Here we are with a new A. B. C. The letters are just the same as you learn at school, you see. A. first, B, next, then C. Now, there is a little text connected with each one of these letters which I want you all to learn. You will try to remember this A. B. C. lesson, won’t you, when I tell you it comes from God. He sent it down from heaven for every boy and girl, and for big people also to learn.
“What is the first letter?”
“Yes, and the text for A is,” “ALL HAVE SINNED.”
“What does ‘ALL’ mean?” “Everybody.”
“Yes, every one here, John, James, Maggie, and Mary: all, every one has sinned.”
“Now, the second letter. What is it?”
“Now, the text for B is,
“BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD.” “Who is the Lamb of God?”
“JESUS CHRIST who died for sinners, for every one of you, to save you from your sins. Now the last letter of the three is what?”
“The text for C is,
This is an invitation from Jesus, the Lamb of God, to every one of you. He calls you to come to Him NOW.
ML 01/10/1943