Four Things That Never Satisfy

Proverbs 30:15
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YP Sing Address—D. Nicolet
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OK, this is going to be.
Come on.
Tonight, before I came over here, I didn't think it happened in Saint Louis, outside the Sheraton Hotel.
It usually happens. It used to happen over in Buchanan St. in Des Moines. They talked. Mr. Curtly talked about downtown Saint Louis now as being the second most dangerous place in the United States. The Buchanan St. meeting room in Des Moines where we used to have the remembrance of the Lord was the second highest crime rate area in the city of Des Moines and not infrequently someone would come wandering in off the streets and say hey.
I'm on my way to Minneapolis and I'm out of gas and I need a little bit of money so I can get a bus ticket to get up there. It was a pretty standard line after you've heard it about 400 times.
You get tired of hearing it, but that's not supposed to happen in front of the Sheraton Hotel in Saint Louis, right? Or is it Saint Louis, wherever that place is? But I was walking to my van tonight and I got in and sat down and somebody came up and knocked on the door and I looked and it it wasn't Andy Buchanan. It wasn't any of you guys. I didn't know this guy. And he said, you know, I'm really in trouble. I got a problem.
My gas light and my car just came on. I'm just over here in the parking lot and I've only got $0.12.
And I thought, well, if you're coming to me asking for money, your IQ must be about 12. But anyway, I had a little, some a small bill, believe me, small in my pocket. So, you know, what am I going to do, guys? Bigger. And you know, he's not. I gave it to him. And I reached down in the door of the van, and I have some tracks there. And I said here, I'd like you to have this. This is worth a whole lot more than what I just gave you. I don't know what he's going to spend that money on, but I doubt it's for gas.
That's what the world is that we live in. It's always wanting to get something because it's never satisfied.
And tonight, just for a couple minutes, for a few minutes, I want to talk to you about 3 words.
Is enough. Now I want to talk to you first of all in proverbs where those words are mentioned.
Because, beloved young people, I want to tell you something with all the fears, with all the failures, with all the torments, with all the problems, with all the difficulties.
Mr. Tony said. I think he said he's almost 60 or he's there. I am 60. It's painless, but it does come up on you fast. But I want to tell you something and all that time.
I found one thing absolutely for sure.
Jesus Christ.
Is enough.
He's enough for anything and everything that this world might place in front of you as an object to reach out and get and achieve and strive. Now, I'm not talking about the reasonable, normal things in our life.
Getting an education, a career so we can work.
Having a home, a way of conveyance, a means of conveyance. We don't live in some of the lands that other people live in. And so obviously we didn't get over here on a horseback by a horse and wagon tonight. We didn't walk over here. We got in a car and we drove over here and we're thankful for those things and not talking about that.
I'm talking about whatever it is that you're looking for and I might look for to find.
Satisfaction. Something that I say that really satisfies me, and I'm guessing that young man tonight hasn't found it yet.
And he's looking because he assumes that if he gets enough money, he can go buy some satisfaction.
Maybe it'll give him a few hours of a high so that he'll get some satisfaction, where then he's going to be back down and he's got to go tell someone else he's got $0.12.
And needs gas money S we can get back up again. What I'm talking about is the reality, beloved young people, of saying the Lord Jesus Christ is enough. But let's turn to Proverbs.
For justice a minute.
I'm going to read in the middle of verse 15. That's where I'm going to start. Proverbs 30, the middle of verse 15. There are three things that are never satisfied. Yeah, four things say not. It is enough.
Now, this isn't my wisdom. These aren't my words. These are the words of the one that every single person sitting or standing in this room tonight is going to look into his face someday.
The Lord Jesus, God, the Word manifest in flesh in the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God.
And the word was God, I don't care where you are in school. I don't care where you live. I don't care anything like that. I'm going to tell you an absolute, undeniable fact. You someday will look into the face of the Lord Jesus Christ.
He as God, the Word.
Wrote these words, he said. There are four things that are never satisfied. There are four things that never say it's enough.
I'm so thankful he didn't say there are many things or there are some things or there are a few things.
He said there are four things and then he tells us what they are and because he tells us what they are.
It's a wonderful thing, because that means that I don't have to be included in those things. Nor do you. Here's what they are the grave, the barren womb, the earth that is not filled with water, and the fire that saith. Not it is enough.
Now you can apply those in a lot of different ways. I'm going to apply them for the sake of time in a very simple way.
This world.
Supply real, true, lasting life.
You can spend however many years the Lord allows you to live in this world looking for it.
And apart from Jesus Christ, you're never going to get it.
This world is a grave.
It is a place of death, not of life.
And it is never satisfied if the Lord Jesus doesn't come.
I personally think he's going to be doing that very soon now.
But if he doesn't come, you're leaving here.
And there's only one way you leave this world. It's through death.
You're going to leave, and so am I.
And when you leave?
The question is not are you going to leave? The question is.
Who are you going to be with when you leave? So it says. The grave is never satisfied. There will never be a time in this world when, as it were, the grave will say, that's it, I've got enough. I'm filled up. No more rooms.
People don't have to die anymore.
The only way that you're going to get around that one is to accept the Lord Jesus Christ.
Eternal life. He's willing to give it to you.
He died. So you can receive that tonight. Then it says the barren womb. And all I want to apply there is you can spend your life looking for something that will give you the joy and satisfaction of having fruit in this world. Accomplishments. And there's nothing wrong with accomplishments, but if you think that is going to satisfy you, you're absolutely wrong.
You aren't going to get satisfaction from anything anywhere.
In this world.
A barren womb. It doesn't. It can't and it won't produce joy, fruit, and satisfaction.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who can give that to you and to me.
You may not believe me.
But beloved young people, I don't want you to spend if the Lord gives you 50 years or 40 years or 60 years.
I don't want you to spend all those years trying to prove me wrong.
Because God's already said.
That it's not to be found.
And then it says the earth that is not filled with water.
I don't know what it's like to go through a desert, but recently I read of an account or heard a story. I forget where it was a book. During the Second World War, AB24 Liberator Bomber was on a bombing run somewhere over in North Africa.
Tripoli, he's read the book.
And what they do, get into a dust storm and just go off course. Got off course. And they flew and they flew and they flew and no one ever heard of them again.
And then?
Many years later, they found a fairly complete fuselage of AB 24 Liberator out in the desert. I'm talking about lots of years later.
And so they sent out a search party out and they followed. And they realized that most of the guys on that airplane had lived.
They ran out of fuel and Oregon, the engines gave out. They parachuted out and all, I think but one of that crew lived. They ended up on the ground.
On the sand in the desert.
600 miles.
600 miles from water.
And they started walking.
And as the search party followed, they found skeleton after skeleton after skeleton laying, buried partially in the sand with the remnants of their clothing, their pilot's outfits. One I think had gotten something like about 70 miles.
Walked 70 miles in the desert.
No water, and he died.
How far are you going to walk? 600 miles?
God says there's no satisfaction.
It's a desert. It's not enough. It's never going to satisfy. You want to walk through this world looking for happiness and satisfaction apart from Christ.
Apart from really opening your heart and letting him not only be your savior but your Lord to fill and satisfy your heart.
It's a hopeless walk.
Don't start on it.
And then it finally says the fire that says not it is enough.
You're looking for comfort tonight in this world.
You're trying to decide that somehow you're going to find a nice, easy way to settle down and really enjoy yourself.
And you'll be able to say, oh, I've got it made. This is really comfortable. We came past the place on the way here. I was looking around, incidentally, for the someone. I was laughing. I said if I don't show up by 9:15, you're talking tonight.
They said follow me, But anyway, you know, I was driving down, I did get lost. I made the wrong turn and I realized this isn't the way to 270. But we got back on the road and got here. But I'm coming down the road and I'm looking off to my right and I'm seeing these beautiful homes and these, you saw them too. It says, what is it, Ladue Private Ledoux Estates or something?
Really nice homes. Now, I don't know how much the most expensive home in Saint Louis costs, but let's say you get to live there. Somebody says, here's the deed, it's all yours.
They're going to keep you from getting old. They're going to keep you from getting sick. They're going to keep you from crying. I'm going to keep you from sorrow. Is that going to give you comfort?
Well, I'm going to close now that we could go on and talk about this, but I'm going to close. Here are four things that don't say it's enough. I want to tell you about one man who said it is enough.
Let's go back. And you know why? This really encourages me?
This is a guy I can really identify with. His name is Jacob and the reason I identify with him is because.
I see so much in myself of the things that the word of God tells me about Jacob, Deceit and failure and distrust of the Lord. He pretty royally messed up.
But you know what?
In Genesis 45, a wonderful message comes to Jacob.
The message that comes to Jacob says Joseph is alive.
And he's in charge of everything in Egypt and this famine that's killing everybody.
He's in control. He can give you life. He can take care of you. Now, that'd be a pretty wonderful message to receive if you were living in a land where everybody was starving to death, to hear that your son or someone that you loved very much, that you thought was dead, was alive and not only was alive, but was in charge of the storehouses of food.
That would be a pretty neat message to receive. Well, I want to tell you, you've received it.
The word that says that the grave.
And the barren womb and the earth without water and the fire can never say it's enough.
That's the word of God has said, but there's someone that can provide everything you need and want.
The Lord Jesus.
And so Jacob heard that Joseph is alive.
And here's what it says about Jacob's reaction. I wonder if anybody here has ever reacted this way. Jacob's heart fainted, for he believed them not.
Ever happened to you? You ever read the word of God and you still get discouraged and down?
Because this can't be so. It can't be that easy.
Say God really mean that?
He didn't mean it. He wouldn't have written it.
So Jacob's heart faints. Why? Because Joseph is dead. No, Joseph is alive. Jacob's heart faints. Why? Because Joseph can't take care of him in famine. No. Joseph wants to give him the very best land. How come did Jacob's heart faint? Because he didn't believe the report. Beloved, young people believe this book, and here's what it says. They told him all the words of Joseph. You want to hear all the words of the Lord? They're right here, written for you.
And he said unto them, which he had said unto them. In other words, every word that God wants you to know is recorded in this book. And he has sent away for you to be conveyed to where he is, so he can make you happy and satisfied. They're called wagons.
So Joseph listens to what's said, and for our application, with the eyes of faith, he looks at the provision that God has made.
That's been made for him.
And he says it's enough.
That's what I want you to say tonight. That's what I want to say tonight. I've got the word of God in my lap.
Or in my arm.
They're God's words. That's what God has said.
And I can look and see the provision he's made.
To fill and satisfy my heart.
Is it enough?
Beloved young people.
He doesn't have any more to give you if that's not enough.
And that's what we've been hearing about this whole conference.
That every single blessing God could give you.
If you know him as savior, you've already got.
Is it enough?
And if you're not sure.
That you're saved.
You know, I don't think I want to say this because of this thing, but I'm going to say it anyway.
You know, Satan often comes and tells me. How do you know you're saved?
Does he ever ask you that? Don't nod your heads, just answer it inside. Do you ever questioned your salvation? Satan's pretty good at bringing that to us.
When they heard his words and saw his wagon, he said. It's enough, Satan. I've got enough.
Take your lives and go tell somebody else.
Walk with the Lord Jesus. Don't go across the desert looking for water.
Just open this book up and start drinking.
And eating.
And you, like Jacob, will be able to say it's enough.
That's why he hung on the cross.
And that's why I think he brought you to these meetings to tell you once again, he's enough.
Let's pray.