Fragment: A Heavenly Man in a Starving Scene

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 3
THE Christian, who knows what it is to be a heavenly man, is down here in a scene where his heart must starve; he will not find a bit of food here; he is fed from above. Christians generally are more like cattle in wintry weather. They manage to get little pickings of grass, and hay is brought to them to make up the quantity of food they need. But I am not to be in any measure supported by pickings; I am in a place where there are no pickings to be had; and I live on the plentiful supply that I get from above; I do not want the grass here at all. Paul, in Phil. 3, does not want any pickings. You lie down in the green pastures where you are full.
(J. B.)