WHAT cannot God do? What will He not do when His heart is set upon blessing His people? It is a common thing with Him to bring spiritual good out of temporal evil. He can extract pleasure out of pain: yea, He can enrich by impoverishing, and turn losses into gains.
I gain most by what God takes from me, for I am an immense, yea, an eternal gainer, when He fills up with Himself the want of that which He takes away. Whatever brings me this blessing, I can welcome it. Welcome every cross which brings me nearer to Jesus, and makes me live in stricter fellowship with Him. Then I can say (and feel it, too), “Farewell, fine world! Farewell all thy fine things! Farewell forever, when they would keep me one moment from the enjoyment of my greatest good, and from the love of my best and Eternal Friend.” W. R.