For God So Loved the World

Duration: 52min
Gospel—David Hayhoe
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Will your anchor hold?
In the storms of life.
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife.
When the strong tides lift.
And the cable strain, Will your anchor drift or firm remain? We have an anchor that keeps a soul steadfast and sure, While the billows rule Fastened to the rock which cannot move, grounded, firm and deep.
In the Saviors love hymn #11 Could we stand for this hill?
Will your anchor hold in the storm?
Without some soul there when you strike.
Tight, lifting the cable straight away.
Will your anger hold in with all the sun?
Oh, kill your latest friend.
I think we'll sing another hymn before we pray, and that is number 15 on the sheet.
Oh blessed gospel sound, yet there is room. It tells to all around yet there is room number 15. Just stay in your seats please.
Oh, blessed gospel song.
They draw near the.
Thye thye hear.
Already come.
Yet there is room.
I shall have a great day. I told you there is room.
To offer it is not a complete.
Savior you will need.
There is room.
God houses filling out here. There is room.
Some guests will be the last here.
Very true.
Patience day from you.
We prayed together, our God and our Father we thank.
You know, friends.
I think probably most of the world.
Of a young lad, three years old.
His body lying lifeless.
On a beach in the Mediterranean Sea.
His father.
Was seeking to flee from a war-torn country in Syria.
And fled to Greece I believe it was, and then was trying to get across.
To Europe.
And he didn't make it.
With his complete family, his wife and his two children were lost. He tried his best.
And his wife and two children were drowned. And there we see the picture gained.
Circulated throughout the world of this lifeless body.
It was kind of a tragic picture.
Of really the situation of the.
Of the desperation of the of the.
Inhumanity to man, that that is, exists throughout the world today. Tragic.
What's wrong with this world?
Where's it going?
Why doesn't God intervene?
Is he going to intervene?
Does God love man?
Does God love you?
Does God really love the world?
I've had my Bible open and perhaps those of us who have a Bible, if you turn with me, I just want to read a couple of verses here before the subject I have before me tonight is in Hebrews chapter 6.
And verse 18.
That by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope that is set before us.
We might have.
A strong consolation who have fled for refuge.
To lay hold upon the hope that is set before us, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, brochure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil within the forerunner, is for us entered. Even Jesus made an high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
Where is Jesus now?
He's not in the grave, friend. He died in this world. History records that he died and he rose again and he's at the right hand of God in heaven, and he's looking down on this whole world and on you and me in this room tonight.
When Jesus was here.
He quoted this verse and probably the most well known verse in the whole Bible. He quoted it to Nicodemus. And if I asked almost everybody in this room, they could quote the verse. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son lasting life.
Dear friends, think of the those words and the power of those words and what is meant by those words.
Where did Jesus come from?
He came from the very throne of God. If anybody can I say knew the heart of God, it was Jesus.
He dwelt with him in a past eternity. That is what this book here reveals to us.
It is this book is a message from God Himself to mankind.
I spoke to a man just this past week and I said to him, you have a Bible.
Yes, I have a Bible.
Have you read it lately? No, I haven't read it any of it lately.
Now, dear friends.
If somebody who was very dear to you went on a long journey.
And they sent you a letter and you get it in the mail.
What are you going to do with that letter? Are you going to put it on the shelf?
No, you're not.
You love that person. You're going to open it and you're going to see what they have to say to you. They send it to you.
And God has taken and he has given a book.
Where he reveals who he is and he reveals who we are.
And so it says per God, so loved the world. If anyone knew the heart of God, dear friends, it was Jesus.
He drove with him for a past eternity.
And he said, For God so loved the world, the people of the world, that he gave his son, and here he was, right in front of Nicodemus.
He gave his only begotten Son.
We could talk about that.
The very expression only begotten.
The only occurs about 5-6 seven times. They don't remember exactly in the Bible and it has a special meaning.
And the meaning, friends, is the darling of his heart. Take now thy son, thine only son whom thou lovest.
That for God so loved the world that he gave the greatest treasure in heaven.
Gave him.
And what did men and women do to him in this world?
You know the story of Calvary.
From the time that he was born into this world, dear friends, the devil sought to to energize the leaders of the world to take and get rid of him, killing all the babies 2 years old and under. Because the devil wanted to get rid of the Son of God who was born into this world, the very God of heaven revealed in flesh.
3:00 and 1:00 and 1:00 and 3:00.
Revealed in flesh and God took care of him as he was raised in this world in a 12 years of age. He said was she not that I must be about my father's business. And he traveled through this world and went and did his way to Calvary's cross.
For God so loved the world that he gave. Think of God looking down on his Son Jesus as he walked through this world, and he saw what the hearts of men and women did to him.
He could say that they hated me without a cause.
That's what this world did to Jesus and nailed him to the cross. And then Jesus said he loved the world so much that he gave his Son that whosoever believeth in him.
Where is your faith tonight?
Have you ever thought of it in that way that God sent his Son to die for you? Did you know that when he was on the cross 2000 years ago, friends, that he was thinking of you and me?
That's how much he loved us.
The whosoever believeth in him.
Have you ever thought of it that way, That here he was dying in my place?
Why did he have to die? He didn't have to die.
But he gave his life because he loved us.
And the Bible says the wages of sin is death.
But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Do you understand it?
The reason why people die, the reason why, the ultimate reason why they die through whatever disease that they get is because behind it all of sin.
And as by one man sin entered the world, death by sin, you and I were born with a nature.
Adams Nature We're born with a self willed nature.
And the Bible says all we like sheep have gone astray.
You know, there's one characteristic about sheep.
Is that when you take and you find an enclosure where sheep are?
That if there is a a hole that they can find where they get out, one will go out and the other will follow. And I have been told this, that when sheep go out, they'll never come back again.
They just go astray and the Bible says that's us all. We like sheep.
Have gone astray, You know a dog will come home.
The cat will come home.
But all we like sheep have gone astray. And what you see, friend, and I see, let's face the facts in this world today is man away from God, and he's going further and further away. And darkness is increasing, and the light of this book is being, being.
Taken away.
The Bible.
Jesus said he was the light of the world, and thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. And if you take away the Bible, friend, what have you got? You got darkness, moral darkness. Man making up his own ideas as to how to take and make the world better.
But dear friends, God is going to judge this world because they have rejected the light from heaven. I am the light of the world, he said.
And they cast him out, cast him out of this world.
That whosoever believeth in him.
On him.
Yes, friends, he died for you. Now it's up to you.
What will you do with Jesus, which is called Christ? That question was asked in Pilots Hall by Pilot himself. He said to the Jews.
What shall I do then with Jesus?
Which is called Christ, they said. Away with him. We will not have this man.
To reign over us and what is the result?
Of not having this man to reign over us.
Turn with me please.
To Isaiah Chapter 9.
Isaiah Chapter 9, verse 6.
Love this verse.
Someone quoted this verse today.
For unto us a child is born unto us.
The Son is given, the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
This was written approximately 700 and some years before that Jesus was born and God gave this message to Isaiah to to send to his to the Jews, unto us, that's to the Jews a child is born, unto us a son is given, and his name.
And the government shall be upon his shoulder. Oh, I how I remember my father enjoying that thought.
The government shall be upon his shoulders, no.
Why does this say shoulder and not shoulders, dear friends?
All the.
You know.
He's allowing what is taking place in this world. He knows what's going on.
He's in control and he can do it with one shoulder. But if we turned over to Luke chapter 15, we would lead the story. We won't take time to return to it now, but read the story about the sheep that got lost and when the shepherd found the sheep, it said he leaded on his shoulder.
Rejoicing. Why? Why does it say shoulder for the governments of the world in a poor little lamb, that he leaves it on both shoulders?
It represents the security of the believer. If you turn to Christ, if you own, you're a Sinner. He will save you from your sins and he will carry you all the way home. I remember when my father was dying, lying in his own bed. He wanted to, he wanted to leave his home and go to the next home.
And I remember going in and see him in a weak condition.
And I remember saying to him, Dad, the shepherd carries the sheep all the way home, and I saw I could hardly talk. And he nodded his head. He grabbed the thought just for a minute before he left the world.
Old dear friends, you have an anchor to keep your soul. You have a soul that will never die.
You and I, I should say, we have a soul that will never die.
You see, God made you and me different in the animals.
We are God breathed. Man is a three-part being. He is spirit, soul and body. All you see when you look at me and I look at you is our body on the outside. But you and I have a spirit and a soul. You know what the difference is between them?
The Spirit is God word.
And you have a conscience that tells you that there is a God. And the Bible says the fool has said in his heart, no God or no God for me, dear friends, don't take that Ave.
Don't take that Ave.
Will you have a you have a God conscious part of your being that tells you that you have to do with God?
And I.
Remember our brother?
Dear brother John over there telling me about talking to a man one time and I think John, you probably used this illustration quite a few times when a person talks that way to you, he said to the to a man he was talking to.
When he said, when this man said to him, I don't believe in God, he said that's what you are trying to convince yourself, but your conscience tells you that you have to do with God.
And man has a conscience and he tries to, if he he'd rather not think about it, and he'll try to to argue and reason why there isn't a God because he has a conscience that tells him that there is a God.
That's the spirit the Bible speaks of in those three ways, Spirit, soul, and body. Now what is the soul?
The soul is the affections.
The desires.
You see, when God put Adam in the Garden of Eden, there he was.
And God breathed into his nostrils of breath, of life, and man became a living soul. He was God breathed.
The animals weren't God breathed.
And man just formed, He formed man of the dust of the ground.
And man became a living soul.
And there Adam was, and all the freshness.
From the hands of God, would you turn with me, please?
The next book over. Jeremiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah.
I think I can find the verse.
Both the House of the Potter. I think it's.
Go down to the House of the Potter, chapter 18.
You know.
God chooses.
God chooses little things.
To tell us about the big picture. So here you have the first verse of this chapter, the word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord. You see, Jeremiah was a prophet from God for the people, and God sent a message. And you see, that's what God's doing tonight. It's not me, it's him, it's his book, it's his message. And so it says.
He sent Jeremiah a message. Verse 2 Arise and goes down to the Potter's house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words.
And when I went down to the Potter's house, and behold, he wrought a work on the wheels, and the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the Potter, so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the Potter to make it.
Have you ever been to a Potter's house?
I remember going, I like going to Potter toast. I haven't been to one for a few years now. It's wonderful, you know, to see what they can do with that clay.
Brilliant work, really.
And they take and they, they form, they form these beautiful, I like mugs, coffee mugs that are made with at a Potter's house. Well, God told Jeremiah, go down to the Potter's house and see what he's doing in the working on the wheels.
And then it says.
He went down, and behold, he brought a work on the wheels, and the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the Potter.
What is it, friends, that that that God is bringing out in that little verse? He knew that that Potter was going to have that problem as soon as he, as Jeremiah arrived at the Potter's house.
He did the work and as soon as he did it, it was marred in his hand.
Dear friends, you know what it's a picture of?
It's a picture of man being made by God. It says the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground.
And so the Potter.
He formed that clay, and as soon as he made it, it was marred in his hand.
And there was Adam first from the hand of God.
Think of the beauty of Adam without sin there in the Garden of Eden.
And then it says the Potter that it was marred in his hand. You know, a friend, I believe that it was such a short time after God had made him that Satan entered into the garden and tempted Adam and Eve, and they sinned and creation fell. It was marred in his hand.
First from the hand of God. And the devil went to work, and he caused man to fall, and sin entered into the world.
And you and I know it. The consequences of sin to this day there was 6000 years ago in France. It's not going to go on forever. Because the one who made you and me, he allowed it all.
But he owns the world.
And he made you, and he wants you forever.
To be with Him. But he knows about our sin and our sins.
And the Bible says that Christ died for our sins. So the end of the verse here says that he made again another vessel. Did you know that you could have a new life?
A brand new life from God if you accept Christ as your Savior.
How do you get it?
You must be born again.
You have to receive Christ as your Savior. You can't buy your own good works.
Get into the door of heaven.
You need forgiveness from your sins.
We read in this room today 5 words, many words more than that, but 5 words. Christ died.
For our sins.
Why is it that Jesus was on the cross, friends?
He didn't have to come, but why did he die?
He never sinned. He couldn't sin.
Impossible for him to sin.
In Him is no sin. He did no sin. He knew no sin.
But he died for our sins. He bore our sins. Christ died for our sins. Why did He do it? Because he loves us.
And he wants you forever.
In heaven.
Yes, we're going to leave this scene.
We're not here for long.
Where are you going? Every journey has a destination.
Where is it? You and I are fellow travelers.
And we must meet God.
And the Bible says every eye shall see him.
We're not talking about religion tonight. We're talking about a person, and you and me.
And everyone born of atoms race is going to meet that man.
And if you met him tonight?
And he said, suppose I'm going to put it this way to kind of.
Get the point across.
Suppose that it was tonight was your night. Suppose it was my night.
And we something happened, and you and I died.
And suppose, if I may say.
We're standing, and I'm going to use the term little loosely, I know, but just to get the point across, we're standing before the pearly gates. That's the term that is used in this world today. He, the pearly gates, will open and so on him goes. And who's there at the gate? Jesus.
You want in. You don't want to go to the other place, do you? I know you don't, because I don't either.
But there he is, and he knows you, and he knows me through and through. And he says.
On what grounds?
Do you come to go inside? On what grounds do you plead for acceptance to go into heaven?
Why you say?
I've tried the best I can. I gave money to the church and.
I just did are the best I could when I was in this world. Yes, I know I've done things wrong. And then he says, well, the Bible says that nothing that enters heaven will can enter that there can be no sin.
What's your answer? Well, you know you've sinned, and I know I sinned.
So what? What is it? What's your ticket to get into heaven? Because I can't let you in to a place when you are a Sinner.
Dear friends.
Is there an answer?
Do you know the answer?
What would you say?
There's only one answer.
And that is the verse many verses in the Bible, but that verse I quoted before Christ died for our sins.
He died for you, He died for me.
Did you ever accept them as your Savior? Did you ever open your heart, young boy, and receive Christ into your heart?
You like sports?
Would have you ever accepted Jesus as your Lord and your Savior?
If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, Jesus is Lord, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. So to get back to my question there about the Lord Jesus saying that as to what grounds I have to say to him, Lord.
I accepted you as my savior. Thank you for dying in my place on the cross.
On that ground alone.
His entrance to eternal glory.
Do you have it?
Verily. Jeez. Oh my, so many verses.
So many verses think of this. Here's what Jesus said in John 5. Verily, verily, I say unto you.
I say unto you.
Is that personal? Think of it, the very God of the universe revealed in flesh as he's talking there. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that set Me hath everlasting life.
Do you have it tonight?
I can say on the grounds of what this book book tells me.
That I have everlasting life dwelling in my body. If I was to leave this world tonight, oh thank God.
I don't hope for salvation. I know I have it.
Do you know where you're going?
Are you resting on what Jesus did for you?
And the end of that verse it says, Verily, verily, I send you hear that he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent Me half the everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment.
But have.
Everlasting life, he goes on to say.
To give the the the the force of it. You have everlasting life.
And I'm telling you, you won't come into judgment.
Do you rest? Do you trust what he said? Have you accepted him as your Lord? Will you have him tonight?
This world doesn't want him, but what about you?
Will you take him?
One time there was.
A young fellow, 16 years old.
That I knew from work.
And it was Christmas time and.
We told a story about a.
How Jesus came into the world.
That's what Christmas means to me, that Jesus came.
And he died in this world.
And this young fella.
Remember, we spoke to him afterwards and said to him, Carlos.
What about you?
Have you ever accepted Jesus as your Savior? No.
So we pulled out.
I don't like to say it but I will pull $50. I pulled $50.00 out of my pocket.
I said to him, Carlos.
I want to give this to you.
Well, it shocked him. He worked part time at the company.
And he looked at me.
And he didn't know if I was serious.
But I was.
I said, will you take it?
So he looked at me again and.
He put his hand out to take it and I pulled it back.
And I said to him, is it yours?
Said no. I said when will it be yours?
When you take it. And he reached out again and I gave it to him.
Dear friends, the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. God offers to you tonight eternal life.
Will you take it?
Will you take Jesus? You know that boy took Jesus as a savior. He's a Christian today.
Wonderful, you know tis done, the great transactions done. I am my Lords and he is mine. Have you had a moment in your life, a private moment when you have turned to Jesus?
And you have accepted him and said Lord.
You know what Lord means.
No longer seek your own way.
There's a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Will you surrender, friend?
To him who died for you, who lives that you might be with them for all eternity, Will you have him in life, in death?
In the in the future, we've been speaking in our meetings about what's beyond this world For the Christian a being with Christ in glory, you have a life that's going to live forever in one of two places.
Jesus died for you. He shed his blood. That man, that soldier, took the spear, and he put it into his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.
This world is stained with the blood of Christ.
Do you want the world or do you want Jesus? What will you do with Jesus? Neutral, you cannot be. Someday your heart will be asking, what will he do with me?
Dear friend, won't you come?
You know, with a little child.
With a parent taken, they hold out their arms.
And they say come.
What does the child do?
He runs, he comes.
Will you come to him? He stands there, he waits.
Verse over in over in second Peter chapter 3 that God is Lord is not slack concerning his promises. Some men count slackness, but he's long-suffering, not willing that any should perish and all the tragedies that are happening in this world today. It grieves the heart of God, but the reason why God is waiting is because he wants others.
To be saved yet there is room. You know, I was going to talk tonight. I was going to read Matthew 22 about the king that gave us supper.
For his son and how that everyone was invited. It's a story there about.
That covers a period of 2000 years.
In about 10 verses.
Come for all things are now ready. You get every get an invitation to go to a wedding or someplace like that and and and did you respond to it? Would you say no to a nice wedding we were invited to?
Somebody prepared the whole thing. Would you be slating the person if you didn't go? Are you going to slay God tonight, friend, or will you surrender to him and come?
In closing our quota averse over in Revelation Chapter 3.
Behold, I stand at the door and knock if any man hear my voice.
And open the door. I will come into him, will suck with him and he with me.
Remember hearing a story of ODA?
A painting that was done by someone.
To illustrate that verse. And there was the door, and there was there was the man standing at the door, and he was knocking.
But there's something different about the door.
There is no knob on the outside of the door.
The knob was on the inside, you see. You have to open your heart's door. Jesus is not going to force His way into your life, but He wants in. Will you open the door and let Him in?
Have you any room for Him? Oh dear friends, He'll make a happy life for you. Through all the difficulties and problems of your life. He'll stand by you, and at the end of your life, he'll take you home to heaven. We have him tonight. Accept Jesus as we pray.
Mean it in your heart. Talk to him, ask him to come in matter of fact, we'll, we'll sing that little chorus. I don't know if it's in here or not, but I think I can quote it into my heart. Is that in this book? Into my heart, into my heart. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, come in today, come in to stay. Come into my heart while it is in here, you know.
No, so it goes. I was all repeated again. Into my heart. It's a prayer. Into my heart, into my heart. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. Come in today. Come in to stay. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.
Into my heart.
Heart into my heart.
Come in to my heart.
Lord Jesus.
Today coming.
To stay coming to.
Heart, Lord Jesus.
Open your heart. Open your heart.
Open your heart.
To Jesus.
He knocked today.
You know, delay, but over your heart to Jesus.
Let's bound prayer. Our God and our Father, we thank thee for the.
Message the story of salvation. We praise Thee, Father, for giving the Lord Jesus to be our Savior. We thank the Lord for coming and we thank thee. Thou are coming again to take all the believers out of this world to be with Thee. We pray for any in this room.
Who may not know Jesus as their Lord? And ask thee that thou would speak through thy precious word. By the Spirit of God, this night we give thanks in thy name. Amen.