FRANK and George have both been afflicted many years, and are confined to their beds. Little boys and girls who are strong and healthy, and can run about and play, little think what a great blessing they have in health.
Frank is always peaceful, though often in pain and weariness of body. He says,
“Jesus loves me, this I know,
For the Bible tells me so.”
Faith in the Lord Jesus and the Word of God is the secret of Frank’s peace. He waits for the Lord either to call His little stricken lamb to Himself through death of the body; or, what is still better, to come and take him, with all others who know and love Him, up in the air to be “forever with the Lord.”
Poor little George is pining and unhappy. He does not know the love of Jesus. He does not believe that the Lord died to save him. He does not like to be spoken to of Jesus. He fears to die, and his parents, who do not themselves know the Lord, do not like their child to be told of Jesus. What a sad thing! I trust the Lord will speak to the heart of the poor boy, and teach him to love the precious Saviour, and so be no longer sad because he cannot play and walk as other children do, but be happy as Frank, thinking of the One who loves him. L. B.