodly man, ungodly. Sad to say, in this country in which we lived tonight heard 10s of thousands, just likely.
Things never bother them in the work beds. They go off nights. They never pray. They curse God all day. They never pray into their badge. They go off the sleep they go and then sunlight. Their heart stops beating. They find themselves in a crazed with eternity. Are you here tonight? You, each other in a Christian? Parents who dare come into the gospel and walk out with a smile on your face without trace.
You who have to say, your father has to say. I hope my voice says I trust my girl, the Christian. But they've never confessed, right?
Oh, how fallen to live in the home of a Christian father, mother, and to grow up, and to reject the gospel of the grace of God, burns out solemnize.
How small it is to live in this world unsaved, without Christ.
I solemnly worn a night. I stay again reverently, and in the fear of God I say we would bring you the night into the immediate presence of Zara.
We like to do open up your heart unless you see your heart. And see my heart if God sees us.
Oh my friend, is to see yourself lost and guilty and on the way to judgment. To find yourself from the very top of your head to the very bottom of your feet, the very sole of your feet, To see wounds and bruises and future find scores. See yourself in a poor, lost, guilty Sinner.
Standing in the holy, holy, holy presence of God. Friends, I ask you, I ask every man in this room tonight, Every lady in the room, every boy, every girl in this room. Have you yet discovered yourself with a poor, lost, guilty, and deserving sinners?
You say But Sir, I'm not very bad. I've done the very best I can. I try to keep the 10 commandments. I try to live a good life.
I try to sleep my neighbors, I pay my bills, my friends. That's not the question. The question is if you are accusing is God says you're guilty. God figures you're not. I don't say you're guilty. I don't say you're guilty, my friend, we don't say you're guilty. Those who invite you to make to this call, we don't say your guilty, but God says you're guilty.
Let's know what he says in the third, third chapter. Wrong. He says that every mouse may be stopped, every mouse may be dark, and all the world becomes guilty. Guilty.
Before God, the whole world.
Is brought in guilty before God. Then you say, What will I do? What must I do?
How can I escape if I have to meet God, if death faces me, my friend? The word of God says it does. He says at the point of a man wants to die, the wages of sin is death, death. You have to leave this world. And if the Lord Jesus doesn't come soon we were Christians are going to have to leave this world by it yet. So we will enter into the presence of our blessed Lord.
We must pass through death, unless bright comes but you, unsaved friend that faces you.
And if the moisture eyes were flawed in death, you would not end in the grave as the agnostic and atheist says, but the more with your eyes.
Closed in death. The very moment your loved one started to weep over your dead body, that very warm with your eyes will open up.
In a priceless eternity.
And you would be conscious immediately that you were doomed for God's eternity, immediately not strong. I ask you rapidly. I ask you in God's name how you can sleep. How do you sleep at night? How can you go to bedroom, sleep at night? How can you close your eyes? How dare you sleep without strength? How dare you close your eyes and sleep and sleep for eight hours or 9 hours?
And you're standing with a gentleman of God hanging over you.
And the Lord coming may be this very night you will be doing for all eternity.
Doom for all eternity.
God tells us solemnly in second sentence, Chapter 2. He's going to send a strong delusion over those who've heard the gospel and rejected Christ. They're going to believe the devil's lies, that they all may be damned. Those are the very words of God himself.
All my friends, I solemnly warn you.
I solemnly warn to the Lord Jesus said in the 13th chapter, Roots Gospel, except he repent.
Ye shall all likewise perish. What does it mean to repent? That means the peck's eyes was gone against yourself.
To take size with God against yourself the same as God. You're a right, You're true. I'm a Sinner. I'm guilty. I'm lost. I'm hell deserving.
That's my friend. It's repentance. I ask you solemnly. Have you ever yet?
On bended knees of every yet found yourself in the presence of God, found yourself in the presence of God you might upon your breath like the public. And in the seventeen 18th chapter Lucan said, God be merciful for me, a Sinner, I say to you, my friends, you'll never get to heaven. You'll never get there until you find out your dinner.
So you'll find that you're lost.
So you'll find out that you're guilty. Now I like to turn to the next question.
If you found the Master 27.
And here we have the hope for the sinners all in this wonderful the sinners whole, The sinners refuse, the sinners peace, the sinners failure. The 27th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. Here we find the Lord Jesus on the cross of Calvary. What a strong thing to think.
That this very world which we live, this world that's close to its education.
Both of us wisdom, both of us knowledge, both of us improvement.
This very world There lay the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the prophets Calvary, and smash through his hand with nails and nails of the frog, having spit in his face, having crowned his head with thorns, having bruised and beaten his back, having showed him to rob in his place.
Which we live tonight is guilty.
Friends, listen solemnly, Is guilty of the murderers of the Son of God.
Are you seen again? I just read. And you did the other day in the press. Did this man Van Beckman is responsible for the death of 5 million Jews.
But I tell you, this world is guilty far more silly than that. This world has murdered the Son of God.
This world has murdered the Christ of God. This world is murdered. The beloved son of the Father. This world of my friends is dent back into heaven. The Lord Jesus Christ with the sail marked in his hands and speaking side the spear marketers side which is called God himself of this world does not want Christ. I ask you to make my friends. You want me love your shoes.
Isn't that wonderful?
The very God against whom you sinned. The very God whose name your blasphemy may be. The very God you pushed out of your life. The very God you never thank for your health and strength. The very God rubber thanks for your home, for the comfortivity of your life. That God loves you so much that he can't love you more. Isn't that wonderful? And so on the 27th chapter of Matthew's Gospel.
We read the 40.
44th verse.
The thieves, all that which were crucified with them, cast the same, in his opinion.
Now from the 6th hour that is 12:00 dinner time, 12:00 news. From the 6th hour there was darkness over all the land that was the 9th hour and above the 9th hour Jesus cried.
With a loud voice standing lies Eli Lamas, the back tonight.
That is to say, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Here we find the forsaken one, but the only man that God ever forsook, the only man that God ever perceived. What a solemn thing to be forsaken of God. There's no man living could be forsaken of God.
If God was to conserve you for one minute, my friend who died, you're very resting hands. Behold your very breath in his hand, the very heartbeat through his hand, through his power. And yet here we find the first taken one. Here we find in the hours of darkness the Son of God, the one of whom the heavens open in the third chapter of Matthew, and the third chapter of Luke, and the Father and boy said from heaven.
This is my beloved Son whom I am well pleased.
And now we find them forsaken. I ask you, why did God forsake them? Why would you forsake it? He asked the question. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Friends, you want to know the truth? Oh, I know there's many in this room tonight who can come up here in this platform and tell her with joy in her heart the answer to this solemn, solemn question and as eternal.
Ages roll on.
As the man of Christ Jesus stands in the midst of all his redeemed people, we will never hire Helen and retaliate the answer to this marvelous question.
My God, my God, why cut down for saving me?
As we turn our eyes upward into the very glory of God.
And we say, Lord Jesus, thou has forsaken because on that cross.
Thou was bearing my sins. My sins.
My own precious body in the tree He was made steady for us. He knew no sin. He might be made the righteousness of God and near me.
The Holy holy Right, holy Son of God.
Became the thin bearer on the cross of Calvary. You say, Sir, did he bear my sins? Did he bear my sins? If you'll believe them, if you'll customize your saves, Your thanks God for your sins. It's been taken into your heart and you're living, loving savior. Thank God.
Before your sins, the judgment of the God was poured upon his sparklers sinless heads.
And now he's Colonel's teeth. He curls, joy surrendering center of Adams Grace who invites the Lord Jesus into their heart by face. Oh, my friend, I asked you tonight, have you ever seen this picture? We we look, we sometimes the city where we come from, a Montreal.
There's a great cross stands and not royal and I know that people as they approach the great city.
They see on my royal lacrosse. It stands there. What does the cross mean, my friend?
It's some kind of a problem. He's no longer on that cross. He's no longer there. He's no longer in the brave. But praise the role and manhood has gone back into the glory of God and the night at the right hand of God.
Sits a man, a man, A real, living, glorified man.
At the right hand of God, and that man is my Savior.
Is your savior. That man died for my sins. That man suffered under the judgment of God for me.
Be your savior. Can you say yes? The Lord Jesus is my personal Savior. He died for me on Calvary Cross.
I ask you children of Christian prayers tonight. I ask you girls and boys.
Despite your personal savior, has he won your heart? Can you look upon that cross and turn back the pages 2000 years and see this sucks. Free won the first taken one upon the cross and they died for me Under this judgment of God. He died for me. He suffered the gun for the unjust to bring me the dog. He was wounded for my transgressions.
Bruce, my liquidity and the chasm of my peace is upon him, and with his right I am healed.
Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ and the Roman soldier the Pierce was died. The reply comes back from the God of all grace. The blood of Jesus Christ *** ****** landed us from all sins. Isn't it wonderful, my friend, to be a Christian?
Are you a president? I mean by a Christian, not a person that's not a Jew. I don't mean a person who lives in Australia. I mean a Christian who has Christ living in their hearts. I mean by a man or woman who has Christ in the heart for all others of faith.
All others are faced and false prophets on the way to eternal hell.
And I asked you, it's Christmas.
Does Christ live in your heart? Little boy, little girl, young man, young lady, I challenge you.
Does Christ live in your heart? If he doesn't, you're not saved.
Does Christ live in your heart? Is your heart The dwellings lay to the Son of God?
If it's not, you're lost. You're lost. You're going out of the pit. When regardless of race, color, please. Without pricing soul salvation.
My God, my God, why is thou forsaken the Lord Jesus?
Thou was forsaken in my room instead.
Die for me and you Stay with my friends and I can just say it from your heart. Right is my savior.
The next question we find in the.
Then chapter Matthew 27.
The 21St verse.
The governor, that pilot governor answers and said.
Unto them, whether of this way that I released unto you, I notice, friend, notice they said, Barabbas.
22nd, 1St violence sit under them.
What shall I do then with Jesus?
Which is called the Christ.
They all said to him, let him be crucified. Here we have.
Our 4th question.
Our 4th question might be Paul's decisions. You must decide for Christ or against Christ. And I should go to these doors. You might, you may say. But Sir, I'm neutral. I take neutral ground. I neither accept or reject. I say you can't do it. You can't do it. You don't accept Christ. Tonight you leave this room.
Then in your part of not with your voice, I will not receive, I will not have them.
For pirate question railing down to the centuries, what shall I do with Jesus, which is called the crisis?
Motor. There was no new astrology. There was no putting out the question. They all said let him be crucified. They came to a decision at once. They made a good decision. I don't suppose it was ever a strong question asked like this before.
And yet there was no going home to decide it. There was no going home to talk about it. There was no going home to pray about it. They made a literate decision, they said about him. He crucified or all in one mind.
It says we do not want right. We will not have the price. We will have parabola, we'll have parabolas, the robber. And God says in John chapter 18 the last verse now Barabbas with a robber.
This world there is crowd.
Educated man, businessman. The world leaders dare to ask why does God allow war? Why does God allow crime? When this world says we'll have the robber, we'll have to. Rather his hands are stained with blood.
But we'll have them anything but Christ. And this world is never in the game, That decision, this world still says tonight anybody but Christ. Anybody.
Yes, the beast, the Antichrist, anybody with Christ. We will not have Christ in any terms under God's heaven. This world does not want Jesus. I ask you to you, you want them. He loves you. He proved his love of the frog. He said of this from the very heart. I love to think of it.
Said For God so loved the world, that he gave his only big thoughts on the whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. God loves you.
God has blocked the door to hell with a cross of Christ.
God has brought the road to hell with a glorious prophecy. And to go to hell you must jump over to cross and land yourself and tell my friends for God loves you and he proved his love.
He proved in love with all his heart. He gave his son to die for you.
All the Lord Jesus to say greater loveth no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends, and then he goes forward and dies for his enemy.
And shows a greater love.
The lowest price match was eternal, unmeasurable weather, right? He loves you. He loves you. My friend. Is there somebody on stage in this room? Somebody who's come to the end of themselves? Somebody whom God is brought down? Law. Doctor Danbury Law.
Maybe it makes your burden on your sins.
All I said is a welcome waiting for you. The very arms of Jesus take you into his heart of love.
The very gates of heaven stand open over the gates of heaven, that marvelous word.
Whosoever will may come and take the water of life, friendly God gives of Allah's party, that's giving God and the Lord, Jesus said to the woman the well.
If Thou healest God of the Giving God.
Thou was the master of him. He would have given me ******* water. What a God he is. He loves you, my friend. All of these words think down to your poor hearts. God loves you and you're a Christian Israel tonight, a Christian who's backsliding.
A Christian who's growing cold, A Christian who can look back at the last conference in this very room. And I remember a year ago when I was happy.
But the devil, I mean, all my happiness away, and I'm miserable tonight I'm miserable, I say. God loves you. The Lord Jesus stands ready to bring you back into restoration. Enjoying your heart. I praise God that everybody in this room, every Christian in this room.
Will receive the night of flesh. And in their hearts they leave this hall. Recession in Christ. And the matchless love of God is called as the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, my friends, are you saying tonight are you safe tonight? If you're not your love, what can I do with Jesus? You must do something. You you have to do something. You have to receive them. You have to receive. What shall I do with Jesus?
The world said we don't want them crucifying.
There's many in this room by the grace of God have received Him into our hearts. Is our precious Savior. Will you receive him tonight? He stands at your heart door. And knocked his tears at hand. Knocked in your hearts and behold, I stand the door and knock. Will you open your heart tonight and receive them into your life? Now our last question.
I think from the 22nd chapter.
As Matthew.
Yeah, the 22nd of my school and the first part.
Is 5 words of verse 42.
What since ye of Christ? All our questions what think he of Christ? There are those who come to our door sometimes, and we say to them, what think he of Christ. All they say, he was just a creature, just another man like us.
He was only another person, just like us. When I asked you tonight, my friend, what things ye of right, I turn reverently to the heavens. I look up into the very face of God, my saying, What's the yield, right, If it happens, bring out the dollars, Joy. This is my 11Th Simon, whom I find all my delight.
What seems to be a price, Peter? We say Peter, what do you think of Christ? Peter? What they give price Peter Diamond. Peter says thou art.
God, all my friends, what things do you right? He made the heaven, He made the earth, He made all things the opposed all things by the word of the power of the Son of God, turtles, and of God. Yay, God himself.
Who was born? It's not wonderful the God to become a man in the person of Christ and for eternal ages. God in manhood will enjoy what sinners saved by grace, the results of his work on the cross of the hallway. And all heaven will ascribe to that glorious Savior who in the end of revelation says I Jesus, a ceremony, all the glory of God.
It's Spotify here in the Book of Revelation, and at the end of the fall, you.
There is Jesus, the Lord, Lady, Lord of Christ, man, a part of the glory.
Oh, we're going to dirt eternal Asia.
The president of that man?
His mother's broken every barrier down.
And we find ourselves standing the latest Christians.
And by the place of God we find ourselves standing on that rock, the Rock of Ages.
Only one euro part. You're a man the most.
I'm a bit. We're down the hall. I'm going to work Friday for you to go to Friends of God for speaking your soul. And I ask you tonight if you have heard not just my voice. God confessed, but.
We start the gospel hall versus two years ago the city Of Montreal and her ago who are now our brethren and Christmas Day pregnant gospel of the grace of God. We heard that voice touching our poor, poor, lost, darkened, hardened. That gentle boy said to make the night knife to Mike received Christ and many a knight who walked out of that gospel.
Saying no, we will not come, we will not come. But the wonderful love of God, the matchless grace of God from Marvel Slumber right, has broken the barriers down.
Christ is one of the hearts of many in this room tonight, and we can all often say Colonel's glory to his fearless name. Friends, I ask you to stay behind. We don't believe in getting you into a corner. We don't believe in force and convert, God forbid.
But I say again, and I say it in God's name. If God has spoken to your soul tonight, if God has spoken to your soul, I say, will you stay behind? Will you pray with us?
We'd be glad to answer your questions. We'd be glad to stay all late with you. We'd be glad to pray all night with you If you'll stay behind.
But my friends, I solemnly warn you. I solemnly warn you.
That as the gospel, the grace of God, goes forth, and as that loving pregnant boy from heaven speaks of, Come on to me, all you little labor heavy lady, and I will give you rest.
The history, Marlins History of the Devil brings out his poison.
Coins and said, wait until tomorrow night. Tomorrow night is Saturday night the way until Sunday night. And my friends, the Lord Jesus may come to night. The Lord Jesus may come while we're in our bed tonight the soap may be heard from heaven And ugly child of God.
Will leave this world to meet our beloved Savior in the air.
The second thing is you may die tonight. I want to ask We look into the faces of some tonight who reach the age of 60. Summer. Reach the age of 70. Some maybe you're over 70. You may die tonight. You may leave this world night. And I solemnly warn you.
To leave this world to make without Christ. Meaning you'll stand in your skin for more God, and you'll hear the voice of the Son of God.
This is all of my friends, and I pray you'll have no rest or no sleep tonight. You'll see the very lips of the Son of God open. And he said to you, depart from me. I never knew you.
I'm convinced in my inmost soul that will be the beginning of hell. For every Charlotte Adams races, sees those scratching flips open, sees that lovely face of the Son of God.
See those hands with a scars and nails The nail prints. And here's those lips. Say depart from me. And everlasting fire prepares not for you. Prepared for the devil and his angels. Friends, you can choose tonight. You can choose. You have to choose tonight. Will it be bright And we'll give the devil in his danger. Will it be the glorious Son of God?
In those lovely mansions of eternals glory. But we're still staying under him. We love this.
Watch Mr. Marsh bins in the Gold Precious Blood. There will be the dungeons of Hell, where the Lord Jesus said there should be weeping and wearing, and not in a seat which will be friends. I bow my head in prayer. Just one minute. I want to say this. There are only two masters, only two.
Bright and the devil. There's not three. The Lord Jesus said he cannot serve 2 masters.
Zoning 2. You see, those are the very words of Christ. You divide, my friend, if I ask you solemnly, which is your master?
Who is your master to leave this room you bear on my own master. You lie, you lie, my friend. Whosoever committed sin is a servant of sin.
Tell me, my friend, which is your master, on the one hand, the lovely Son of God.
You and died for me, the class of Son of God the Lord Jesus Christ, who loves you and died for you, the other Master.
Who God named the Revelation Chapter 20. The old circus baby. The Devil with only two. Which would it be for you? This is all of my friends Solomon. People don't like this kind of preaching. And then we'd rather have the preacher pickle our ears and tell us about the about a future world of righteousness and joy that is not found in the Bible.
World coming under gun, the gun from exhaust. He must flee a Christ, for Christ is the only state that God has for sinners. May God tonight it's all right, and Christ along for Christ alone his word of it.
All the praise and adoration under the Dean's heart of every state of strong eternal glory to his peerless man and his friend.