Four Arks

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Address—D. Hayhoe
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168 The night is far spent, and the day is at hand. No a sign to be looked for. The stars in the sky rejoice, and you Saints, as your Lords own command, rejoice. For the coming of Jesus draws Nile, O kindle within us a holy desire, like that which was found in thy people of old, who tasted thy love, and whose hearts were on fire while they waited in patience.
Thy face to behold. Let someone local start that too.
No time to be born.
The father must go.
Rejoice, the nation.
Your Lord so common.
The World Run and Babyville Lasagna is coming.
As before, missing.
The Lord of my Lord.
For our son and our shield.
Are called as my fellows.
Where Grief Foundation.
So much.
Older, long.
Talking no within half of our I'm already gone.
Which was?
Like people of all the hearts, world and articles all my way. So different.
Thy face to behold.
I'd like to turn over to the Book of Exodus now for the for the 2nd art.
But the first one up there for the children to remember. The second one, of course, is Moses Art.
For the arc of bulrushes, let's look at Exodus chapter 2 verses 2.
And three.
This is speaking about Moses mother. When she saw him that he was a goodly child, she hit him three months and when she could no longer hide him, she took for him an arc of bull rushes and dubbed it with slime with pitch. And she put the child there in and she laid it in the flag by the river. I just want to make a comment before we speak about the ark itself with respect to the faith of Moses mother.
We read about this in Hebrews Chapter 11, when it says by faith Moses was hid three months of his parents. And then it says by faith Moses when he came of years refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to suffer reflection with the people of God, than to serve, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. That second faith was Moses faith. The first faith was the faith of Moses turns. Face of Moses turns. So when it says in Hebrews 11, by faith Moses was hidden.
Three months of his parents. It's really the faith of Moses parents. And here in Exodus 2 we have it narrowed down a little bit further and we find out I I believe from the word that the faith was really the face of Moses mother.
Look at verse two and three again. When she saw him that he was a good result, she hit him three months when she could no longer hide him, she took for him and our good borrashes. She dubbed it with slime with her. She put the children. She laid it in the flakes by the riverfront. Where was that? I don't know where he was. Hebrews 11 tells us that it was his parents, plural, who had the faith. But I just like all of us, dads and moms included, to just think about this. Who was it that recognized that in Moses?
Which was dear to God. If we went over to Acts Chapter 7, it tells us, let's just look at it for justice a moment.
Acts Chapter 7 and verse 20, in which time Moses was born and was exceeding fair. You notice what it says in the margin, Fair to God, fair to God. In other words, I believe, I really believe what? What Moses mother? What was her name by the way?
Her name was Jacob. Jacob. A good name to remember. I believe she saw in Moses.
That he was fair to God. It says here in Exodus that she saw that he was.
A goodly soiled Now every mother here sees in their baby. A goodly child, every mother here and every grandmother too sees. And I've watched it over the last few days, particularly the grandmothers more than the mothers. Boy, I'll tell you those Joshua and those Jonathans and all, and those bends and all of them.
They say you look at the grandmas and you ask them is that a goodly child and you, Well, they go on longer than I am tonight. They see a goodliness in that trial. But it wasn't just an external duty. It wasn't just a handsomeness in Moses. I believe Jacobed Moses mother saw in him something which was going to be used of God. Acts tells us that we have to go to Acts 7 to find out he was fair to God and parents. I asked you and I asked my own soul as the parent of young children.
Do we see that in our children, which we recognize as being valuable to God? That's the part we want to nurture. That's the part we want to cherish.
That's the part we want to train up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, because that's the part that's going to be used for God. The body only contains that which is going to be useful for God. The body, yes, but that's secondary compared to the soul and the Spirit. And that's what Jacobed saw. She was the woman of faith. She was the one who put that faith into action.
She was the one who took the steps necessary to save Moses life. We don't read a thing, not a word about Amram here. He was included according to Hebrews 11, but we don't read of him.
Now we see that we I just want to comment on this arc now for a moment. We mentioned that Noah's ark was a picture to us of Christ as King, as Messiah, carrying the godly remnants with the tribulation. I'd like to just draw some comparisons to the four gospels here. Which gospel is it that gives us Christ in his character as Messiah or king, in particular reference to his people, Israel? Well, it's Matthew's gospel.
So Noah's ark corresponds to Matthews gospel where we have Christ in his character as king. Moses ark is an ark of bulrushes placed among the bulrushes, wood, trees and scriptures speak of man, speak of humanity. So this ark of bulrushes is Christ as a man walking among men.
A perfect man, but men nevertheless. That's Luke's gospel, where he is presented as the Son of Man, as a man among men. So it's an arc of bulrushes laid in the bull. Russia.
Let's just look.
At verse five the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself of the reverend. Her maidens walked along by the Riverside. When she saw the ark among the flags, she sent her made to fetch it. The world I believe will see Christ. Apparels daughter here came and saw Christ. They may see no beauty in him as it tells us in Isaiah 53 the first section, but they will see Christ then in verse 9. Take this child away and nurse it for me.
And I will give thee thy way view. Well, I want to move on now to the next part. Moses arc being a picture of Christ in his humanity. Now the third arc I believe will go to Exodus chapter 25, the Ark of the Covenant.
The arc of the cover. Let's read Exodus chapter 25, beginning at verse 10. They shall make an arc of Shittim Wood or a Casey Wood. 2 cubits and a half shall be the life thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half their height. The height thereof now shall overlay it with pure gold. Within and without shalt thou overlay it, and shalt make it upon it a crown of gold. Roundabout. Thou shalt cast four rings of gold for it and put them in the four corners of the Robin. Two rings shall be in the one side of it.
And two rings in the other side of it, and thou shalt make saves of shed and wood and overlay them.
With gold.
Verse 17 Thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold. 2 cubits and a half shall be the length of and a cubit and a half the breadth around. Now it'll make 2 Cherubim of gold of beaten work. Shall thou make them and the two ends of the mercy seat, and make one cherub on the one end and the other cherub on the other end, even of the mercy feet shall ye make the cherubim on the two ends thereof. So here we have, and this is well known to all of us here. I promise you will only spend a few minutes.
Just touching very briefly on it, here we have this arc of wood, but overlaid externally and internally with that tells us in verse 10, verse 11, pure gold. Gold in Scripture speaks of the divine righteousness of Christ. This pure gold within and without speaks of not only His divine righteousness, but His deity, His deity. So this is the Lord Jesus Christ as God.
In the mid of Israel, that ark was to be placed in the midst of the congregation of Israel as they went through the wilderness.
So it's a picture to us of Christ as God in the midst of his earthly people. I believe that would correspond. I think we would all agree with John's gospel where he is the Son of God, Matthew, He is the Messiah. Luke, he is the Son of man. John, he is the Son of God. He's God manifest in the flesh. In John's gospel, John chapter one, the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. We behold his glory, the glorious of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. So this ark of the covenant is Christ as God.
Corresponding to John's Gospel if we look at verse 10 again.
It says.
Two cubits and a house will be the length thereof, a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof. Well, I think it's beautiful to see and I'm not going to go in that furniture, the Tabernacle that would that would take all night. But if we think of the height of this Tabernacle, the height of the ark, it's exactly the same height as the great in the brazen altar on the one side. That's exactly the same height as the table of showbread on the other side. The ark is Christ. The brazen altar speaks of the offering up of Christ without spot to God.
As an atoning sacrifice for our sins, the great of that brazen altar was the place.
Where the sacrifice was laid and the ashes came down through the grate. And then on the other side is the table of showbread, which speaks of the fruitfulness, the results of that sacrifice. And so here we have Christ, and on the same level we have his sacrificial death, His blessed person, and the fruit that results from it. And so we see that continuum all the way through, from the courtyard all the way through. We see Christ right into the Holy of holies. Let's look now at verse 12. Two rings shall be.
And the side of it, two rings on each side, four rings. I believe it. Those rings speak of the love of Christ, the love of Christ, the love of Christ that constrains us, the love of Christ that's universal, going out, if you will, to the four corners of the earth N SE and West, Every aspect of God's love fully revealed in Christ. The four rings of the ark. Now let's look down to verse 18. Thou shalt make 2 Cherubim of gold of beaten work shall shall make them in the two.
Ends of the mercy sea to make one cherub on the one end and the other cherub on the other end. I believe those two cherubims speak of justice and judgment. We read in Psalm, I believe that Psalm 81 That justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne, and the Lord Jesus Christ dwells between the cherubim. That's where God dwells between the cherubim. Justice and judgment being the habitation of His throat. What about the mercy seat now?
What about the mercy seat? That's the same word that's used in Romans when it speaks about the propitiation for our sins, the propitiation for our sins, God perfect sacrifice to us. It speaks of atonement towards God. It speaks of propitiation. God's holy and righteous character has been satisfied by the death of Christ. That's the aspect God, word of the atoning death of Christ to us, atonement to God, propitiation. And so God looks down at the mercy seat and he sees the blood sprinkled there by the great high priest or by the high priest once a year.
And we sing together. God is satisfied with Jesus. We are satisfied as well. His precious blood has spoken there before and on the throne, and his own wounds in heaven declare the atoning work is done. So that mercy seat on the top of the ark speaks of the propitiatory word, the atoning deck of Christ. And as God looks down, he sees that death of Christ perfectly satisfying his righteous claims against sin. We see justice and judgment framing that mercy seat.
Blood on the mercy seat, the blood of Christ by which alone we can be saved. And what do we see when we look inside? What do we see when we look inside? On the four corners we have love. We have those stage, I believe, perhaps Speaking of the two aspects of the work of Christ, his advocacy and his high priestly character bound by his love to his holy person carrying through the wilderness. What do we see when we look inside the ark? We see the tables of stone, we see the golden pots of had mana, and we see Aaron's rod, that body, the golden pots that met that had manna. Speaking of Christ in his humanity.
As the food for the pathway, an Aaron rod that budded, we see not a rod of government. That was Moses rod. Moses rod was a rod of government. Aaron's rod was a rod of grace. That was the rod which has a dead stick budded and blossomed and brought forth almonds all in one night. And what is it that can bring life and fruitfulness out of a dead thing like ourselves? Nothing but the grace of God. For by grace are ye saved through faith, not, not of yourselves. It is the gift of God.
So we're in that arc, we see the rod, the grace of God, golden pot that had manna, the all sufficiency of Christ for us to feed on for the wilderness pathway, and the 10 words of God being God's word for the sufficiency of the pathway when they got into the promised land now. And that art finds a permanent resting place. What do we see in it then? We see only the.
The 10 commandments on the table of the golden pot of manna is gone. Aaron Fraud that's but it is gone. Why is that?
When we get home to be with Christ, will there be a need for the rod and the staff no longer. Will there be the opportunity to feed on Christ for the wilderness pathway? No longer. But what about the Word of God? Forever, O Lord, thy Word is settled in heaven. Heaven and earth may pass away, but my Word shall not pass away. So in the promised Land, the Word continues. The pot disappears and the rod disappears. That's the ark that we have here, corresponding to John's Gospel. Now for the 4th Art.
I'm not sure who I have decided on to call upon for this 4th part. Noah's ark? Moses ark, the ark of the covenant. Noah corresponds to Matthew, Messiah carrying Israel through the tribulation. Moses is Luke, a man among men. The ark of bulrushes among the bull rushes. The ark of the covenant is John, God himself as Christ with all his glory and beauty. What about the 4th Arthur? The 4th arc we go to Genesis chapter.
50 and verse 26.
They found this the other day. We were quizzing his son here and Dave pulled this one out for us and he thought it was a little bit unfair. And I must have met. You would never find it from reading the English translation. So Joseph died in the last verse of Genesis 50, being in 110 years old, and they embalmed him and he was put in a coffin in Egypt. I'm going to read that to you.
From Mr. Darby's translation.
It says Joseph died 110 years old and they embalmed him and he was put in a coffin in Egypt. And the footnote says literally arc, the same word as used for the Ark of the covenant in Exodus 25 verse 10 and elsewhere. Joseph was placed in an scripture says he was placed in an ark. No question about it. The same word for Joseph's ark is the Ark of the Covenant. So the 4th arc is Joseph's Arkansas.
Read in Hebrews Chapter 11 That.
Joseph by faith gave commandment concerning his bones. His bones were placed into this arkin for 40 years. His bones were carried through the wilderness in an ark. That's Christ in his all sufficiency for the wilderness pathway. That's Christ as perfect servant. That's Mark's gospel. Christ in his service character to us now, because he will remain a servant for all eternity. It tells us that He will gird himself and He will come forth in service even in the future day. So he retains his servant character now. He is a servant.
For us in the glory as our great High Priest and as our intercessor.
He carries us through the wilderness halfway. Our great high priest is sitting at God's right hand above as our advocate. He intercedes for us. And so Joseph coffin, Joseph Ark is a picture of Christ as servant marks gospel. All sufficient to see us all the way home to the Promised Land. Let's pray.