A PERSON walking along a country road saw a large flock of sheep. The poor creatures were so frightened by a stranger’s appearance, that they ran hither and thither, and it was only when the one who had been caring for them came to their rescue that they quieted, and their fear subsided; but one poor silly little lamb came to grief. She strayed from the flock and ran in her own way to destruction.
“All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way”?
Your own way leads from God and heaven, and if you have not come to Jesus, you are still a wanderer, —you are lost. Satan leads you on, first after one pleasure, and then after another, for he delights in getting you to forget God, and to neglect His holy Word, which makes known to you your lost condition. Don’t let Satan deceive you, and lead you astray any longer, dear children; believe the Word of God,
Will you not trust Him? His grace led Him to die to save your guilty soul. What folly, if by carelessly neglecting, or willfully rejecting such boundless love and mercy, you shall be lost for eternity.
Do come to Jesus, dear children. NOW! He is graciously waiting to receive you. Accept Him as your own dear Saviour. Then you can sing,
“I was lost, but Jesus found me.
Found the sheep that went astray;
Threw His loving arms around me,
Drew me back into His way.”
ML 02/13/1927