From Death to Life.

A GODLY doctor made it his business to do all he could for the soul as well as the body. One day he was called to visit a lady who was ill. He soon saw that an incurable disease had hold of her. She was a stranger; he might never see her again, so he told her kindly but frankly that she never could recover, and asked if she was prepared for death. The lady acknowledged with tears that she was all unprepared. He sat patiently by her side, and, in the most kind and clear manner possible under the circumstances, unfolded to her the plan of salvation through a crucified Saviour. He showed to her the great truth that she was a sinner, doomed to die; but since Christ has died, and since His atoning blood can avail for every sinner, she could be saved there and then. After going over the whole ground in this earnest and affectionate manner, he left her and never saw her again. She went away with her husband to her distant home. Twenty-five years passed. “Last Saturday,” said the doctor, “a gentleman called on me. He asked me if I recollected having a conversation with a certain lady in this city twenty-five years ago about the way to be prepared for death. I told him I did. He said, ‘I am her husband, and I have had a message to deliver to you for twenty-five years, but did not know how to find you, till I found you providentially today. My dying wife charged me to tell you what a debt of gratitude she owed you for your fidelity to her, in explaining to her how a perishing sinner can be saved. She died in the triumphs of Christian faith, and she charged me to tell you how happy she was, and how much she felt she was indebted to you. This was the last message she left.’” C. T.