"Follow Me."

Who would not follow Thee, blest Lord?
Constrained, like him of old, to rise and leaving all
His heart was centered in, his hoard,
It may be of ill-gotten wealth, at Thy kind call
To follow Thee, through weal or woe,
E’en to the cross, on which Thou didst
Thy loving soul pour out to death,
For all who follow Thee.
Fain would we follow at Thy gracious word,
“Faint yet pursuing,” though it be,
Do Thou the strength impart, dear Lord,
Still would we follow on, for none can lead like Thee.
How solemn the resolve to follow Thee below
Through scenes from which thine absence
Makes a blank that naught can fill—
Forward! we’ll follow Thee.
Hast thou not sent the Comforter to dwell
Within all those who follow Thee along
The path which Thou Thyself from hall
Hast traced, with loving purpose firm and strong;
Swiftly we’ll follow soon when Thou, O Lord,
By the Archangel’s voice and trump of God,
Shalt shout our summons to the air!
Gladly we’ll follow Thee.
A. M. H.