Galatians 6:7-18

Duration: 53min
Galatians 6:7‑18
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Our richest king without.
The love.
I forgotten.
All our.
All right.
Things that join us, the souls.
To your face.
From his side is nothing to say.
I love God.
Make Love.
And there's such a smile and sorrow.
Is hard horns come all the time.
Where the whole ground?
Of nature.
I'm afraid to swallow what that transcends.
Our violence.
Our deep hands are so hard.
We just pray.
Should we go on with Galatians chapter 6?
I think we're down to maybe verse 7.
Galatians chapter 6, verse 7.
Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth that shall, he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary and well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
You see how large a letter I have written unto you with my own hand. As many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised only, lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. For neither they themselves who are circumcised to keep the law, but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh. But God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the word, the world was crucified unto me, and I unto the world.
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature, and as many as walk according to this rule. Peace be unto, peace be on them, and mercy and upon the Israel of God. From henceforth let no man trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ. Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, Amen.
So right in the center of this section about.
Which began with verse 6.
Communicating to the one who teaches and ends.
In verse 10 with doing good.
To all really sewing, it's it's it's not just giving money, but sewing whatever it might be that is good.
The apostle brings out then this principle, sowing and reaping has, as we saw, both a positive and a negative side, and he takes this opportunity to.
Point out again about the flesh and so we have the flesh and that was taken up and some length in chapter five with the flesh and the spirit there and the works of the flesh and the fruit of the spirit and now he's making the point that.
It's not just a matter of giving in these other things, but we can also be giving or sewing in our own lives, and we can sew in a good way.
We can sew towards that which is of the Spirit, or we can sew towards that which is of the flesh, and these things then have.
A reaping. There's it's a principle, spiritual principle and the things of God that there is a reaping for what we do.
Very important that we realize that because.
Sometimes we're apartment to think that we can just go on and do things and they're hidden away in our lives and it's not going to have a consequence. But the teaching of Scripture is that there is a reaping in our lives here on earth and so is Christians. We have to be very aware of that and take care to live our lives for the Lord. And so to the Spirit says in Romans 8 that if you.
Live according to the flesh, he shall die. That's the idea of spiritual death that goes on. And here it's reaping corruption. But then if we so do the spirit or live according to the Spirit, he says you shall live. And so there's a life and and a reaping that goes on that increases for the Christian and we can go one way or the other.
I would take it too in the context that the sewing to the flash is more the thought of selfishness and living for myself than the sowing to the Spirit is more to what we had in verse six and again in verse 10. Because verse nine goes on says let us not be weary and well doing.
And so this is the idea of giving, which is what the gospel is and what we have in Christianity. It's grace. It's what the law didn't do, The law demanded, but it didn't get. And as Christians by grace were given all things, and we are to according to that. And there is this idea of sewing out Brother Rob whispering before us very vividly the need to sow the good seeds.
The gospel, and this goes along well with what He's saying. Let us not be weary and well doing for due season. We shall reap if we faint not, or maybe we won't see it here in this world, but something that we sowed for the Lord is going to be reaped and we'll find out about that in eternity. That's the Lord's work, His business. And how many times has that been done? And maybe we haven't seen anything, but eventually there's going to be that realization of the reward.
We have the same expression, not deceived.
In Corinthians in a couple of places and I won't, we won't spend time looking at that, but just for meditation, particularly for parents and the point I want to make about.
Being deceived, it says be not deceived.
But the whole concept of planting and harvesting it takes time.
So you put the seed in in the spring, you get a crop in the harvest at the end of the summer. There's a period of months that go, go along. And we can all relate to that. We have all of us who have a garden, we understand that if we put squash seeds in and and may then in September we might see some squash that we can harvest. So there's a result that happens, but it takes time. And so we all make decisions, particularly as parents.
How we raise our children, what we allow and the things that the exercises that we have today will result in a fruit down the road. We can't see the end of the story now. That's why it says be not deceived because it can look like it's not important or look like a little thing, but what's the end result going to be?
And so.
Those of us that are a little bit older, we've seen the consequences that people have made that have affected their families years. And so we can benefit from the word of God by being exercised before the Lord as to what we sow.
In our lives because there's going to be a reaping.
And so, yes, there is a positive side. We've talked about that. But this is, I think, a negative thing because none of us likes to be deceived. And if you look in Timothy, you'll see that it says the woman was deceived, doesn't mention her name. We talked about that he was the responsible, but it says the woman was deceived. And so none of us want to be deceived. We want to sow good things. We want good results.
We want blessing, we all want those things, but we need to be careful. And that's why verses like this are very important, because they get to our hearts because that's what the Lord wants. He wants our affections. He wants us to make investments now for Him.
Result in an increase later.
The world has a standard.
In the the country that we live in, there's this thing called the American Dream. And you come here, you work hard and you can become very prosperous and get a lot of money and then you can live life to the fullest. And that is the American Dream. And what is in this world oftentimes, if we're honest, permeates into our hearts, becomes us. It takes up a very similar subject to what we find here.
About amassing treasure. And there is a danger of looking at the culture that we live in and saying that is truly life and following after that trying to amass treasure, treasure, trying to amass the enjoyments of this world presently.
And in regards to spiritual things, spiritual giving, like we have in context right here, we're stinging and what what will that result in? Well, that will result in having treasures where a thief can come in and laws can destroy is only for this present life and what is truly life is found in.
Being diligent and divine things, not being stingy with our money. There's a difference between being.
And being stingy, it's good to be frugal. It's good not to just live to, to excess, but it's good not to be stingy with our brethren and, and, and living and not being stingy and, and giving money to those who minister, giving money to the Saints, being hospitable, you're going to have less money in your bank account to do the things that you might want to do.
But there's going to be a future reward, and that's his point here. You can either enjoy present difficulty, present corruption, or you can enjoy future gain. And that game deals with eternal life. So it's something that we enjoy presently, but in a future day, it's going to be realized in its fullest. And then he goes on in verse nine. And let us not grow weary.
Doing good for in due season. If we're looking for a reward now, we're going to grow weary and that reward is going to fail us because we're not going to. We're not going to give joyfully. We love the tearful giver.
So if we do it and don't grow weary in it, then there's something in the future that the Lord is going to reward us and He will be no man's debtor. But we have to have our eyes there. Our eyes are here. Then we're going to just read the corruption.
But Joe, it takes faith to believe that.
It takes faith to to act on that proverb that tells us a little more about that. There is that scattering and yet increasing.
You wouldn't think so, right? Say you're throwing your money away, you're throwing your time away. There is that scattereth and yet increases, and there is that withholdeth more than his meat, but it tendeth to poverty. This is how God looks at it.
Because the Lord said. And so it is with those that are not rich towards God, not the way other people see things, but the way God sees things.
And it takes faith to understand that and to act God.
Would I be right to conclude that we don't have the option of stalling nothing We're going to be doing one or the other.
I think there's a basic principle here too that.
Along with what brother Paul was saying that when you.
So it involves death. The seed dies and there may be things that we have to die to. We are primarily sewing ourselves and that's what the Lord did, Set the corn of wheat fall onto the ground and diet and fight it alone. Either diet bring it forth much fruit. And so there was a tremendous reaping, but only as a result of what He did and sometimes what we have here.
Perhaps all the time, maybe require that entire giving up of that which we want in the flesh so that we can.
Read that which is spiritual.
I, I think there's mutually exclusive things that way as well, Rob that.
It's not just doing one or the other, but the one actually.
Ends up being death to the other and.
It says we'll, we'll reap if we faint not in the Lord Jesus went all the way through with it at the cross, didn't he, till he gave his life. And as a result of that we all have life. And for us it could be many things in our lives, things that are dear to us that we cherish, that we have to give up.
Maybe for our family, our wife, maybe for the Lord, it's the assembly and then there's blessing that comes. So if we selfishly hold on to that, it's going to.
Result in a loss.
I think the comment that you made, Henry, about the requirement for faith is important to this discussion.
I think of the words of Jim Elliott, who gave his life in Ecuador for the sake of the Gospel, who said he is no fool who gives that what she cannot keep for that which cannot lose.
You think of Abraham, who left everything he had in her of the calise, to wander in the deserts.
In the land of.
Canaan for a promise that he didn't really receive.
He was searching for a city whose foundation and maker was gone.
Dwelt in tents his whole life.
Will he be rewarded for what he did? He's already counted the father of the faithful. He's counted as a wise man and as a good example.
And after leaving an eternity, that it will show that his decision to obey God and give up what he could see, what he could lay his hands on for a promise.
Of millions when he only had one.
With an act of faith. And I think that that's very relevant for this discussion because I know in my own heart the appeal of things around us and what I possess is huge.
And the reality of eternity doesn't always seem that real to me.
Even though in my head I know that the eternity is much greater and yet when making a present decision.
Very often the things that are.
In the here and now way much bigger than that which is far off and I can't see very well.
So we have time, we have opportunity in verse 10 says, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are the household of faith.
So that is the end conclusion of this, that we should take our time to do this good. And the question is what is the good and should we go around trying to make the world a better place and try to help everybody we can with with money, with food, with clothes and make the assembly into it, you know, a good outreach organization to help everybody.
And the answer is no, it's not saying that.
We want to know how to take everything in this chapter and balance we do, like we do with the rest of Scripture. We look at the Lord and see what He did.
The Lord had the ability to go and fix all the rights in the world, to take all the poverty and eliminate it. He had the ability to do that, and he went around doing good. But what was his mission and his objective? It was to tell man about their need. It was to present them with the gospel. It was to actually bring them into the light of God's presence so that they would know.
What was important for eternity and all that he did had that goal as the end point. And so there's a balance here, isn't it? Paul went around, he did the same, He helped people, but he spent his time preaching the gospel, teaching the Saints, and really ministering to the greatest need of all. And that was spiritual, but not neglecting the others. So we have to take this in order and we do have opportunity. There are those with.
Real physical needs around us, and we've got the ability to help them, and we need to do that, but not to neglect to do the other, and not to get so wrapped up with good works that we're forgetting by far the more important thing, the need of a soul for eternity.
Just want to make a quick point about that beginning of verse 10.
Opportunity or or occasion? Just thinking as someone who has lost a lot of occasions or opportunities in my life. The Spirit of God speaks to every believer.
Many times.
In very particular ways and gives us occasions where he presses on our heart.
A need and disturbance, spiritual need and physical needs. But I think more importantly, the Lord puts you in contact with with souls.
Maybe even on a daily basis. And each one of them is an opportunity.
For you to point someone to the Lord Jesus and you're never going to have that that opportunity again. So to be sensitive to the pull of the Holy Spirit from your heart.
When the Lord speaks to you and not just to say I'll take care of that tomorrow because there are many opportunities that are lost because we don't listen to the Lord.
Well, the next section we have here goes on to a matter of urgency, which really was at the heart of this epistle, and that was that there were those who were preaching against the cross of Christ, and they were taking up with the law, and they were doing it so that they might glory in others.
And this all denied the gospel, and it was to the ruin of the Saints. And so the apostle starts.
In verse 11, by saying, you see how large a letter I've written unto you with my known hand. He normally used others to write the letters, but it seemed like there was a matter of urgency that caused him to just go ahead.
Forced by the spirit of God and write to them in a large letter, perhaps also emphasizing the points, but.
In his own hand and not wait until it could be written out by another and then he goes on to.
Bring out these ones who were troubling them, and speak about that again, which he already had earlier in the epistle.
As in chapter 5 verse 12 it says I would that they were even cut off which trouble you?
So we see a little bit more of what these ones we're trying to do and going about corrupting the gospel and corrupting the Saints, corrupting Christianity itself. And the apostle urges the Galatians to listen to what this teaching is, what this truth is, that liberty that we have in Christ, that life that we have, the Object, the spirit that we're called to walk in and not to go on with that error.
I think this verse gives us this. 11Th verse. 12Th verse.
Gives us one of the keys to why we struggle personally.
In my life, you and your life, and collectively with recognizing the awful sinfulness of legality.
And it says as many as desire to make a good showing in the flesh.
Oftentimes when we when we take up with we.
Reality it's for.
A shortcut to appear godly or spiritual or holy. The two great difficulties that are taken up in Galatians are justification by law, keeping by meriting, or the second thing is trying to gain or merit holiness.
Separation from sin through legality. Can the law or can can I do something to make myself holier, more spiritual? And when we look at licentiousness, when we look at the world, when we look at things that are taken up in in First Corinthians chapter 5, we all can see that we all see it for what it is. It's it's a horrible scent.
But when it comes to legality, we so often give it a pass because it plays the part. It looks good, it doesn't look so bad, and yet in reality it's far worse than what we have in First Corinthians 5.
It's far worse than licentiousness because that never claims to be from God. That never claims to be godly, and yet legality does. And just like licentiousness sets aside the cross of Christ.
Legality, as Rob read to us from the 2nd chapter 20 first verse, legality sets aside the cross of Christ. It makes Christ death, vanity and vain. So for us individually and collectively, when we see legality in our lives and we all have a legal flesh and when we see legality collectively.
We need to recognize it for what it is not. Don't give it a pass. Help the individual to see the whole point of this entire epistle and why it is written for the benefit of the individual, for the benefit of the Church, the body of Christ, for the benefit of Christ himself.
Joe, how do I recognize legality? Sorry, maybe I missed it. What? What is legality?
Legality at its core is, is just meriting. It's it's seeking to earn through the flesh a place before God. Either through justification, I can, I can stand before God on my own righteousness. That's that's the Old Testament legality, or I can become closer to God because I'm doing something.
And legality has many strengths to it. There can be personal legality. We take those two core principles and apply them to your life as legality. You take those two core principles and try to apply them to somebody else's life.
Absent faith, that's legality. You take something that is extra biblical, not in the Word of God, and try to make somebody do that under the assumption that that is going to make them more godly or holy or more loved by God. That's legality. There's there's many facets to legality, but almost all of them come back. I believe all of them come back to those two strains. Justification by faith or seeking to get a little closer to God on my own merit.
Thank you.
How about the second part of this question? How do we recognize?
Oftentimes we cannot recognize it in somebody else. You could have two people doing something that's the same thing.
And one of them is doing it in faith, and one of them is doing it with a legal mind.
Sometimes you can recognize it in somebody else, like if somebody is is trying to present extra biblical doctrine as a manner of life, that is obviously very easy to say. Does the Bible say it? If it doesn't, that's obviously legality. So in regards to that first way, what we can do is we can see it for ourselves. What is our spirit? What is our heart? Why am I doing it? Am I doing it because.
Brother so and so said I should be doing it. That's not big.
Am I doing it because I think that I could be a little more godly if I do this? That's not me. Am I doing it because I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ would have to do that? That's the then.
Don't do that. But if it's these other reasons that we're doing something, it rises only to the level of a fair show in the flesh.
So legality too is that which gives the 1St man a place is.
Says that I as a person have a place before God or before man, according to Meredith, because of what I have done.
That's basically what it is and whatever form it takes. And the cross says the first name is no place because we we. Thus judge Paul says in 2nd Corinthians 5 that if one died for all, then we're all dead. That means there was nobody who could take the place of having merit in any sense.
We all needed the cross.
The Lord Jesus had to die for everyone of us.
And so the cross entirely sets aside the 1St man.
And wherever the principle of legality is taken up one sense or another, there's a persecution against those who only recognize the cross. That was primarily the primarily the Jews in that day. And that's what he's talking about, the end of verse 12.
Only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. And so when they were preaching the cross of Christ, the Jews persecuted them no end, because that meant there was nothing that the law could do for them, and the Jew assisted that it could. And that principals spend there ever since. And that was really, I think, the main teaching, the end of chapter 4, the the bond woman persecuting the child of the free woman, and that.
The principle of law and those who take up with it, there's always an opposition to the Pure sovereign grace of God based on the cross of Christ. And so these ones didn't want to suffer persecution. And so they weren't taking up with just the cross of Christ. Whatever part they recognized, they were taking up with the principle of law. And lo and behold, they found the Jews had no problem with that, and neither than anybody else who was taking up with this principle. But if we're going to be faithful to the Scripture, we go down.
And verse 14 but God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has crucified them to me and I into the world. And so first of all, the cross of Christ is put me away. It showed that I was dead, but it also completely separates me from the world and all of its principle. And there's no compromise there. The law has to do with the world and Christians taking up with the law. It's a worldly principle.
But he says no, we take up with the cross. That shows that I have no standing before God and myself. Neither does anyone else. All that I have is in Christ. All of my hopes are based on what he did on the cross, and that's an offense to the first man. But we have to take up our identification with that.
Cortana takes up the the underlying reason why men take up with legality, and it's because there is a satisfaction to the flesh when you can get somebody to conform to your standard.
So these ones would say that you need to get circumcised. And the apostle Paul points out that they're requiring stringently that you do XY and Z and yet they don't keep the law. And the reason that they were requiring that you do XY and Z is so they could sit back and they could be.
Your the ones who had dominion over your faith.
And it was for the satisfaction of flesh, which is what this polar pistol takes out the flesh and the world to save us from this present evil world. The 1St chapter verse four presents.
So when we take up with law and we get to the bottom of our motive, this is the this is what the Spirit of God presents to us as the bottom of our motor is a desire to have dominion over flesh.
To enjoy or have satisfaction in the flesh over once conforming to my standard.
Henry, part of the question, part of the answer to the question that I asked is how do you tell? It might be in verse 13, and if there's an inconsistency in Application for the Pharisees, it came out as hypocrisy that they would apply to other people and not do it themselves.
And I suspect that is a consistent characteristic because the flesh doesn't like doing hard things unless it's getting glory from it, so it'll excuse itself where it's unpleasant and thinks it can get away with it. Very happy to apply to other people.
So the whole principle of the world's religion.
Is do started with pain?
That which he did with his own hands, and it's been so ever since. And of course the principle of Christianity is done. The Lord Jesus said it is finished. Nothing more could be done.
And that separates everything. So he takes that up as well. It's helpful to see that in verse 14. It's not just the flesh there, but he's speaking about the world.
The the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
By whom the world is crucified unto me.
It was that world that hated what the Lord said that put him on the cross. They did away with him. I said we won't have that.
They wouldn't have the remedy of the cross either.
But he says I'm crucified, that the world is well, he said. And so far as I identify with the world, they would want to put me there with him.
And then as far as I'm concerned, the world is crucified to me. He said, they're the ones who put my Savior there. I want nothing to do with that. And so the cross completely separates us from the world. Now, we may not live that way. This verse may be very condemning, but we need to look at it. And this is a reality.
We're identified with Christ, and that's where, as far as this world is concerned that the career of the Lord Jesus Christ ended was at the cross. They never saw him again, and we're connected with him.
Our life is bound up with His. His life is now in heaven. We're hid with Christ in God. And if we're truly going to identify with the Lord Jesus Christ, what part do we have with this world? It's exactly as His first says. It's something every one of us needs to consider as to how.
Far we actually take our place with the one who died for us.
Define the world. It's not the world as the earth or the the.
People that live at the gospel or the message that evangelist preaching the gospel to the world. So what? What is it? The world here that is?
It's a world system, isn't it, Brother Phil?
That which came, went out and did is He made himself happy away from the presence of the Lord, and set up things that would be for the pleasure of man away from God, and that has existed ever since. He meant again after the flood, because that's where the heart of man is.
Yeah, I think that's an important distinction. Thank you.
What you have in First Giant chapter 2.
Right there for a second.
Speaks there first, John two of.
Verse 15 Love not the things. Love not the world.
This isn't John B16. I also love the world, is it? That's the point you're making. And God loved all the people in the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son. But this is the world system that is talking about love, not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
And they love the world. The love of the Father is not in Him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof. But he that doeth the will of God abided forever. And so it really is that system of things that exist here apart from God and his Christ, to make man in the flesh happy.
The cross is the great common denominator, the answer to this entire epistle.
It's what puts every believer on a single plane, and there's not one believer who God loves anymore or any less than any other one, and there's not one believer who can do anything more to earn favor before God. Everyone can come back to this cross and this cross alone and say Jesus did it, Christ did it, it's Christ in the cross, and anything that I attained is not me that attained.
It is Christ and his work, his life that attained it. And so the believer doesn't glory, doesn't boast, doesn't say look what I've done, look at them. Look how spiritual I am. Look how, look how depraved these, these poor believers are that that's the flesh. The believer says the cross in Christ, that's where he always comes back to. That's his boast. But when we take up with the principle that this epistle is dealing with, it will always segregate.
And almost always we are going to be at the pinnacle of that segregation.
Now we said that the cross is that what separates us from the world?
He also said that it was that would separate or that which shows that the flesh has no standing, no place before God that is condemned and that you get in verse 15. It says for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision, but and it should be a new creation. You're saying the only thing that avails in Christ Jesus is that new life, the new creation, that which is his own life, that which which we have in Galatians 2 verse 20.
That's the only thing that God will accept.
The flesh is entirely put away before God and he goes on and says in verse 16 and as many peace be on them in mercy and upon the Israel of God. Now what is this rule? We had a law in verse two and now we've got a rule in verse 16. You might wonder like laws and rules. I thought we're saying we're not under law. Well, in in verse two, as we saw law was the law of Christ and that is that you love one another.
And here it's this rule that is the rule of the new creation. It's connected with the end of verse 15. In Christ Jesus, neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation, and as many as walk according to this rule, peace beyond them, and mercy on the Israel of God. And so there is an order of that life.
That rule of that life, and that is.
That it has the Lord Jesus Christ himself as its object. He's not only the life, but he's the object of that life. And if we walk according to that rule of the new creation life that we have in him, he says, he said there's going to be peace that the law didn't bring. There was no peace under the law. But walking with that life that we have according to the Lord Jesus as our object, there'll be peace on them. And he's speaking mainly to Gentiles, so he says.
And mercy and upon the Israel of God, that is the Jews who had believed, that's the Israel of God referred to here.
And so there is peace and there is everything that we seek and and mercy and found in Christ with that new life that we have.
We are called off to be of one mind. Flippians 2/5.
I think guys in with what you're saying.
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.
Form of God thought not robbery be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation took upon him. The form of a servant was made in the likeness of man. Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. If that's the mind that we have, there will be peace.
Not too many of us that can say like Paul said in verse 17, I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. When you read about the number of times he was beaten, the number of times he was shipwrecked.
The stoning that he went through.
All those different sufferings and the marks that they would have left in his body.
There was a goalie once in NHL hockey player.
And he invented the first face mask and every time he got hit in his face mask, he would take a marker and he would put a black line and put stitches, stitch marks across them. And his his face got blacker and blacker and blacker because there are more and more places where his face was saved. But he would have had scars and the Apostle Paul would have had a face that looked like that, would have had a back that was scarred and a body that was scarred for the sake of the Lord Jesus.
And for the sake of the cross of Christ.
And the apostle points this out because.
These false teachers were trying to put marks in the bodies of the Christians.
And it was so they would escape persecution. Paul says, don't trouble me. I've identified with Christ. And that's why I actually bear marks in my body. And if you're going to be faithful to the Lord, you're not going to have the cutting off of circumcision. You're going to have some actual scars for him. And Paul just points that out because they could make no such claim. There's a reality to Christianity. The other is completely false. And so he brings this in at the end. And then he says in verse 18.
Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your Spirit. And this is what we need as well, because.
These subjects that we've been talking about, there can be a lot of contention and we could take up these things in the wrong spirit.
And really do a lot of damage to the truth. But we need the grace of the Lord Jesus to be with our Spirit so that we can take it up in a right way. First of all for ourselves and then for the benefit of others.
We sing #47.
May grace, free grace, inspire our souls with strength. Divine every thought to God. Inspire and grace can serve design.
Wandering things to tread the heavenly world.
And do surprise each Caribbean walk around.
Turn off towards grace. I gave my still alive.
New all by burning stuff.
For our souls with straight divine.
Every thought you thought.
That God will marry his grace for God till we have one a day.
May pray, grace and start our souls and strengthen God. May every thought you've gone aside.
And service shine.
We pray God and our Father, we thank you for that free grace that found us and all of our deed and lifted us up to thee. We thank thee for the Lord Jesus Christ who came here into this world of sin and woe and and this place died.
At the cross gave up everything so that we might live. We thank you for that grace. It has come because of His work. We pray our God and our Father. That is, we have considered it again here, that it would have more of an effect in our hearts and lives, and that our eyes would be more characterized by it, that we would become more like the Lord Jesus Christ. And so we thank you for this time that we had together. We further commit our time to Thee.
Just give thee thanks to.
Or the the meal that were to take off shortly, thanking thee for the food, for the fellowship and all thy mercies to us, our God, we give thee thanks in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Amen.