MAN pardons an offender, but cannot justify him. God does both. The one whom God forgives, He justifies also; that is, the believer in Jesus stands as clear of the charge of his offenses as if his guilt had never existed.
It is marvelous that God, who is holy, has in His wisdom, love, and grace so wrought through the work of Christ as to make such a thing, not only possible, but absolutely consistent with all His holy attributes When King Edward VII., with much pageantry and amid the glitter of Oriental robes, was proclaimed Emperor of India at the great Imperial Durbar held at Delhi on the New Year’s day of 1903, His Majesty was pleased to grant free pardons to the sixteen thousand of his Indian subjects who were in prison at the time for various crimes. When the Emperor-King’s gracious offer was made known to these favored people, we could not suspect that a single one of them either questioned the truth of the royal message or refused to avail himself of it. Not very likely that any one of them would choose to work out his own sentence after that!
Now God, in rich mercy, has been pleased, through His Word, to proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sins among all nations, for the acceptance of every sinner under heaven, and the proclamation to those who have the fear of God before them runs thus: “Be it known unto you... that through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins; and by Him all that believe are justified from, all things” (Acts 13:38, 3938Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: 39And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses. (Acts 13:38‑39)). But note, God is holy as well as kind, and His proclamation continues: “Beware therefore, lest that come upon you, which was spoken of in the prophets; Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish” (vv. 40, 41). Those thousands of Indian offenders did very well by accepting their Sovereign’s favor; but how infinitely better does a person fare who, as a repenting sinner, accepts for himself that which flows from the work of Christ at the cross.
How different are the results of the Delhi exaltation and Calvary’s humiliation! Those at Delhi got forgiven consequent only upon King Edward’s being at the very height of earthly glory, while, on the other hand, all who set to their seals that God is true, get His forgiveness and eternal blessing consequent upon the Saviour of sinners having been at the very lowest spot earth could find for Him, though repentance and pardon are only publicly announced after He has reached the highest place of heavenly glory. Yes, that blessed Person who suffered, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, is now exalted and enthroned in glory to be a Prince and a Saviour. Jesus the mighty Conqueror over Satan, sin, death, and the grave, was delivered for our offenses, and raised again for our justification, so that believers in Him might have a place with Himself and be like Him in His own everlasting kingdom and glory.
Soon He will come forth, as “King of kings and Lord of lords,” to be worshipped by the redeemed from every clime. To describe that splendor, language despairs!
“To Him that saved us from the world,
And washed us in His blood,
Called us to share His glorious throne,
As kings and priests to God,
To Him let every tongue be praise,
And every heart be love!
All grateful honors paid on earth,
And nobler songs above!”
Friend, will you be there, or are you “halting between two opinions” while on your way to work out your sentence in endless banishment from God in the misery of blackness of darkness?
“Be wise today, ‘tis madness to defer!”
“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”
May you have peace of conscience through trusting the blood of Christ, and joy of heart through occupation with the One who loved us, died for us, and rose again. For His great name’s sake may all this be yours without delay.
J. N.