The definition of a Christian is-We have known and believed the love which God has to us.
Satan will tell a great deal of truth (not the truth-that is sufficient for me), provided he can deceive by it.
The nearer a man is to God externally, if his soul has not living fellowship with Him the worse he is. Judas is worse than the Pharisees-the Pharisees than the Samaritans. Hence the profession of Christianity, where there is not its living power, is the very place where the most terrible evil is to be looked for.
The flesh never can trust God for eternal life-it may take up any form of godliness.
The history of Judas is first that he was a prudent man, loved money-carried the bag. Then Satan suggests to him a way of gratifying his lusts-now hypocrisy comes in-he goes on with his religion after he has concluded to betray Christ, and with the sop Satan enters into him; now he is hardened even against the relentings of nature.