Fulor's New Weapon

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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FULOR was a hardened criminal in the town of Iramble, Brazil; he always carried two revolvers in his belt. Most of the townspeople were terrified of him and even the police feared him. He did as he liked and no one dared challenge him.
One day a gospel preacher arrived in Iramble to visit relatives. One of the relatives knew Fulor, and told the preacher about the gunman.
“I must see him,” said the preacher, “and tell him about the Saviour.”
So the preacher visited the dreaded Fulor. Fulor listened to every word the preacher said, and at the end of their conversation he accepted a New Testament.
The next day the preacher was holding a gospel meeting in his niece’s home. Just before the meeting began there was a stir among those present. Murmurs went round the room. Fulor had just come in!
He sat quietly and listened thoughtfully. Afterward Fulor spoke to the preacher about his sins.
“Will God forgive even me?” he asked. The preacher assured Fulor that if he was sorry for his sinful life and took Christ as his Saviour, he would be saved for all eternity. Fulor did receive the Lord and was converted that day.
The following day the chief of police was looking out of his office window. Surely that could not be Fulor walking through the station door! But a few moments later there was a knock at the door, and in walked Fulor. In his hands were two revolvers. The police chief gasped. “This gunman has actually dared to walk into the police station and hold me up,” he thought. He thought too of his sick wife and children at home.
But Fulor placed the revolvers on the desk. “Chief,” he said, “please sell these two guns and buy some medicine for your sick family. Now I belong to Jesus, and my weapon is this.” Fulor drew from his pocket the New Testament the preacher had given to him the day before his conversion. “I have been a terrible sinner,” said Fulor, “but thanks be to God, Jesus has taken my sins away.”
When we come to the Lord Jesus and take Him as our Saviour, we become a new creature.
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Cor. 5: 17.
A LITTLE child of seven,
Or even three or four,
May enter into heaven
Through Christ, the open Door.
For when the heart believeth
On Christ, the Son of God,
’Tis then the soul receiveth
Salvation through His blood.
Jesus can save little children,
Save them from sin, make their hearts clean;
Jesus can save little children,
Save them and keep them from sin.