Galatians 6

Duration: 1hr 23min
Galatians 6
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John, chapter 1. John chapter 3.
Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us.
That we should be called.
Children of God.
Verse 2.
All of us now are we the children of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be.
We know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him.
For we shall see him as he is.
Our God, our Father, we be happy with. Chapter 6. Galatians.
Perhaps we have a reader in the house.
The Nations, Chapter 6.
Brethren, if a Matthew were taken in the fall, he would charge spiritual in the spirit of meekness considering.
There ye one anothers burdens and soul fulfill the law of Christ. For if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing, and he stay with himself, but that every man drew his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For every man shall bear his own burden, let him that is taught in the word.
Communicate into him. That teaches him all good things.
Be not deceived, God is not marked. For whatsoever a man saw that shall he also reap, for he does so to his flesh. Shall of the flesh reproduction. But he does know up to the Spirit. Shall of the Spirit reap white everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing or in due season. We shall reap if we think not.
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
You see how large a letter I have written unto you with my own hand. As many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised only. Thus they should suffer persecution for the cause of Christ. For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law, but desire to have you circumcised, that they make glory in your flesh.
But God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
By whom the world has crucified him to me, and I into the world. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision to pay left anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature, and as many as walk according to this rule, these be on them and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. From henceforth let no man trouble me.
For I buried my body, the marks of the Lord Jesus, rather than the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Be with your spirit. Amen.
Like to make a few comments about this first verse and there's been a lot of confusion among brethren and among Saints about this first verse. I believe the Lord Jesus explained this first verse.
He said if thou see and thy brother have a Moat in his eye, first remove the beam that is in thine own eye, and then thou shalt have wisdom to remove the Moat that is in my brother's eye. That's the answer to this first verse. This first verse should be read. We should read it this way.
If some man be overtaken in the fault, he which have judged yourselves, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness, considering thyself, rest out also be tempted. It's very interesting and I believe very important as brethren, as Saints, that we understand how important it is.
Self judgment, self judgment, and that's the meaning of this first person.
That would be one who is spiritual, isn't that right?
Yeah, that's true. However, you know, a lot of people have taken this question. I've heard more than once, many times explained well, those that understand the scriptures, those that walk according to truth and all this and that. The other thing, that's not what it means. It doesn't say he who knows scripture or he who walks in the truth. It says he that is spiritual. And I really believe that's the meaning that you brought it out. One who is spiritual judges himself.
He keeps a short account with God. I believe that's a spiritual man. Job was a spiritual man. He just didn't know what the Lord knew about himself. But he kept a short account. And you know, there was a group in our county that.
Were not gathered to the name of the Lord. We had that so nicely last hour. But they were meeting alone, without any denomination and without a leader.
And they felt they were, you know, and I remember a brother in that group telling me that they had this experience They had, there was a, a leader, there was a in that group, there was a Bishop not ordained. You know, we had a Bishop in our group and we have one now. I don't know, but but the last one to tell you he's a Bishop is the Bishop. At any rate, they had a.
Father's heart leader, you know, and they all look to him, but he was well taught, not as well taught as he should be, but anyway, and and they had a brother who was overtaken in a fall or a fault. This isn't something assembly disciplines. This isn't that kind of a thing, but you know, you can he obviously going getting away from the Lord. It can be obvious one way or another.
So after a while, they all love this brother.
A lot. His name was John, who was getting cold in his soul and it was showing. And so this leader called a prayer meeting and he said to the brothers, we have to do something. We have to go visit dear brother John and he said and see if we can help some way. And he he said.
Brother Jim may be called one of them and said, what would you have done if you were tempted as John is being tempted right now?
Well, he said I wouldn't be tempted like that. I, I looked to the Lord all the time. I start out with prayer and I end with prayer and every day and so on. And he asked another brother, what would you do? And he said, I take it right to the assembly. I have a prayer meeting just like this. I wouldn't have that problem of a fall that way.
And he went around and they all had reasons that they wouldn't be like that. And he asked the last one and he was. He had his chin in his hands and his knees, his elbows on his knees. He had tears. And he said, well, brother Bill, what would you have done? He said, pray for me that I never be tempted like that.
He said well let you and I go visit the brother.
I think that's pretty well the answer.
Although it says it should be the margins good, although a man be overtaken in a fault. Ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Unless we can say, but for the grace of God, there we are. We're in no shape to visit.
That's what I feel. I think the I think the apostle here is using irony when he says she which are spiritual.
You who fancy yourselves to be spiritual, show it by restoring the Arian brother. Legality cannot restore anyone. Put them out, get rid of them, they can't restore them. So, and then considering thyself list, I'll also be tempted. While the Pharisee wouldn't do that, he thinks himself superior.
And I think it's a dig at.
The very element of legality that was trying to turn these Gentile believers put them under law.
Ye which are spiritual, the apostle mean, who would who would dare to come forward and say, I'm one of the spiritual? I'll restore him.
It's irony.
I think we have to learn from scripture and.
We have various examples of something restored as Jacobs.
Joe and David and Peter. But in the world, 23rd John, I think David has the answer for restoration. He restored myself. We can't do it.
You can't seek to bring that person into the presence of the Lord.
And that's what restores us all, because the flesh pack glory in his brethren.
I think that's probably what that means. A spiritual person, too, brings them into the presence of the Lord, because when there's departure, it's first on an individual level, departure from the Lord. And a spiritual person doesn't consider his own interests, doesn't consider how he may have been offended by the person. He considers that person's relationship with the Lord.
And you mentioned Joe, I think that's a good example because he, like you did just that he didn't as the others had criticized Joe as to the way they had looked at jobs problems in relation to other people, but.
He brought Job right into the presence of the Lord, and to me that's being spiritual really, isn't it? It's not that it's a rank for anybody to tote, that's not the point. But it is simply laying aside our own interests and thinking of God's interests.
And that person that is departed.
That's really important because we're to add to brotherly love, divine love. Brotherly love has my brother as its objects and divine love has God's object in my brothers soul. And you see that with Nathan is that he brought Nathan, brought David right into the presence of the Lord in connection with his sin has been pointed out. The Lord is the only one who can restore the soul.
It's the work that God has to do in the soul, but we can seek to bring the the conscience into the presence of God in connection with the sin. There is something helpful, I believe that in Deuteronomy 22 in connection with this.
Because we're not often wise as to how we do things. I speak in the plural, but perhaps you speak in the singular. But there is some little help here. I think it's worth reading it.
Because we're not to be indifferent to our brother's plight.
Put in Deuteronomy 22. I'll just read these verses. I think they're worthwhile. Thou shalt not see thy brothers, ox, or his sheep, or his *** go astray and hide thyself from them. Thou shalt in any case bring them again unto thy brother. And if thy brother be not nigh to thee, or if thou know him not, then thou shalt bring it on to thine own house, and it shall be with thee until thy brother seek after it. And.
Shall restore it to him again. In like manner shalt thou do with his *** and so shalt thou do with his raiment, and with all things all lost thing of thy brothers which he hath lost and thou hast found. Shalt thou do likewise, that thou mayest not hide thyself. Thou shalt not see thy brothers asked for his ox.
Fall down by the way, and hide thyself from them. Thou shalt surely help them.
Help him to lift them up again.
Well, there are three here that you may see have lost something, One that's close to you, one that's not close to you, and one you don't know. And there are brethren that are close to us and they can come right up to us and say, Brother Neil, I'd like to tell you something. And they feel free to do that. And we don't need to put barbed wire around ourselves. So our brother can't do that. Some people do that.
There are some that are far from us. We don't know them. Maybe they're newly in fellowship or they're somebody we don't know. They're not far from us, or it may be somebody at work and you know, they're a real believer. But you see something there that's going to get this one into trouble. We're not to hide ourselves in any of these three cases, not just talking about those in the assembly and.
There are different things that a person may lose. Perhaps an ox speaks of patience in service, the the *** of burden bearing the raiment of the testimony or the sheep of communion with the Lord. There's different aspects of things that you may see. You may see a a real believer at work and he's getting taken up with things and he's really losing his testimony well.
Perhaps if he's close to you, you can return it to him. If he's not close to you, you take it up and tie it up at home, you pray about it.
Get into the Word of God about it. You know, sometimes people go away and they leave their animals for somebody else to care at its work. And sometimes we want to rush right into a thing and help in a situation when it would be better a case to take it home and tie it up, to feed it and to pray about it and so on, so that the Lord might give a word to help in this situation.
And sometimes you just have to wait. Paul prayed that a door of utterance would be opened up.
That I don't think we need to pray that so much for the gospel because it's in season and out of season to warn people. But with the truth, there has to be a waiting on the Lord, a feeding of the thing. And so I just mentioned that because it's helpful that there is a time to return that thing. Nathan waited quite a little while, I think before he returned. That went to David and said thou art the man I think we all know.
Even the young ones know what we're referring to about the sheep. The story that he told God gave real grace and wisdom as to how to.
Really bring it before his soul, so he's brought right into the presence of God, and then God can work to restore the soul.
I'd like to just remind ourselves that Paul is writing to assemblies. I know this can be individual and as much of assembly work or principles or individuals in the assembly. What is with the assembly at mind? Chapter one, verse 2 Says he's writing to the assembly.
In Galatia, and so it's really to the assemblies he's writing. And if you look on this point, we don't want to spend too much time on verse one, but if you look at First Corinthians chapter 12, I think we got the thought of this verse one really.
Verse 27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.
And then if you look at the last half of 25, the members should have the same care one for another. I believe the word is confirmed better than care, but both are good. So this is really the point for us to get out of this. We're not just individuals running around pulling a person's *** off the ditch or joining groups to do it. We're in assembly.
And this truth is brought out to assemblies and I think we got to remember that they were telling that if one of the brothers.
Who are in the assembly as a problem?
Then ye, which are spiritual, a spiritual one, I still say, who? Who realizes? But for the grace of God, there I am. That's the spiritual man. Maybe I'm wrong, I'll leave it.
You know, it seems like so often these things may come up and yet we're in a low state. We lack the spiritual exercise and energy to consider a thing like this. And then it becomes an assembly problem is that often the way it happens, it develops into something that could have been.
Taken care of Maybe in earlier stages.
But it becomes a real test if it becomes a personal trespass like in Matthew 18. And then what is the object of that? Well, as to gain the brother, you know it the the offense manifests the state of soul and the procedure becomes very complicated. But I believe that it's very important when it says in the spirit of meekness.
If you don't approach the matter right, you can just spoil it from the outset. So the way in which we consider these things, and like we've already heard, if we have the right spirit of meekness, it's because we recognize the tendency of our own hearts to depart and to get into the same fault.
In connection with your earlier comment, there's a little story I heard.
About seeing a tendency. A man was a drunkard was saved years ago and and was brought into a particular church and later he fell back into drunkenness and he had to be put away by the church. They sought to act faithfully in connection with it. And one man in the church said to another, he said, you know, I saw this coming because when he came to town he hitched his horse the same place as he always used to.
Well, in his drunken days he used to hit you by the saloon. He still, he still hitched it there. And so the Lord gives us little warnings that things are coming. And as you pointed out, that if we had more real care to keep an eye on those things and to see.
Things and we could help before it became an issue that required that kind of extreme action, which really when the assembly acts, it's really saying that all of our care has failed. We have to put them outside into the.
Outside of the care of the assembly into the devil's world, really, to be.
To be taken care of. Well, I believe it's important to realize too that's this is beyond what is before us here. But I believe it is important to realize that the assembly has authority and there are things perhaps that could be done more than or or I should say less than actual outright excommunication. You know, there are cases, of course, that.
That that is the only way in in faithfulness.
To deal, but we were just talking to someone.
Not so long ago, and they mentioned about a public rebuke in an assembly given to a person who was in a very disorderly way.
And so an older brother was had the responsibility and they publicly, they rebuked this person and we were told that it caused a solemnity and a fear on the whole assembly.
And yet the person wasn't excommunicated. They weren't. But there are degrees in which the pressure can be applied for the Lord's glory. We need more exercise, do we not, about these things?
Whatsoever of Matthew 18 as his inclusiveness in actions and range of actions is as inclusive as the whosoever of John 316. I believe there's a wide range of options open to the assembly never to allow evil in the midst, but as you say.
I just say that because it says whatsoever ye bind in heaven on earth is bound in heaven. So the assembly has a wide range of remedies in a situation to help beyond excommunication is really an acknowledgement that all discipline has failed. But we call this a minor offense here.
If a man be overtaken in a full and who others have been overtaken before and we've got plenty of spiritual threats.
That would like to bring it back to the president of the Lord in our life and.
I think we have to do this again, realizing we can't do it. David didn't say Nathan restored my soul.
The Lord restored himself.
And Jacob had to wrestle with that man. He didn't know the man, didn't know the man. He asked for his name. He said, how is it? Don't you know me, Jacob? Who is wrestling with Jacob?
It was the Lord Himself.
He wanted to bring him back in the courtship, so these things ought to be easy and simple to take care of a small degree and never have to get into the affairs of administration in the Assembly.
I think Unreal fault is getting filled with herself.
And is pointed out to hear more.
Bury one another's burden so fulfill the law of preparation.
He was after us, he bears our burdens, but then he says to us, if that think himself to be something.
When he is nothing.
The Deceiver himself.
All right, straight forward, I would think that was.
Often we think there's something, but actually we're nothing. They were picked up dust and they were brought to Christ.
It was all grace. So if it was grace with me, I think to bear someone else's burden, to show a little grace as well.
I would I would like you keep continuing on. But before we leave verse one, I just want to mention one thing. It's important. We brought in assembly discipline, which isn't in this verse, but since we brought it in the same spirit has to be involved in assembly discipline. It's no different and we learned it the hard way, but by a good teacher.
You know, we had Ralph rule among us, and I think most of what I know of assembly is from that brother.
But we had a discipline problem that came up very quickly because the brother confessed what he did and it means to us out. I mean, they want any question. And so they call a quick emergency Saturday night meeting before breaking a bread so we could clear the table quick and be done with it. That was the real spirit, you know, And we're all eager to go and we were there around.
And telling how awful it is and what he did.
How terrible. I mean, it was terrible. But Ralph finally said, brothers, we're not ready to do anything tonight, He said. We're ready and needing to pray tonight and then bring bread tomorrow. Don't fear that this brother is going to break bread. He made a clear confession and he's broken down. He'll never be at the table tomorrow.
Let's pray for him tonight. I learned a lot with that. We prayed for him and we had another meeting on Tuesday night and we were more concerned about that brother.
Then throwing him out, although we had to throw him out, but we were concerned about him, and there was follow-up work right away. It was beautiful, but we couldn't wait to get at him. The same kind of a thing, brethren, the grace of our goal, Jesus Christ.
Be with your fear.
That's so important.
A very spirit in which things are taken out and it ought to be the spirit of grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The spirit of something is as important as the thing itself. You find when Paul wrote to the Corinthians, there was much that needed correction and much that was wanting. But I think it's in First Corinthians 4 he says, should he come to them with the with the rod? No, he wanted to come in the spirit of love and meekness and so.
This I've been struck with how many times in the Old Testament.
Spirit is brought out, the spirit in which they did something. Because, brethren, we can do the right thing in the wrong spirit and sometimes only add to the situation, not help it. Sometimes the motive might be good, the thing we do might be good. I've been impressed with Caleb. It's interesting that when he came back from spying the land with the other 11 spies, he and Joshua stood faithful. They presented, if I can put it this way, the truth.
As they knew it in their day, they were brought up a faithful report. And it's interesting that the Lord commended Caleb not only for a faithful report. Well, perhaps we should turn back to it in the book of Numbers, Numbers 14, I believe.
Numbers, Chapter 14.
We know that we won't read these verses here, but we know that Joshua and Caleb were promised that they would eventually set foot on their inheritance because of their faithfulness, and they're the only two that we read up from Scripture that eventually did. But there was something particularly particular noted in connection with Caleb. Notice verse 24 of Numbers 14.
But my German Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully.
Isn't that remarkable? Caleb had fully followed the Lord. He brought up a faithful report, but he done it in the proper spirit. And God said because of the spirit in which Caleb was faithful for the truth, he would eventually set foot on his inheritance. Interesting too that the only one who received a personal inheritance in the land, but that's another subject. It's interesting too with Daniel. It says that of Daniel that he had an.
Spirit in him was he a faithful man in a day of weakness and ruin? Indeed, he was a faithful man. He humbled himself and identified with the failure that had come in amongst the people of God. But God particularly noted that excellent spirit. I think it's the 32nd Psalm that says blessed is the man in whose spirit.
There is no guile. So I think it's helpful for us to see that the thing, the spirit of something is as important as the thing itself. And can I just say this to you, brethren, in connection with what's been said. If we had in the proper spirit, in the, in the spirit of the meekness and gentleness of Christ, if we had that watchful care and that shepherd's heart. And I'm not speaking just to a select few of Brett, a few rather now, but I'm speaking.
Each one of us, if each one of us, brothers and sisters alike, had a shepherd's heart and a care for the people of God bearing 1 anothers burdens and a watchful discernment to shepherding and encourage, perhaps even admonish the people of God when we see a brother or a sister getting into something or on a path that we feel is detrimental to their soul if we had that love.
To that brother and seek to encourage that brother or that sister and draw them back perhaps, rather than we would spare ourselves from many things. We've often thought of it in connection with Utica. You know, when he sat down in that window, a dangerous position, when he tried to keep one eye on what was going on in the assembly and one eye on what was going on out in the world outside. One ear tuned to the ministry of the Apostle Paul and one ear tuned to the world the street below.
And as he started to drift off to sleep and lean toward the open, open window, if there had been somebody in that third loft who would have gone over and encouraged Utica, woke him up and encouraged him out of that dangerous position, encouraged him to come over and sit by them, or whatever it might have been. Maybe they wouldn't have been appreciated, but perhaps it would have spared Eudicus the fall that he eventually had. Brethren, wouldn't we spare one another many things?
If we would seek to have that care and discernment now, a shepherd isn't always appreciated. There's no glory in shepherding the people of God. The shepherd wanders off. He doesn't want the shepherd to come after it with his crook and pull him back into the flock. He wants to go off on his own. But brethren, it's a necessary work. If I just say that for each one of our hearts don't just think there's a select group of shepherds, there may be those that God raises up in that position, as you have in first Peter 5.
Everyone of us are responsible to encourage and shepherd the people of God. Would that be right? Restoration is what is desirable and I think that's the important to keep before us any measure of discipline that is applied. What is the purpose restoration? I notice that Mister Darby's has a little note that the word is the same as used in mending the Nets in chapter 4 of Matthew where they were amending.
Men needed and often think of the two expressions that are mentioned about Moses in Acts Chapter 7. He was refused when he went out to seek to be a help to the people of God. They said, Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us? It's relatively easy, brethren, to be a judge.
Of things to see what's wrong in a person and to judge it.
That's relatively easy. But the one who they refused as a ruler and a judge after God had trained him for 40 years in the backside of the desert, God sent him back to be a ruler and to deliver. And that's what's necessary. And so when we see a fault in some person, instead of merely looking at them to judge that that's wrong, what they're doing.
Let's ask the Lord in His presence, what can I do to be a help in the right direction?
For that person, that's a ruler and a deliverer, and that's another matter entirely. Lord help us think about that.
I think the training of the Lord.
For his disciples.
In Luke, I helped us to look at this case and the instruction will help us. Or they were going to decide and it seemed that they had a deal for the Lord, but there were others around.
Begin trading in the 40th or 49th verse of Route 9.
John Masterton Smith Master, we saw one casting out death.
In thy name, and we provide him, because he goes up with us.
What does Jesus say?
Forbid him not, for he that is not against us is on our part. You're going on reading at a Cape Bash when the time must come if he should be received up. He steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, and sent messengers before his face, and they went and entered into the village of the Samaritans.
To make ready for him.
Then what happened and they did not receive him.
Because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem.
Now look at what James and John says.
James and John said unto him, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven and consume him, even as Elias is the natural heart? Somebody just said they'd like to take up the case of a judge. Well, here it is.
Turned and rebuked them and said, ye know not what manner of spirit you're on, what manner of spirit you're on, what the spirit of Christ at all, because he says.
The next person is not come to destroy men's life, but to save them. They went to another village. What wonderful teaching for us to try to walk and take toward our brother of the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of grace, to bear their versions and to help them.
That's so important, I feel, to see the connection here between the bearing of burdens and restoration.
I guess I had a personal experience several years ago in writing to a brother, and it wasn't as if he'd been overtaken in a fault, but he had appealed to me having some difficulty with a certain line of truth.
And no matter how often I wrote to him, he just. I guess the only word that comes to mind is that he blasted me with letters in return. And it finally became clear to me that somehow I was not able to bear the burden now on his part. There was a responsibility.
On his part, the Lord had allowed something which he should have been able to take from the Lord.
But before I could be of any help to him, I had to be prepared to sit and listen. I had to be prepared to take part of that burden from him. And I'm no Greek scholar, but anybody can verify this, that the two words for burden here one in.
Verse two and one in verse 5 are different, and the word for burden in verse 2 has the connotation of that which is extremely heavy.
And intolerable. It's the same word I understand that is used where it talks about those who were bearing the burden and heat of the day. Why does God allow this in the lives of His people? May I suggest, without wanting to second guess or bless the Lord, that sometimes He allows it in order that you and I might have the opportunity to bear part of it.
But then on the other hand, there are things that we have to bear ourselves, and so the word in verse 5.
More has to do with ones own responsibilities, things that we all are required to properly look after ourselves. And so God's word balances this out beautifully. But what's in view and what we're particularly discussing I believe is the thought that if I'm going to restore someone who perhaps is overtaken in a fault.
He may not be able to listen to me until I have perhaps taken upon myself the bearing of some of that burden that the Lord in His ways has allowed, which may have contributed to the difficulties He's in. And I can say in the case that I alluded to, when I understood where the brother was coming from, it gave me just what we were mentioning, what Jim was mentioning a few minutes ago.
A totally different spirit.
It wasn't that what I said to him from the Word of God was any different, but there was a totally different attitude, a totally different way of saying it. And I'm thankful to say that the brother was able to listen. But that's bringing him into the presence of the Lord, isn't it?
Could handle and she said I don't know what to do brother. I know I'm sinning with these thoughts but I can't bear my mother's burden. Mother anymore. That burden she called it. So I took her 2 numbers. It might be good to look at it.
Four and verse 49.
According to the commandment of the Lord, they were numbered by the hand of Moses, everyone according to his service and according to his burden, Plus they were numbered as the Lord commanded Moses. Now I said, we all have a service. We know that we have things to do for the Lord, but we have burdens too. And I said that word is not the way we take it in the second verse.
Of our chapter here. If you look at Psalms, no, yeah, Psalms 55. Psalms 55, I'm sure that's where it is. Psalm 55.
And verse. I'll find it here in a minute.
Verse 22.
Psalm 5522 cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee. He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Now if you look at the margin, it says ask thy gift upon the Lord, not burden and JND has cast by assigned portion under the Lord. I love that you know.
My mother.
Was my assigned portion in her old age and I just let the Lord I said Lord you got to help me in this. I'm traveling there's done relative around when I'm gone. I said don't let anything happen to her and I just trusted him and lo and behold.
When she passed away, I had been with her just 10 minutes before. The Lord's wonderful, isn't He? That was my concern, and that's a burden to me. But it was an assigned portion. And let's never take this as the fifth verse as something dreadful.
It's something the Lord has given you to do for Him. That's beautiful, isn't it? I think so. Well, she felt that would be a comfort and I did talk to her later.
And she did help her sister and she got together. They were opposed in what to do for their mother. And they did finally get together. She made it a matter of prayer. No longer was a burden herself, not Knights. Well, we must remember that.
It's interesting that the burden mentioned in verse 5 is the same word as used in Matthew 11, verse 30 where the Lord Jesus says my yoke is easy and my burden is light. So that burden where we bear our own burdens, the Lord is right there to help us to bear it. And verse 2, it's the one where we bear one another's burdens. And brethren, that is something that you really.
Need to think about it seems like to travel around and see problems. We can always look another direction to see somebody whose burdens are a lot heavier than our own. We can be self-centered and think of our own problems and think of them in such a detailed way that we can all unraveled in our own problems.
It really helps to step back and get the perspective there's others that have far greater burdens.
I think of one like Timothy who was not thinking about his own interests. His interests were and how the people of God got on. Isn't that beautiful? That lack of self centeredness. We we really are living. I think it's a plague really, to tell you the truth in the United States of America, selfishness, thinking of ourselves.
Or deliver us from that down there in Lima, Peru the other day at visiting the home.
The sisters in fellowship just a few weeks ago, son, 18 year old son, only son in the family was murdered brutally by a gang of of people, a gang of young men on the street. I mean, it's a it's a terrible burden. She has other daughters, no more sons and and you can see it written the grief on her face.
Am I going to be so occupied with my own problems?
I can't reach out to help bear the burden of some of those others that have far heavier burdens than myself.
Sometimes too, we can look within and feel sorry for ourselves, thinking that perhaps we're the only people that have ever had problems and difficulties in following the Lord. Perhaps we feel well we're the only ones that have ever had to face these situations. Well, I don't want to underestimate the darkness of the day. And no doubt there are situations and problems facing the people of God today that maybe we have to say in the language of the Old Testament, we've not passed this way.
Deport. I'll just pass this along to the young people. Something that's been a help to my own soul is when you're facing some real problem or difficulty, maybe in your personal life, maybe in the family or even in the assembly, instead of feeling sorry for ourselves and being overwhelmed by the difficulty.
Go to the Word of God and notice the examples of men and women and young people who lived for the Lord in their day. And notice it's never been easy to live for the Lord. Was it easy for Caleb to stand in his day? No. All his brethren spoke of stoning him. The whole congregation of Israel turned against he and Joshua. That was a real trial. Was it easy for Daniel to live in his day? No. Think of him at the end of his life.
To be thrown into the den of lions. Was it easy for the three Hebrew children to be faithful to their God and not bow down to the image? No, they've had to face the fiery furnace. Was it easy for Timothy in his day? No. There was persecution. There was a turning away. But he says, continue in the things that thou hast learned and been assured of knowing of whom thou has learned them. And let's never fall into the habit of looking around and saying, well, we can't go on.
Is too difficult and everybody's giving up and so this ones doing this and this ones because I believe what's brought out here in this portion is that while it's true we bear one anothers burdens, we ought to have a care one for another. In the final analysis, when I stand before the judgment seat of Christ, who am I going to be responsible for how well my brother or sister followed in the path of faith and service? No, I'm going to have to answer for myself.
And he's going to say, what excuse am I going to give him? He's going to say, I gave him everything that you needed. And so Timothy, in the darkness of the day in which he found himself, he was encouraged to continue despite what he saw around him. And so we will be responsible. Just another little illustration in that regard. You find in the end of John's Gospel, the Lord was telling Peter something of the path that Peter was going to have in following.
The Lord and something of the burden that he was going to have. Was it easy? No, indeed it wasn't. But Peter listens to this and he sees John standing there, and he turns and he points to John and he says, but Lord, what will this man do? He was concerned about John and the path for John. And what did the Lord say? If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me.
In other words, he said, Peter, I've got a path for John, and I'll take care of John.
But Peter, you're responsible to follow in the path that I am setting before you and to bear your own burden. Little illustration that I know is not new, but sometimes when we were children at home, particularly my sister who was next to me and myself.
We would be given a task, perhaps it was to clean off the supper table after the evening meal and do up the dishes. And mother would leave us to the task. And then after a while, she would come back in the room and she would say, Jim, you're not doing what I asked you to do. And I would usually point to my sister and say, well, Jennifer's not doing her part.
And my mother would always say, you do what I asked you to do, and I'll take care of your sister.
Now that really in effect is what is brought out there in the end of John and what is brought out here. Yes, we ought to have that care and concern one for another, but we need to realize that he's given to every man his work. Every man is burdened. Just as with the Levites, every man had a service, Every man had a burden, and it wasn't coveting another's burden or service. It wasn't looking at another and saying, well, I wish I was doing that or looking at another and say, well, they're not doing their part, so I'm not going to do.
No, they were. They were to be faithful in what was given to them. And that's where the reward came in John 21 That you brought out. The Lord said to Peter, Follow thou me what?
Peter looked at the disciple whom Jesus loved following Jesus. He didn't have to say to John, ever followed all me, did he? That was the beautiful difference. But he had to say to Peter, follow me, and therefore his heart wasn't really right. It wasn't said on Jesus like John's, it was said on his brethren.
And I think that speaks so high to us, the disciple whom Jesus loves, said John.
He didn't say I, the disciple whom Jesus loved following I. I don't know how it's worded. Pardon me, but I think it's John 21.
20 Then Peter turning about seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following. He was already following Jesus a beautiful.
That's our key in connection with the service of the Levites, that there were the three classes and they each were provided with what they needed in order according to their service. They just say this because perhaps we think, well, if I had this then I could do that. But the Lord provided each class, some with four ox and four cards and some with eight and some with none, according to the work that the Lord had given them to do.
And so we ought to know what the work of the Lord is that He has for us and He will provide for that. I'd like to just point something out in connection with burden bearing in Romans chapter 15, because there is a, there has to be a spiritual understanding in connection with these things. And I think there was something that was helpful to me here, first verses of Romans 15.
We then, that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, not to please ourselves.
Let everyone of us please his neighbor to his good edification, or even Christ please not himself, but as it is written, the reproaches of them, that reproach thee fell upon me.
Now if you turn back to the 69th Psalm to where that is quoted from, it's the ninth verse, I believe 69th Psalm and read the whole verse. You'll see that the other half of the verse is is mentioned in the New Testament.
69 and 9.
For the deal of thine house hath eaten me up, and the reproaches of them, that reproach thee are falling upon me. Now I think most of us recognize with the first half of this first was quoted. It was quoted in connection with an action that the Lord took at the beginning of his public service. And he took the same action at the end of his public service was he turned them, overturned the money changers, tables in the temples, and drove them out with a quart of whips.
Of God's house caused him to act in faithfulness to the House of God. The very same verse is used to in Romans 15 that we should bear the infirmities of the week. There's a difference. Some of us remember Leonard Pirapado and you couldn't always understand what he said, but once in a meeting he said it's wickedness, it's wickedness.
And a brother not trying to rebuke him, but to edify said brother, Pure Pato. Was that weakness or wickedness? There's a difference.
And the brothers general comment made it was very helpful because there's a difference between weakness and wickedness, and we have to discern what the difference is. And that's why I believe this is connected with what we have in Romans 7 and 8 where infirmities are taken up, because until a man really sees his place in Christ, he can't distinguish between what really is infirmity and we have infirmities.
Lord had none, but we have infirmities and we can help one another in our infirmities. We can't go along with wickedness. And then there are then there are faults that are person are overtaken by. I just point that out because different actions may be called according to the thing and we need to be discerning so that we might know how to bear. Sometimes there's an infirmity and it has to be born.
Sometimes it's wickedness and it needs to be turned out.
Getting on, I think verse 6 is Speaking of laborers are those that take the lead in an assembly, but maybe I'm wrong. Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teaches in all good things. So those that are taught.
Communicate under the teacher or the one that teaches in the good things. I think he's bringing that in much the same as I think he brings it in many times. Not for himself, but if you bring it, look at First Corinthians.
Judgment. First Corinthians.
Nine, right, Of course. Corinthians nine. Well, you're thinking of verse nine. Yeah.
Yeah, for it is written in the law post. Thou shall not muzzle the mouth of the ox that turneth out to corn. Does God take care of the oxen? I was thinking of a different verse. It's in the same place, but it doesn't matter. There's a lot of verses that tell us that. I think that verse speaks of that for the assembly 14 Yeah. Would you read it? I flipped already.
Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live up the gospel.
Right, he brings it out so many times and never takes it for himself.
Right now, put it in plain words so everyone understands. What does it mean to communicate? You tell us.
I mean, I had a young man asked me that he was a mile off his understanding of the 1St and I think there might be something. I don't understand what it's communicating. Talk to him.
Have fellowship with him. Have fellowship with him in a, in a, in a, in a practical way.
Make it clear. Well, we sure don't have to be vacant with the brethren. We can't do it.
Talking about getting the word clear, but it's a little bit the word communicate is is sort of fake. It's.
Minister to.
The verse in Corinthians helps do not shredding corn and he should be allowed to eat some of it.
I mean, that's very simple. And so the man administers the word is going to buy groceries and gas the same one as the one who listens to the ministry? Is that plain enough? Getting close?
The way I like to read this sick verse from my own understanding is this.
Let him that is being taught in the Word communicate under him that teacheth in all good things.
The principles the same as students going to college, they have to pay tuition.
In order to get those professors to work, to teach them so that in God's work.
Those that preach the gospel should live of the gospel.
Around and rather than take care of those.
And we're to know them which labor among us and over us and esteem them very highly in love for their works sake and Canada privilege to help.
In Hebrews 13 the word itself, I think, even though the same word communicating is used, clarifies for us what God intends for us to understand Hebrews 13.
And verse 16 but doing good and communicating. I'm reading Mr. Darby's translation as a matter of fact of your substance. Be not forgetful or with these sacrifices God's Well, please. That's plain enough is my brother. Did you read verse 15 with that you see why there's an offering box on the table. Let's read 15 and 16 with that by him. Therefore, let us offer the.
Of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name and connected with that worship is but to do good and communicate forget not for with such sacrifices God as well, please Verse 15 is our royal is our holy priesthood verse 16 is our royal priesthood. Yes, when an assembly had put.
The basket at the door. So when it's all over.
And they went and dropped it in. Very convenient thing, save time. There was a lot of protests. Well, that disconnects it from worship. It should be part of it. It was wrong be part of it. We see something illustrated again in the Old Testament with the Levites, because when Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem the second time, he found that the portion of the Levites was not set aside in the way that it was supposed to be.
You remember that there were storehouses where they were to bring in those ties that were set aside for those who were carrying on, shall I say, the full time work of the Lord. And it was a great concern to Nehemiah when he returned and found that those who ought to have been devoting their full time to the service of the House of God had had to return to their fields to cultivate and plant and provide a living for themselves and for their families. And he immediately.
Rebuked them and took care of the situation. So I only point that out as an Old Testament illustration that I believe goes along with what we're saying. Would you say, Brother Don?
I think so.
Because he had to make tents.
Yeah, he had a lot of energy, didn't he? Like he says in that night of First Corinthians. But I have used none of these things. What energy? All work, day and night, did he not? But you know, our standards are very high in this land, aren't they? And in Canada? And we, we really need wisdom, do we not, in connection with assisting and helping in the work elsewhere.
Brother John and and Brother Walt, you could tell us something about this, right?
We can cause some damage if we're not careful because our standards are so high over here. Like for example, are you saying you can't buy the work of the Lord with money?
No, but, well, I don't think you can. No, that's very true. But I'm just saying that we really need wisdom that we don't hurt. I I agree with you. Yeah, of course you can do more damage. Money sometimes, and you can do good.
That's the point. Good example is in one area where in India they could build a house which they needed for their meeting room for about $200 US.
But no one gave anything till they started building.
And they were doing it with their own hands, just like Israel. And they built that beautiful hall. They used it, but no one did anything. When he said, I've given that ground for a meeting room, no one said anything over till they started making their own blocks and building the building themselves. Then the help started to come in. There's a principle there.
Really, that's what we have before here.
What, John?
Verse four, he said. There's four.
Well, I believe that what we've had before sitting the burdens for my own soul has in some measure at least answered the question as to the Ministry of Funds, not to spend a lot of time on it, but there are situations, are there not, where there is a burden that is almost intolerable.
We know of cases where crops have been wiped out by a typhoon.
Where serious illness with no other means of help has threatened the life of an individual and sometimes the livelihood of the family. We've known conditions like that to arise and how fitting and needful it is, and we have Scripture for it. When the brethren in Judea were in real need, the Apostle Paul made it clear to others that they had a moral and spiritual.
Responsibility to be of help, but equally true, verse 5 says every man shall bear his own burden.
And to take a man's responsibility away, as we all know, is to make him irresponsible. And so the apostles spoke very clearly to those who expected to eat and weren't willing to work, to those who were lazy, to those who were not willing to do a good day's work. And sometimes, sad to say, these things can arise not only in other lands, but in North America as well.
And in that case that verse applies. Every man shall bear his own burden.
And so God never intended that a wealthy part of the world should support 100% that which would happen to be poor, rather the fact that each man should feel his own responsibility. And yet if there were cases where there were an intolerable burden, oh then what a blessed privilege is members of the body of Christ to bear one another's burdens.
It's helped. I was just going to ask Brother John, you and I have talked about that. Would you agree with that?
John Kemp.
Be careful about taking it, our third world brethren, out of the circumstances of which God has placed them, sliding and bringing them to the level of comparable to what we are used to here. I think we need wisdom.
That we should be sensitive to to leads like that.
To be wise and cast on the ward.
That you should monies among the third world country. Can I just make one more comment before your we start? Sorry John, you weren't finished.
Well, the third, the fourth verse here, I think it's.
See that everyone has it. They're appointed sphere of ceramic and all that ****. Aaron appointed the children of Israel. The sons of Aaron performed a certain.
Service of the Tabernacle.
Each one I disappointed the task to do, they were different.
But they could be happy.
And accomplishing that which.
Assigned to that, they weren't looking for someone else's fear, and they could have rejoicing in that service that the Lord had appointed for them. And I think it's the same with us today.
Every sister here and every brother has a a work to do for the Savior, the Lord, and that you can be happy in the world performing that it's up to him may not be a prominent place. It might not be.
Open forefront, shall we say. But if you perform that little service, we.
The Lord has given you faithfulness, devotedness to him. There will be a reward.
And you will have the sense in your soul that you're pleasing the Lord, which after all is the all important thing and.
You'll be happy in that sphere. You can rejoice in that little work which.
Or has given you to do bring this real peace and joy in the fact.
I think it's helpful to see, in connection with what Brother Clem said, to not being able to buy the work of the Lord when the poor Saints of Judea are brought in, that really the help is going in two opposite directions. And I think the caution that he's giving is very good because the brethren in Judea, so to speak, it treaded out the corn. They have suffered for the truth. It's where the truth originated.
And very because of their faithfulness to the truth, they suffered and were brought into poverty.
And then there was a certain natural obligation, spiritual obligation and natural obligation that was owed by those that were the beneficiaries of the sufferings of the Saints in Judea to help those Saints. That's a different thing than going into a poor area and trying to raise them to the standards of living. And it's not to praise preach of prosperity gospel, but the reasons for poverty are often connected with.
Truth that there's a disorder and you see as the order is restored to the life that the circumstances change. We can't help those, as was said, that are under onerous circumstances. But it really is the truth that will help ones that are in difficult circumstances to order their lives and to to get on, so to speak, because God has not put them in a place where they and and put us in a circumstance without the ability.
To provide, and so I just say that in connection with the Saints in Judea, because it was a particular case where they had suffered for the truth, the truth originated there and their poverty was a direct result of their having stood for the truth amidst fierce opposition.
Bill, you had more to say. Well, it was much along what the lines are that Neil has just said, and that is I'm indebted to Gordon Hayhoe for this remark, but I pass it on. It was a big help to me. And it's humbling too, because he pointed out the same thing, that in the early days of the Church the apostles had nothing and those in Judea who went out and.
Gave out the gospel and the truth were poor.
And they were going, in most cases, to those who were relatively better off. And there was number difficulty. And I can remember once being in India quite a few years ago with a brother. And in the midst of some discussions about this very subject, he turned to me. I guess it doesn't hurt to tell. It was Don Rule. He said to me, Bill, don't you wish you were like the Lord Jesus or like the apostle Peter?
And you had to say I don't have any money.
Silver and gold have I none? He said. Wouldn't it make life so much easier over here? But he said it isn't that way, and the Lord's allowed it, and he'll give us the wisdom that doesn't make you long for the.
Not that I say I would choose to be poor. I don't mean that. No one, I don't suppose, would voluntarily choose to be poor except our blessed Master. But we covet, I trust that spirit that would be able to go and say, I don't have anything except the precious truth of God's Word. I'll seek to bear your burden as best I can, but what I have to bring is the spiritual side of things rather than the material side. But the.
Has allowed a condition of things where sometimes those who bear the gospel and the truth also happen to have more wealth and so it requires much more wisdom, doesn't it, in order to be able to act intelligently and with the Lords mind. Perhaps in that vein of things though, I could just add a very practical word and a precaution to all of our hearts and that is that when we do see a need in some one of these countries and there are tremendous.
Needs, as you know only too well that I think it's the path of wisdom that when we seek to help in those situations, we channel funds or help through those who know the situation. Though I believe God raises up those who have been to these countries know the situation. They know what the value of a dollar is in connection with the rupee or an IRA or whatever it may be, and just as a precaution.
A $50.00 bill doesn't go very far in the United States, as we know. Just pull up to the gas pump on your way home and you'll find it doesn't go very far. But in some of these countries, that goes a long way. And that may be all that's needed to meet what we might think is a very dire situation. And so I think it's just the path of wisdom that we, when we do see or hear of these needs, contact a brother that we know has been there or knows the situation, knows the value of.
Of money and commodities. But I'd like to just say this too, in connection with what has been said, and that is to exercise my own soul. There are tremendous needs out there. And brethren, the Gospels going forth in wonderful ways. But as Brother Walt will tell us, there is a tremendous need for Bibles around the world. There is an unbelievable need for the printed page, both in the Gospel and good written min.
Not just in English, but in many languages, there's needs for the people of God to be together. Do we realize, and I'm going to speak very plainly for a moment and you'll forgive me, a conference like this. There's there's tremendous needs connected with a conference like this. Do we just come and we're glad to partake of three good meals and some nice accommodation and we're glad to sit in this climate controlled gymnasium for two days and enjoy the word of God or do we consider.
Brethren, that there is a need in connection. There was a bill, there's a bill that needs to be taken care of in connection. Now the Lord meets the need. I know, I realize that whether it's the gospel or the Saints or whatever it might be, but I do believe, brethren, we need to be exercised as to these needs.
The Lord has entrusted much to us in North America. He's given us abundantly of the mercies and comforts of life. Are we exercised to use that? Now? I know that giving on Lords Day morning is only one way that we make sacrifice in a temporal way.
But here's the first exercise our souls let every man give. Notice this.
As God has prospered him, isn't that an exercising statement? It is to my own soul. Because, brethren, and let me speak very plainly again, my putting a $10.00 bill in the collection on Lords Day morning is not giving as God has prospered me. And if every one of us were exercised to give as God has prospered us, then I believe the needs of the Saints, the poor Saints, and the needs of the gospel and the needs for good Christian literature would be abundantly supplied. Well, forgive me.
Speaking so plain, but just to exercise our souls. The needs are there, the time is short. Are we seeking to? In wisdom? Yes, in wisdom, of course, and with discernment meet those needs.
On verse.
Verses 15 and 16.
I've kind of forgotten, but I'd sure like to hear some ministry on these verses before the hour runs out. But you, John, that said something almost.
Thing was, Chuck.
No, it wasn't I.
OK, fess up somebody else. My name was Bob.
What we were talking about rules.
And the rules we have his brother.
And here's one rule that it very specifically speaks about. Let's see that what God recognizes is that new life in Christ. It's not outward marks of religiousness in the flesh circles or uncircumcision, but it's a new creature in Christ Jesus. It's new creation that God recognizes. Now that's the rule.
And as many as walk according to this rule.
Peace upon them, and mercy and upon the Israel of God.
That's the rule is new creation. What a tremendous subject to think of.
And I remember when I first.
Read Ministry that said that Mary Magdalene.
Was the first person that saw new creation.
Just go back to John 20 and see that she saw a man standing.
John 20.
Verse 13 they say, and their woman, why we best staff, she said unto them, because they have taken away my Lord, I know where they've laid him. And when she had said this, she turned herself back and saw Jesus.
Not that it was Jesus. That's the first time anybody ever saw new creation.
Tremendous. And he didn't know age.
Marvelous if any man be in Christ.
If any man be in Christ, any soul of English is part of new creation of which the Lord Jesus Christ the head as a glorified man.
And the person in Christ.
Has been born to this place of being Christ in that new creation received.
One day.
Head of new career.
We're part of them.
I think if you well to read 9 and 10 before we're done, and let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
Well, brethren, this is important.
We put, and I'm not saying this in a jealous way or anything, the assembly of God's people first doesn't mean we don't help others, especially the household of faith. And let's remember, let's watch out for our own, the ones who are willing to go on with the reproach of Christ.
At the place that he is, and I think it's wonderful, but it does say all men.
So we would do good to all, but let's remember where the Lord is and those gathered to his name.
The Lord said the multitudes that were hungry, even though He knew that many of them would be crying for His blood when He stood before Pilate. Brethren, what a tremendous example. We live in a world of awful need, hunger and and need in so many ways. Really, truly, we need to ask the Lord what?
He would have us do with them 20 we have in this country.
To be exercised, doing good is mentioned tremendous amount in the New Testament. It's part of Christianity doing good. I remember being down in Pensacola at the big warehouses for the ships between the railroads and the ships and bags after bag ceilings higher than this.
Going over, showing the hands coming together.
Stamped with the Catholic stamp and it was for those that are starving. Well, you know, I thought to myself, they may help them for six months, maybe 12, and then they go into hell.
Especially the household of faith, you know, when we really remember our brethren in those countries, then they give out the Word of God and that does them eternal good. Not that we shouldn't send that, you know, but but it's so much and nothing about God, nothing about Christ in that giving.
Well, there's no shortage of needs and opportunities. And when we get up in the morning, I don't believe it's a question so much of praying and asking for opportunities, but it's praying that we would be in a proper state of soul and watchfulness, that we would avail ourselves of the opportunities that arise. And that's what it means when he takes it up in Ephesians. He says redeeming the time because the days are evil, or literally buying up every opportunity. Or do we see a need? Do we see an opportunity?
Are we in a state of soul that we might be used by the Lord to meet that need and opportunity? No shortage, brethren. Maybe a shortage of diligence and energy on my part, but no shortage of needs and opportunities.
Could we sing #18 in the back of the book #18 in the appendix?