Forever With the Lord

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
This earth is but a wilderness
Of toil, and pain, and sorrow;
But Christ is near our souls to bless,
And lightens all our sore distress,
By pointing to the morrow,—
The bright, eternal morrow,
When we shall be.
O Lord, with Thee,
Blest end of all our sorrow.
With swelling hearts, and longing eyes,
We heed the watchman's warning:
His Midnight cry, "The Bridegroom's nigh!"
And watch to see appear on high,
The bright Star of the morning,—
The fair, unclouded morning,
When we shall be,
O Lord, with Thee:
We long to see its dawning.
" Behold, I come! I quickly come "
We hear the Bridegroom telling;
"My Bride no more on earth shall roam;
"I come to take her to My home,
My own celestial dwelling:
"Thy own celestial dwelling,
'Where we shall be,
O Lord, with Thee,
Thy praise forever swelling.