A young Christian-a " babe "-rejoices in himself, has a blessed comfort in himself; the " fathers " more—simply in Christ. They have got to know him; they have a personal, matured acquaintance with Him; they rejoice in intimacy with Him. The young rejoice in the first blush of feeling, good and true, and what God has given; but, in the pull going through the world, we find there is nothing positively to rejoice in but Christ. The whole thing consists in having such nearness to Christ that, when the evil springs up, the power of Satan present has to do with Him who has " destroyed him that had the power of death "-with Him whose " holy arm hath gotten him the victory." AS He says " Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." Having gone Himself into a place where evil cannot reach, we have got Him there, the immovable source of blessing, and We rejoice in Him there. (J. N. D.)