From Sea to Sea

The millennial reign of Christ is the answer to the sufferings of Christ from the hands of men, which are presented in Psalm 69. The fulfillment of the desires of Christ, expressed in Psalm 70, following the restoration of Israel, are foretold in Psalm 71. Then the millennial reign of Christ is described for us in Psalm 72.
Psalm 72 opens (vs. 1) with a prayer to God, that the King may be guided by divine righteousness, and thus able to give decisions, or judgments, in accordance with the will of God. It is thus realized that the blessing of the kingdom wholly depends upon a King who carries out God’s judgments according to God’s righteousness. This King will be found only in Christ — the Son of David, of whom Solomon was but a type.
The Character of the Kingdom
There follows (vss. 2-11) the presentation of the character of the kingdom that must follow from having a King according to the mind of God. It will be marked by peace as the fruit of righteousness, according to which “the poor,” “the needy,” and “the oppressed,” will come under the special care of the King. Moreover, established in righteousness, it will be not only a kingdom of peace, but an enduring kingdom, marked by the fear of God throughout all generations (vs. 5).
Further it will be a kingdom of spiritual and material prosperity. The influence of the King upon His kingdom will be like showers that water the earth. In His days the righteous will flourish, and there will be abundance of peace (vv. 6-7). In extent His kingdom will be universal, from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth (vs. 8).
Supreme Power
Moreover, if universal in extent, it will be supreme in power. Every enemy will submit to the King, and own their subjection with gifts, by bowing before the King and serving Him (vv. 9-11). There follows the reason why this glorious kingdom marked by righteousness and peace, endurance, prosperity, universality and supremacy, should be given to Christ (vv. 12-14); He alone is worthy to receive riches, and honor, and glory, and might; for all these things will He use to deliver the needy and the poor when they cry; to be the Helper of the helpless, and the Redeemer of men from corruption and violence; and in His sight the lives of the poor and the helpless will be precious.
Further (vss. 15-16), we are assured that this King, who secures such blessing for the world, will never be cut off by death, for “He shall live.” To Him the riches of the world will be given; for Him prayer will be made that the blessing of His reign may continue; and to Him praise will be offered daily. Thus abundance of blessing will be secured for every portion of the earth ― the valleys, the mountains and the cities.
Everlasting Fame
The glory and blessing of His kingdom (vs. 17) will lead to the everlasting fame of His Name, for all will be blessed in Him, and He will be blessed of all.
Lastly (vss. 18-20), the praise of the King will lead to the praise of God. Thus men will say, “Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things. And blessed be His glorious name forever.” Thus through the reign of Christ in righteousness, the whole earth will be filled with the glory of God. In the anticipation of this glorious prospect, David can say, “the prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended.” What more, indeed, is left for David to pray? It only remains for him to say, with all others, “Amen, and Amen.”
Hamilton Smith