THE GOSPEL of God’s grace has been carried to many lands including Africa. Far down the east coast of Africa where the Zulus live, the gospel had been preached and many of those natives were saved. Now they were meeting together to learn more about the Bible and to tell others about God’s grace and mercy to lost sinners.
The native preacher rose from his chair and started to speak in a language we would not understand but which was the language of his countrymen. His text was Romans 12:1717Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. (Romans 12:17): “Recompense to no man evil for evil.” He had no Bible in his hand for he was blind. But he well knew the words of that verse and he recited them from memory.
Solemnly he warned his audience against having a spirit of revenge. From his own experience he vividly depicted the havoc such a spirit had wrought in his own life.
“Many years ago,” he said, “I unintentionally injured a man. For a long time that man waited his opportunity to take revenge against me. One night he and I were alone in a hut when he suddenly threw some powder on the fire. Sparks and fumes came out of the fire and I felt an agonizing pain in my eyes. I rushed out to seek help but I could not see where I was going. The pain continued the next day and I went to a witch doctor but, of course, he could do nothing for me. I went to others but no one could help me. I was hopelessly blind.
“Soon my money was gone, and then my cattle. But there was with me a desire for revenge upon the one who had blinded me. It seemed that all my life must be used for this.
“Then I heard of a doctor who might cure me at a mission school.
Many, many weary miles I walked, finally arriving there at the point of death. The doctor was unable to restore my sight but he did help me to regain my health and strength. But more than this, he told me of One who was able and willing to bring life and peace and joy to my soul. I accepted Jesus as my Saviour.
“Friends, just last week, I again met the man who had blinded me.
But Christ has taken away the hatred and revenge that once filled my heart. The Lord Jesus Christ forgave me all my sins and when I met that man last week I forgave him. I have been with him since, trying to take care of him for he is sick. I have told him about Jesus and today he took Him as his Saviour.”
Does it not thrill your heart to hear of love like this? But, oh, how much greater is the love of Jesus for you. When He hung on Calvary’s cross men mocked Him, spat on Him and did all their wicked hearts could think of. But the Lord Jesus made no protest against all this. Indeed, in the awful agony of that cross He prayed for His enemies: “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:3434Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. (Luke 23:34). That same forgiveness is offered you today. No matter what your life has been up till now, won’t you bow before the Lord Jesus, confess Him as your Saviour, and settle once and for all the question of eternity and where you will spend it?