Foundation Truths of the Gospel

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
It is well for every preacher of the Gospel to have the following truths clearly before him.
1. The Righteousness of God Revealed (Rom. r) and Manifested (Rom. 2).
This is in virtue of the obedience to the death of the Cross, of the Lord Jesus Christ, who came from Godhead glory to do God's will. God has been glorified in Him, the Son of man ( John 13: 31) and now Man is rewarded in Jesus. The value of the Person who did the work gives claim on God.
Believers have God's righteousness on them (Rom. 3: 22). This righteousness is Christ Jesus in the glory of God far above all heavens.
The believer is now God's righteousness in Christ (2 Cor. 5: 21)-Christ as Man associating the believer with Himself in all that He has won.
2. Sins Borne-put away forever-Judgment Past.
Guilt has been atoned for and all sins, past, present and future as to the actual committal of them, have been put away forever.
3. In the work of Christ Sin has been Condemned, when God condemned it in the flesh in the death of His Son.
Thus the root, from which all fruits of evil spring, has been dealt with, when all God's " waves and billows went over His head, as a holy God hid His face from the One " made sin for us."
4. Christ has been " Made a Curse " and " Our Old Man " has been Crucified, in the Cross (Gal. 3. 13, Rom. 6: 6.).
So our responsibility as under man and law, is fully met, by closing the career of " man " as such, in open shame. The sinner is saved and redeemed by blood, while man, as such, is judicially ended for the believer.
5. " Eternal Life in Christ Jesus our Lord " is now the possession of every believer.
He is beyond all judgment and not in Adam at all, but in Him " come by water and blood." He is born of water and the Spirit too, as possessing a new nature, desiring God and His things. This nature and life are divine, and of God.