An empty form of religion, without any knowledge of the truth of God, was what marked the early days of J.’s life. He had read the Bible, and heard it read from the pulpit, but it had made no impression on his mind, and he was strangely ignorant of the message it contained.
Time passed and J. removed far from the scene of his youth, and in the stress of a busy life he thought little of eternal things. But the time came when he began to feel a need in his soul. He knew he was unprepared to meet God, and the thought of eternity was a load upon his mind.
Though his life before the world was blameless, he knew himself to be a sinner before God, but he knew not what to do. He used often to go to a secluded spot on the farm to pray. He had a vague feeling that in God was his help, but his prayers brought little relief.
The recollection of his early religious profession seemed to offer no clue, to afford no solution to his problem. He was as one groping in the dark, not knowing which way to turn. He made frequent resolutions to lead a better life, to renew his efforts at good works, and keeping of the commandments, thinking that these things would make him more pleasing to God.
One day, as he was at work, a long-forgotten verse of Scripture came to his mind:
This was indeed a heavy blow. He saw at once that his efforts were utterly vain, and the darkness of despair settled down upon him. He told his wife that according to that verse, there was no help for them, they were lost!
All this time God had His eye upon J., and He sent help from an unexpected quarter. That evening as he sat by the well, Mr. K., a neighbor, came to him and said:
“I wish you would go with me to the school house this evening, to hear an evangelist. I don’t know who he is, but I have a curiosity to hear him.”
J. did not wish to go, but to please a good neighbor, he consented.
At the meeting they heard the simple story of the cross:
Thus they heard a message of salvation, full and free, offered to all, offered to sinners, just as they were.
J. sat through the preaching, lost to all about him. O, how readily—how eagerly did his soul drink in that message! How timely in his sore distress! How completely it met his need! The burden under which he had groaned for so long, fell away from him, and a feeling of wonder and thankfulness took its place!
As the two men turned their steps homeward, the neighbor sought by every argument to dissuade J. He told him not to be carried away by what he had heard—that there was nothing to it—but he was far too engrossed with what he had heard to heed what he was saying. He only said over and over:
“I know it is true, and I believe it with all my heart!”
From that hour, peace and joy took possession of J.’s soul. He carried the tidings to his wife, who at first was unresponsive, but after a time she, too, accepted Christ as her Saviour, and they rejoiced together.
J. is now an aged man, and as the sun of life nears the setting, the same peace and assurance fills his heart. The precious Saviour who so fully met his need as a sinner, has been his strength and comfort through the passing years. The wife, who shared his new found joy, has long gone to be with the Lord. The writer can testify that he has not kept his light hidden, but has sought to impart it to others, and many have heard the sweet story of Jesus’ love from his lips.
And now, dear reader, has this little narrative of J.’s struggles any voice for you? Have you ever felt a need in your soul? Have you ever felt yourself to be a sinner? Have you ever felt, as J. did, the futility of human effort? If so, may you, too, be led to accept Christ as your Saviour. He has died upon the cross to make salvation possible, and now He offers it to you free, without price. Just reach out by faith and take it. Accept it from His hand and be made happy for time and for eternity.