For the Weary, Rest and Be Thankful; Part 1

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Such, dear reader, were the words that arrested my attention in traveling through the country some time since. They were written on seats placed by the side of a long road, for the use, as the words expressed, of “the weary.” And while considering the great kindness of the person who placed them, I thought, what an exact resemblance the whole subject bore to the blessed “Rest,” eternal and secure, our good and gracious God would have all enjoy by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
He offers it freely to “all who will” on their way through this weary world. Here were those seats open and free for all to use who felt their need of them. He is just as open and willing to receive all who feel their need of Him, and would have them enjoy the perfect rest and peace which He gives. Are you trusting in Him? in His precious blood? then behoove that you are justified from all things by this simple faith; and “therefore,” have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom. 5:11Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: (Romans 5:1).) This truth is what He would have our souls enter into at this present time. Oh, how many dear children of God still go on “seeking rest and finding none,” while it is already eternally and perfectly made for them, and freely offered to them; therefore it only remains for them to “believe” and enter into it, that they may most truly enjoy it while here. God has most fully shown forth His love towards us in giving His only and dearly beloved Son to die for us; and the Lord Jesus Christ, in His own precious word says, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:2828Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28).)
Yes, dear reader, the precious words are, “I will give you rest.” Why not take it, then? It is most perfectly in His power to give, for He has wrought out and perfected it by His own death and resurrection, and as the result of this, it is now offered as a free gift to all who seek to have it. Was there ever a “weary” one who came earnestly seeking for this “rest” sent empty away? No, no; it could not be. “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” (John 6:3737All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. (John 6:37).) Why, then, will “weary” ones still go on trying to make a “rest” for themselves, and through themselves? I pray you to give the effort up at once, and “rest and be thankful!” You can never accomplish it; you must first give up the trial, and you will then, and not till then, enter into the enjoyment of what. He freely gives, and would have all now enjoy. No longer then, by your thoughts and actions, if not by your wish, bring on His finished work by striving to accomplish by your own effort, what He has already clone for you. However weak and imperfect is your faith and trust in Him, still this “rest” is your portion. Your “rest” and “peace” have been made before God, by the “precious blood of Christ,” which has satisfied all His righteous and holy claims against us as shiners, and God has declared Himself fully satisfied.
No longer doubt this, dear reader; believe the precious, peace giving truth, in simple confidence, and enjoy this “rest.” If you were journeying along the road I mention, and felt “weary,” you would not hesitate one moment to sit and rest on the seats placed “for the weary.” No, nor would a shadow of doubt enter your mind as to your being freely welcome to the use of them, no matter what your condition in this life; and that, not from any merit in yourself, but entirely through the kindness of the person who had placed them. Thus it is with God, and the rest He has provided for the “weary” in His Son. You could not mistake the plain meaning of the simple words on them, why then doubt the truth and meaning of God’s eternal and unchangeable words? Their meaning is just as plain, and the words as simple, with this important feature in favor of the latter, that they are God’s unchanging words, while the others are man’s changeable words which some Clay are sure to pass away. The latter is the word of the Lord which endureth forever. (1 Peter 1:2525But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. (1 Peter 1:25).) Then once more I do pray you, for His glory, and for your own sake.