
Duration: 1hr 1min
Gospel—T. Cedarland
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Number 56.
O blessed Gospel sound, yet there is noon it tells who all around, yet there is room.
The guilty may draw me, or go vile. They need not serious with joy they now may hear. Yet there is number 56.
Oh, blessed gospel sound.
Everybody's room and house during all around.
Yes, there are friends.
No guilty man right here.
Well, I think it's not fair.
Where joy now may hear.
This one.
God's love in Christ.
A Merry Christmas.
Great journey, could not be.
Had there.
You will pass away.
Land, grace no more will say.
Hilarious girl.
Have to speak a little bit tonight so I'm a word of God on some gates that we find in the scriptures.
As many gigs in the Scriptures and we won't have time to take them up all tonight, but we'll look at a few of them with the worst help and trust. And the first is found in that we look at is found in the Gospel according to Matthew, first gospel in the New Testament.
In the third the 7th chapter.
A gate spoken up by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Verse 13 We read these words in a unit, the straight gate. The light is the gate and broad is the way that lead up to destruction. And many there be which go in their act because straight as the gate, narrow is the way that leads to life.
And few there be that find it.
Here we find the words of the Lord Jesus Christ as He stood on this earth nearly 2000 years ago. There was God manifested in the flesh, standing in the in the midst of his creatures, and he could say these words and they ring down through the years and right into this very hour from which we live. 1988, in the month of February, these same words still apply, the pride from the lips of the Lord Jesus.
Entering in at the straight gate.
We can find from this that there's two roads that man is traveling on tonight, 2 roads perhaps in this room that there's people on. One is those who have entered in at the Strait gate and they're on the road to heaven. Nothing can change that. We're a sheep of Christ. And the Bible says no man can pluck them out of my hand. No Jesus can say that my father which gave them to I, to me is greater than all. No man is able to **** them out of my father's hand eye and my father are one.
David said those words in Psalms 23. The Lord is my shepherd. Are you a sheep of Christ tonight? You entered in at the straight gate. You belong to Jesus. Are you on the broad Rd. that leads to destruction? Two roads, two roads. I remember walking into a building many years ago and looking on the side of the building and seeing a large picture on the wall and there was a road that was the artist portrayed, the road of life.
And as we look down that road, we came to saw a place in that picture where it forked and one Rd. went up to the top of the hill. And there on the top of that hill was the artist's conception of heaven. It was a beautiful, bright city.
Then the other Rd. LED down. It was a broad road right down into what the artist painted as his conception of the Lake of fire with flames at the end of that road. But there it always struck me as I noticed that picture.
That cross that, that crossroads at that Fork school, that cross cross, that picture always reminds me of the best because every one of us here tonight are traveling down a little bit of life. We're traveling down that road that is destined to end in eternity. Eternity. The Bible tells us that after death, the judgment.
And it's going to be eternity in one or two places, either eternity in heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ or eternity in hell and would like to fire with the devil and his angels. The place that God didn't prepare for people, it was a place prepared for the devil, his angels. And God does not want to see any Sinner in this room tonight in that place. In fact, he loved us so much. The word of God says he gave his only Son to that cross, keep us out of hell and to bring us into heaven, bring us into relationship.
With him for all eternity into blessing, into eternal happiness and joy and bliss, both now and for eternity. But tonight, as we travel down that road, we sit in a gospel meeting and it's like once again we drop to that crossroads, to that fork and the road. And there we lift up the cross of Christ and we preach about God's love and giving his only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus, the Savior of sinners. He was pounded on, a class spit on.
How he was found with horns.
How in those hours of darkness, God had to turn his holy face away as he placed Jesus.
For The Sims, for the sin of the world tells us that he by the grace of God should take death in every man. He gave himself a ransom for us all. Isaiah says he bare the sins of many, but that's what we lived up here tonight and we're in a crossroads. Make a decision tonight as you sit here which Rd. you're going to take. Thank God tonight, living in this room on the road that leads to life, it entered in. Lord Jesus said I am the door by me. If any man enter in, he shall be saved.
Tells us I'm away more than a way to be saved every day through the person, the Lord Jesus Christ, and he's here tonight to meet you in your need. He wants to save you. He wants you to be in heaven. That's why he left heaven and came down to this world and went to that cross, endured that penalty of sin and guilt while he gave his precious blood so that you could have eternal life on a home in heaven that you would but accept it tonight. Have you entered into straight gate? Have you received Christ?
Bible says to as many as received in the young gave you the power to become the sons of God.
Even to them that believe in his name, it's willing to travel two roads, 2 destinies, 2 eternities, heaven or hell, the Lord Jesus Christ will come tonight. You'll be taken out. You're gonna walk out of this room and get on the highway, these snowy roads and be hit by somebody and be end up in a tragic traffic accident. I hope that doesn't happen to anyone here tonight if that would take place. You know, the Bible tells us there's just a step between.
Me and death. David said that Isaac said, I know not the day of my death and it might be today, it might be the night. We have no guarantee about tomorrow. The scripture says boast not thyself tomorrow, so you'll notice not what a day may bring forth. And I ask you tonight, if you were to leave this room, get on that road and head for home and you wind up in eternity, never make it to your house, what would your soul be? Would you be in heaven? Would you be in hell?
Lord Jesus Christ is speaking tonight through his word and says enter the head at the straight feet once you come to Christ tonight, once you receive Him.
Time is short what God says, James says. What is your life? It's even as a vapor to cherish the little pine didn't vanish it away. Some of you have heard me mention this before, but I was struck some time ago driving down the road seeing a bumper stick it on a car.
And I noticed that bumper sticker, it said these words. It said eat health food, exercise regularly, die anyway. Eat health food, exercise regularly, die anyway. You know, tonight the health food stores are big business. People are trying to preserve their life. They're trying to eat good food as if that's going to make them live a little longer. And the fitness centers are packed, people exercising their bodies.
The Lord Jesus could say, what shall the prophet of man if you gain the whole world and lose his own soul And the most important possession that we have tonight in this room is that soul and it's going to spend eternity in one or two places. I asked you tonight, where is your soul headed tonight? Where you're headed headed for heaven? You know Christ as your Savior, Are you headed for hell? There's no more ground, no need of any middle ground. Jesus said these words. He said heathen is not with me, it's against me.
He said no man can serve 2 masters. We are serving Christ and living for him. We're on the side of the devil. One of the two Bible says the whole world wieth and the wicked woman first. John tells us little children that no man deceive you either commit a sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning. This purpose was the Son of God manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil. Well tonight God wants you to be saved.
There's an invitation.
Tongue and receive the will of Jesus Christ. Enter in the straight gate. Well, we find through the turnover to the to the 16th chapter of Luke another day you have a Bible turn with me please to Luke 16.
Verse 19.
Other words from the Lord Jesus. He says there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day.
There was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, at his gate full of sores, desiring to be fed with a crumbs with self of a rich man's table or over the dogs came and licked his swords. And it came to pass, but the beggar died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. And the rich man also died and was buried. And in hell he lifted up his eyes big in torments, and see if Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried, and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and said Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in Rutter and pull my tongue, for I am tormented in his flame.
Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in my lifetime receiveth by good things.
Likewise Lazarus evil things. But now he is comfortable enough lamented. And beside all this, between US and you there is a great gulf hits. So the day which they pass from hence to you cannot, neither can they pass to us that would come from fence. Then he said, I pray thee therefore, Father, that thou would send him to my Father's house. So I have 5 brethren, that He may testify unto them, lest they also come to this place of torment. He began saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets.
Let them hear them. And he said, May father Abraham. But if one went into them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though there though 1 rose from the dead.
Here we find two people that Jesus is speaking about tonight. He says there was a certain rich man, and this man, we might say he had the best of all the things that this world has to offer. If we were to bring it up to time tonight, this man will be lived in in our day in 1989. He would drive a fancy car, he would live in a beautiful home, he would wear the best of clothes, and he would eat from the finest restaurants. It says fair and sumptuously.
Every day, dressed in fine linen, expensive clothes, all of those things. But it tells us, and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus. We don't get the rich man's name because he's not a believer. We get Lazarus name because he knows the Lord. He's a believer. His name is written in the Book of Life. When I got saved, Jesus, that name with mine was taken and written down in the Book of Life.
It was written there and it can't be blotted out. Tells us in Revelation 19 that there's a time coming when the finger of God is going to go through the pages. It says the dead, small and great. If you don't know Christ tonight, you're going to be among that number. This rich man, though he was a great man, he's going to be in that, under that category of great. They're going to stand before God. Those books are going to be open, and the finger of God will search through the Lamb's book of life for that name.
The word of God says whosoever was not found written in the book of life.
Will be cast and the word in the Greek is hekmaro. It means Pearl to the lake of fire curls into the lake of fire. Well, I asked you tonight is your names book of life. Thank God tonight I can say by his grace my names in the book of life. Not because I lived a good life, not because I'm any better than anyone in this room. I'm probably the worst Sinner in this room, but because of the grace of God, the Bible says.
That it's not by works of righteousness, which we've done, but according to his mercy, we save this. So God doesn't save us on the on the merits of our works or what a fine person we are, how religious we are, how many great deeds we've gotten. In fact, Kevin is going to be filled in a very violent. But for those who have come under the shelter, God doesn't look at them as sinners anymore. It looks at them as Saints. It looks at them as their own children. He sees them perfectly and completely righteous.
In the work of his Son Jesus Christ.
Wonderful verse in the word of God. It says by one offering, offering a place he had perfected forever done that were sanctified under the sanctified. Have you trusted Christ? Are you perfect in the sight of God? Have those sins been taken away? This rich Manny and all those things it says fair and sumptuously every day. And it says it was a certain beggar named Lazarus sat at his gate full of sores, and it says he desired to eat at the crumbs which fell from the richness table. Doesn't say the rich man gave him anything.
But he desired those crimes, and we find that the dog came and licked his sores. What the Scripture says, It came to pass that the beggar died. It came to pass that the beggar died. What happened? He was carried by the angels. Abrahams was carried by the angels.
Came to pass that he died. You know the scripture says it's appointed unto men wants to die after death and judgment If you don't know Christ tonight.
It's coming a day where you're going to die. And Jesus said if you believe not that I am he, you shall die in your sins. Where I go, you cannot come, cannot come. We pray, we pray tonight that there won't be anybody in this room that will die in their sins. Hope tonight that every person here leave this room with their sins forgiven. That's what God wants tonight as this gospel meeting is going on, Heaven is more interested in this meeting probably than you are.
The angels of God look down and they wait for sinners to repent and the Bible tells us there's joy in the presence of the angels of God over one Sinner that repairs the Lord Jesus looks down that runners hands were pierced at the cross of Calgary for you, that one who in love came gave himself for you. He looks down and wants you to be saved as you see see a heart that's indifferent to his love heart that is saying now later some other time.
The Lord likes you to be saved. God is not willing it is should perish but also come to a tetanus. This beggar died, but thank God he knew the Lord. He was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried. So you don't read that the baby was buried. Don't even read they had a funeral for him. This rich man, he probably had a big funeral for him that would probably someone who stood up and talked about what a great man who was all the good deeds he did. If there's ever many that cried over over his body as he was taking and buried.
And wept over that grave as it was closed up. What the scripture says in hell. He lifted up his eyes being performance.
In hell, he lifted up his eyes. Being in torments. It doesn't say torment singular. It says torments, plural, because many are the torments of health. You know, I think one of the greatest formats in hell is going to be that torment of being able to like the words of that little hymn, almost, but lost.
I think that those in hell that are going to be like Felix heard the word of God and tremble and like Agrippa who heard the word of God and he knew that he should be saved and he said almost.
And he said, I'll hear you again at a more convenient state. I hope there's nobody who comes in this room tonight and listens to this gospel message. He says, well, next week I'll have another time to hear the word of God or the more convenient time I'll accept Christ. I want to do these things first.
487501 of the worst comments in hell could be to be there and say our mother lost. I could have been saved. The Spirit of God spoke to me but I said no, I put it off I waited and it's too late, too late, it's too late for this much money. And how they lifted up his eyes in 4 minutes and he started to have a fall off of Lazarus and his bosom and.
He cried out for mercy. And some people have the idea that no one in hell will beguard for mercy. This man, he inhaled, he cried out for mercy. And others had said, well, if there was anybody that pretended inhale, God would save them. It's not true. Look at this passage and you see that there's a man who right after his eternity, he got his eyes open and he became a believer, but it was too late.
Believed in hell, it was too late. And he said father, he suddenly gets religious, tells Abraham by a religious title, father Abraham trying to link himself with the people of God. Have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may give the tip of his finger in the water that he might fool my tongue. Don't have any thought that this man asked me to be out of here. He just wanted one little drop of water if he was coming, you know, and water in the Bible speaks of the word of God.
I thought of this. I saw him. This is the fear in hell.
He sat in Sunday school and sat in gospel meetings, grew up in religious communities and heard the word of God over and over again and no one memorized verses. Maybe you said you lived in Sunday school, but in hell you will search in vain for one drop of water. One scripture was. That will bring you any comfort, and there won't be any.
Because after a person leaves this world, this man was in torments and there was no country. The Bible tells us of hell. It's a place of reaping and kneeling and gnashing of teeth with a wormed. I am not and the fire is not quenched. I don't like to speak about hell much at all, but it seems like the Spirit of God tonight has said and speak on this subject because hell is real. Is this room is that we're sitting in tonight?
Alice is real and there's those things that we see an eternity of our eyes can be lifted up. The Bible talks about the unseen world and we could look down into that place. We'd be able to see this man. We'd be able to see Judas Iscariot. He'd be able to see Agrippa Felix. Mothers that we mentioned tonight. It would be as we see them in that place. That place is legal, a place that you're heading tonight if you're still in your sins without Christ.
A place where there's no mercy.
This man who sought the mercy and didn't find it. And the time is to ask for mercies during your life. You may have but a few seconds left. Every one of us here tonight is just one heartbeat away from eternity. It was a man who was riding along on his horse and he was coming back from a gospel meeting and he had rejected the gospel message and he was under deep conviction. And as he rode along on his horse on his way back from that meeting, suddenly in just an instant, that horse buckling threw him through the air.
And while he was in the air he thought this is it, and I hit my head and I'll be in hell. So cry out for mercy. I scared was likely to save the afterwards wrote that little tomb, those little lines from the saddle to the ground. I sought the Lord, and mercy found there may be just as near to hell tonight as that man he tried to the Lord. The Bible says whose Sinner shall fall upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Whosoever means anybody in this room tonight, you're not saved and God puts you in that piece. Whatever category you have mercy. It was too late for this man in hell. He lifted up his eyes. In 4 minutes he begged for the drop of water and it didn't come.
You find that?
Abraham says son, remember.
Remember this gospel meeting she's allowed to hear out of this room and into eternity. You'll never forget at this day in 1989, men stood up and fetched the word of God. And he spoke on gates and spoke about this man Lazarus, who sat in a gate full of sores, who went into heaven because he knew the Lord. And a rich man that everything in his life tried to find satisfaction. And all those things passed out into the lost eternity.
There was that great gulf that was fixed.
Grand Canyon, if you will. Impossible to get across separated living from the dead.
So what happened? We find when this man realized he couldn't get out of that place that he suddenly became missionary minded and he says.
Says I pray thee, Father Abraham, said Lazarus.
That thou would send him to my father's house, for I have five brothers. He may testify unto them, lest they come to this place and torment your praise and hell. And he thinks about those five brothers that he had, and he wants them to be saved. But what happens?
Abraham answers back and says if they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded by 1 to grace from the dead. When I talk to people sometimes and they say this to me, they say well if there was an Angel who came and stood by my bed, then I believe. Or if God did some supernatural miracle in my life then I would believe. I stated that I know you wouldn't.
No, you wouldn't, because what the word of God says here tonight says if you don't believe Moses and the prophets, in other words, if you won't listen to the word of God, you won't be persuaded. They won't even be raised from the dead, though you see great supernatural signs and wonders, they won't save you. The Word of God says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Well, the word of God is going out tonight. Thank God. The Scripture says it's living and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword.
Piercing and dividing asunder so that tonight we can stand up here.
And preach the word of God and we can know that the Spirit of God can bring it right to your heart and use it to convict you of your sins and bring you to Christ. May that be so. The night I feel those verses, those arrows piercing your heart, don't try to fight them. Don't let the devil ****** the seed and let them sink in. But the reality of your sin and your guilt and your position before God have its effect on your soul and only remain simple faith.
Respond and cry to the Lord for mercy in time rather than eternity like this man that did my often thought about this that if leave tonight to get up to heaven and I know there's a coming time. Perhaps tonight might be the Lord Jesus comes that I'm going to be in heaven. You don't know that the day nor the hour but when I get to heaven. If I were to walk up to this man Lazarus and say to Lazarus not Lazarus.
Don't you wish that you could have traded places with that rich man back there on earth? Don't you wish you could have been him and had all those things that he had in his life? You know what he would say? Not for one moment, not for one moment, not in a million years, not in a million years. Because this man was rich for time. He had a few trinkets of this world. If we were to measure eternity in connection with time, the time that we're in this life is like one second.
In comparison to all eternity.
Times we go down to the cemetery and we see the tombstones there. On that tombstone is a little, there's the name of that person and we see that the date boring such and such a date and there's a little dash and it says diet such and such a date. What is that person's life measured by it?
As far as this world is concerned, it's only measured by a little tiny data. Someday in your name may be a tombstone and just a little dash represents that little period of time from your birth to your death. What happens in this life if you were the poorest person that ever lived, if you knew the Lord has insignificant most important thing is not how much you have, who your friends are in those things that you receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord.
What sort of profit a man, if he gave the whole world lose his own soul? A man said he is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. You chasing after things you can't keep tonight. Or do you have the eternal gain of eternal life, something that you can never lose? God wants you to have it tonight. If you'll accept it, you'll take it by faith. Well, let's look at another geek and the book of Hebrews.
Hebrews chapter.
Chapter 18 I mean.
Hebrews chapter 13 and verse 10 We have an altar where obey that have no right to eat, which serve the Tabernacle. For the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin are burned without the camp. Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.
Let us therefore. Let us go therefore for therefore unto Him without the camp, during His reproach. For here we have no continuing city, but seek to cover.
While we read in verse 10, it says we have an altar there are they that serve the Tabernacle have no right to eat. Sometimes people say, well Tim, do you give author calls when you preach? I say to them, I sure do, I sure do. And tonight there's one author call that we give and that's the call that's in this 12Th verse or 13th verse. It says, let us go forth unto him. That altar is Christ that's spoken of the first tenant.
You're not asking anybody to come up here and come forward in some meeting and get down on their knees and go through.
Say some right words or any of those things. We're asking you tonight if you sit in your seat, that you come the Lord Jesus Christ, but you would come as a bankrupt center to the foot of the cross and say, Lord Jesus, I believe that you were offered there on that cross for me that day when they took it and let you out of the city, when they cast you out of Jerusalem.
And you suffered without the gate. Is that you would gate without the gate? What about where was that gate? We know that it was in the walls of the city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem was the city of the great King. Read about that in the Book of Songs or those praises. Is Mount Zion on the sides of the north the city of the great King? And when the Lord Jesus Christ was born, there were those who came, and they said, where is he?
Who was born king of the Jews became and to see the king.
But yet, as the Lord Jesus lay in that Manger, Bible tells us that he was wrapped in swabbing clothes, swaddling clothes. That's not the kind of clothes that King wore. Swaddling clothes is what they use to wrap Deadpool in dead people. And God was saying even then, as his son was lying there in that Manger, I sent my son, Lord Jesus to die for you. There he was, his beloved son, destined to die, yapping slave on his.
Lying in the Manger, Lord Jesus.
The eternal Son of God look down in this world and he saw you and I in our sin. He looked through the the years of time, God knowing the end from the beginning and God to say judgment must follow unless a substitute comes. And Jesus could say, here am I send you. He could step out of those palaces of heaven. He could lay aside those garments of glory. He could travel through the universe down to this very planet, this world.
In which he had put Adam. Her command first transgressed in the garden.
Lord Jesus could cover this curse word and be born as a baby. A body has now prepared for me. We hear that verse this morning. There the angels could look down and behold the Creator, Behold the Lord Jesus Christ in the form of a man. The word was made flesh, the Bible says, and dwelt among us, tabernacled among us, and we beheld His glory, the glories of the only begotten Son of a Father, full of grace and truth.
We see the Lord Jesus as Peter preached one and one about doing good, healing the sick, raising the lepers or raising the dead, cleansing the lepers, casting out the demons at the end of the life of of good works, demonstrating God's love and preaching the truth of man and calling man. So we can find how Jesus was ejected. He could stand over that city of the great king Jerusalem, Doctor, he wrote. We know he could stand over that city and weep over it and say, oh, Jerusalem.
Jerusalem, how often I've gathered thee, is again gathered her chicks.
But she would not. He wrote into that city on a donkey, and fulfillment of the Testament prophecies, he wrote in on that donkey. And they laid the palm branches, and they spread their garments in the way, and they cried Hosanna to the king.
But just a short time later we hear the mob and pilots fall and the crying. Crucify him, crucify him and the answer goes back. Why would he have to be done? I find no cause of death and dismantle. I will therefore chastise him. Let him go. He didn't even deserve the chastising. The final thought. He would have paid the people. So he had Jesus taken to the whipping post. Innocent one, He said three times. I find him a fault in this man. And those furrows were plowed into the back of the Holy Son of God.
Then Jesus was brought out into the balcony and he stood before the people kind of thought maybe they would take pity on him and so he brings him out scourge with a thorns wearing the purple wooed pilot says behold the man, she hold the man. When I preach on that sometimes I wish I could just disappear and lift up the cross of Christ, that you might see the Lord Jesus and behold the man, the one who died for you, the Lamb of God, which came to take away this kind of world.
What was the response? Oh, we read him songs. He looked for some to take pity, but there was nothing. You look for comforters.
Cry from the lips of the creature came back. Crucify him, crucify him, crucify him. He called for Barabbas, not this name, but Barabbas. And so the Lord Jesus was taken and rejected and cast out of the gate, taken out of the city of the crossover, and let outside and that gate and put on the altar of Calvary's cross, where he offered himself without spots of God, Man put in there with the nails in his hands and his feet.
You may say tonight I wasn't there, I didn't count those nails through his hands and His feet. But we have to come to that point where we realized that it was my sins and your sins that counted the nails and the hands of the Lord Jesus to put that kind of horns on His head and caused Him to have to go to that cross. When the time came that He could be received up in the glory, He set His face as a point to build a Jerusalem.
Paul is the answer in Galatians 220 the Son of God who loved me.
Gave himself to me there on that cross the Lord Jesus gave himself outside the gate there. Rejected and despised of mana, mana sorrows in a point of grief, hated by the little spit on, and made a purse on that tree. Made a curse for us. He who you know sin was made sin. We might be made the righteousness of God by Him.
So Jesus paid that price in full, that precious blood was shed in his wounded side.
That blood flowed down to the third of the ground. God, man and his hatred had taken Jesus. And as it were, they said, we don't want your son. Take him back and lift him up on that cross between heaven and earth. God turned around where the richest gifted could give. They're the precious blood of the Son of God. Flow out the only remedy for sin. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission, dear Jesus, and both gave his precious blood.
On the altar of Calvary's cross.
Read the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it for you to make an atonement for your souls fits the blood maketh atonement for the soul. Have you been to Calvary? Have you seen where the Lord Jesus died to come to the crossroads tonight and the fortunately looked up and seen what Jesus did. Have you seen that precious blood that God is saying tonight? It's it's being offered to you the blood of Jesus Christ.
God's Son cleanseth us from all sin. Have you come under the shelter of it? Do you know the cleansing power that? Oh, there was one who could say, wash me and I should be lighting in snow.
Jesus Isaiah could write in connection with the Lord I, even I, and he that bloodeth out thy transgressions, and will not remember thy sins, your sins and your iniquities will I remember no more far as far removed as the East is from the West. So far have I removed your transgressions from you. It only comes when you come as a Sinner to the world. Except that often that He made for us.
That offering, it was once made, that forever puts away sin. If you're willing to avail ourselves and come and receive that forgiveness, that has been made by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, having made peace by the blood of His cross, peace has been made. God wants you to have it tonight, and it's a personal thing. We can't give it to you. It's only God can, and it's personally between you and the Lord.
When you come to hide a bit and fail yourselves and that precious blood say Lord Jesus, I'm a Sinner, I deserve hell, I deserve to be one of that rich man is, but I come on the grounds of your merit and your work. I have no righteousness of my own. It's all filthy rags and I look at that cross and I say there's my righteousness. That hymn writer could say my vote on nothing less than to build and all Jesus and God be still. I dare not trust the sweetest rain, but fully lean.
Of his blessing.
On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sick and stands really good tonight.
Standing on the dock, do you have that forgiveness of sins that comes through the Lord Jesus through this man was preached unto you, forgiveness of sins by him, all the believers justified from all things in which they could not be justified by the Lord Moses. Well, the response is let's go forth unto him. Let's come to Christ without the camp bearing his reproach. What a privilege it is to bear reproach for the Lord Jesus. Maybe somebody here tonight is afraid that if you get saved.
People aren't going to think very much out of your friends as you are going to like you as well. People that you work with and will take. You're such a wonderful person. You won't join in and do the things that they do and they might sneer and laugh.
Hebrews tells us we have not resisted on the blood striking against sin. Consider him who endured such contradiction of sinners against himself as he be wearing faint minds. It's a wonderful privilege when you get saved is something for the Lord Jesus. I think it's six times in Psalm 69 we find that word to be approached.
Jesus could say and their reproach had broken my heart. Lord Jesus prayed or ashamed to be reproached for you. Are you ashamed to barely coach for him. It's a privilege, a very reproachful Christ and be identified with him in this scene of his rejection to be like he was cast out. Paul says here we have no continuing city and daddy was Speaking of Jerusalem. It was going to be destroyed, but nothing here is going to continue. This world is soon going to be destroyed.
It's all going to come under the judgment of God. It's reserved by under fire. Don't rest your hopes here, but all we have a city that Abraham looking for a city whose builder maker is God. Is that the city you're looking for tonight by faith. Have you identified yourself with the Lord Jesus? Have you taken sides with Christ against this world and cast them out Well, let's look at another gate in the Old Testament second kings.
Second Kings chapter 6.
Second Kings chapter 6 and verse 24 it came to pass that after this then hey dad and king of Syria gathered all his post and went up and besieged Samaria. And there was a great famine in Samaria and behold it was they besieged it until an *** his head was sold for four score pieces of silver and the 4th part of a camel doves Dome for five pieces of silver.
Now going over the 7th chapter.
Verse One. And then Elisha said, Hear ye the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord, Tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, when two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria. Then the Lord, on whose hand the king leaned, answered the man of God, and said, Behold, if the Lord would make windows in heaven like this thing be. And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but thou shalt not eat thereof.
And there were four leprous men at the inner area of gate. Here it is again the gate. Four men, necklace men at the mirroring of the gate. And they said one to another, Why sit here till we die? If we shall, if we say we will enter into the city, the famine is in the city, and we should die there. And if we sit here, we will die also. Now therefore, come, let us fall into the host of the Syrians. If they save us alive, they shall live, and if they kill us, we shall but die.
They rose up in the twilight to go into the camp of the Syrians, and when they were come to the uttermost part of the camp of Syria, behold, there was no man there. The Lord had made-up and opposed to the Syrians to hear a noise of turrets and noise of horses, even the noise of a great host. And they said one to another, Loathe, the king of Israel had hired against us the kings of the Hittites and the kings of the Egyptians to come upon us. Wherefore they arose and fled in the twilight, and left their tents and their forces and their ***** even the camp as it was, and fled for their life.
When these lepers came to the uttermost part of the camp, and went into one tent, and did eat and drink, and carried fence silver and golden Raymond, and let him get it, he came again and entered into another tent, and carried fence also, and went to hit it, when said they went through another. We do not Weld, for this is a day of good tidings.
We hold our peace. If we tarry till the morning light, some mischief will come upon us. Now, therefore come, that we may go and tell the King's household. So they came all under the corridor of the city. And they told him, saying, We came to the capital, Syrians. And before there was no man there in the voice of a man, when forces tied, and asked as tied as they were. And he called the porters and told them to the King's house with him. And the king arose in the night, said unto his servants, I will now show you what the Syrians have done. They know that we'd be hungry. Therefore they have gone out of the camp to hide themselves in the field.
Saying, when they come out of the city, we shall catch them alive and get into the city. I wanted to serve as answered and said, let's sign my plate and take five of the horses that remain, which are left in the city. Behold, they are as all the multitude of Israel that are left in it.
Behold, I say they are even as the multitude of the Israelites that are consumed, let us seek took their four and two chariot forces and the king sent after the host of the Syrian saying don't see, and went after them on the Jordan. And lo, all the way was full of garments and vessels which the Syrians had cast away in their race.
The messenger returned and told the king, and the people went out and spoiled the tents of the Syrians. So a measure of pine flour was sold for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel, according to the board.
The king appointed the Lord on whose hand he leans to have charges against the people throwing on the foot in the gate and he died as the man of God said he's faith. When the king came down to him and came to pass as the man of God had spoken to the king saying 2 measures of barley for a shekel in a measure of fine flour for a shekel tomorrow about this time in the data scenario. And that Lord answered the man of God and said now behold the Lord should make windows in heaven like this thing be.
And he answered, Behold, thou shalt see it with thy eyes, but thou shalt not eat thereof.
So it fell out unto him, and the people throwed upon him in the gate, and he died.
Well, you don't have time to spend on this whole subject, but we can look and see the condition of things in the land of of Samaria. It was besieged then hey, dad had come up king of Syria and there the people were starving to death and it got so bad we read that they were an ass's head was sold for four store pieces of silver in the 4th Particle has done Cavs done doves done for five pieces of silver.
I can remember this past summer.
Going up to.
Regina, SK. And spending a little time up there with Harold Bateman, witnessing among the Indians, taking the gospel to them. And I remember going into a house there in a kettle on the stove was the head of a deer, and they were boiling this head of a deer to make soup out of it. And I remember going into another home, and just outside the door there was a little Indian boy about so high.
And he had in his hand, from what I could see, would look like a dead bird. And he reached into the head of that bird and he pulled out the brains of that bird and he stuck it in his mouth and he ate it. And he might say that sounds like a pretty gruesome story.
You see how gruesome things came here because of the disobedience of these people and not following the way of the Lord. But this world is no better.
Here we find they were killing their own children. What is happening? We look at this country and the abortion rate of the United States of America is twice that of any other country in the world per capita. This world is as fast coming under judgment and people are feeding on garbage. You say I'd never eat what those that Indian boy was eating or what was being cooked in that soup. But I asked you what you're feeding on. Are you feeding on the music of this world, the things of this world that can never satisfy?
You looking at garbage and filling your mind with all those kind of things.
Trying to find happiness and satisfaction and all of that won't bring any satisfaction. People are trying to get happiness in that. There was a rock singer who sang a very popular song years ago. Some of the words went something like this. He said I can't get no satisfaction, He said. And I tried and I tried and I tried, but I can't get no satisfaction.
That's the way it is with the things of this world. This man who sang that song has millions of dollars, but he's unhappy. He can't get any satisfaction because as a little him writer put it, none but Christ and satisfied. He's the only one that can hear happiness and joy. God has made each one of us with a void in our hearts that only can be filled by the One who made us. You can try to fill up your heart with the world. The world will never be able to fill your heart, and your heart is too big for this world, but your heart is not big enough.
To hold all the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Well, there were these four leprosy men who sat in the gate of this city.
You know, leprosy is a type of sin. Maybe there's four people here tonight that don't know the Lord Jesus Christ. And as it were, you're sitting in the gate and that's the place of decision to gate. And they say these words. They say if we sit here, we're going to die. I say tonight that if you sit in this room and your sins like those men did, if they'd have stayed there, they would have perished. If you sit here in your sins and don't come to the Lord Jesus, you're going to perish. The God had made a big victory that took place.
Where the Koreans have fled and there was a tremendous spoil of blessing just bleeding. The Lord Jesus won a victory at the cross of Christ. Bible says thanks be under God, which giveth us the victory, our Lord Jesus Christ, that victory has been won. The spoil of that work, the fruit of it is, is there the blessings, all the blessings that God can offer man that really flow down through the work from the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It's only through that that you can have it. If you sit in the gate tonight like these leprosy men, if you sit here with your sins and you don't respond, you're going to perish. They said if we sit here, we'll die. So they went out and they found that blessing. They found a victory, and they carried away gold and silver and ointment, and they hit it, and they went back and carried more and they hit it. They enjoyed it. Then finally they said, we do not. Well, this is a day of good tidings, and we hold our peace. If we carry till the morning lights are, mischief will come upon us.
You know, when you find a treasure, you want others to know about it. That's why we have the gospel meeting, so that others can know about the Lord Jesus Christ. That's why we tell people about the Lord Jesus because we want you to say we want you to come to know the joy. Those men realize there's a whole city that's perishing and they were feasting on all the blessings and there's a world tonight that's fast spinning for hell. You know, as believers, those of us that know the Lord Jesus, we can come and enjoy these meetings and carry away gold and silver arena, but if we hide it, we do not Well, they said we do not. Well if we carry till the morning light, that's a little picture of the Lord's coming. It's about to happen.
If we just sit on the basketball, we don't share these things. Some mischief from the policy. So they went and told the message. At first the king didn't believe it. He said it can't be that way. He thought it was a trick. You know, that's what the devil is saying to you tonight. Bible says your adversary and the devil goes to God is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He wants to rob your soul of the blessings that God has for you. And he says it's a trick. Don't believe it. It's something that it won't really do and what God is promising.
But you know, the Bible says let God be true in every man, a liar. His word is true and wants you to trust on those promises and they're true. Well, there was a man who stopped. He sat in the gate. He said even if the windows of heaven were to be opened, he said, could such a thing be? What happened to that scoffer? It says they trolled him under foot in the gate. It's just like today. The Bible says that in the last days, read about a second paper. They'll be scoffers walking after their own lusts saying where is the promises coming? Since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as it are.
They might tell them about the coming of the Lord. They make fun of it. They stop just as those in those days they stopped.
But the floods came and swept them all away. And were those, and perhaps there were those in Sodom and Gomorrah who went, warned them about what was going to happen. He says he seemed as one of them. They didn't believe they perished in the flames of Sodom and Gomorrah. This man who says prophet said to him, you'll see it with your eyes, but you won't taste it. Lazarus or the rich man in Luke 16, he saw it with his eyes, but he didn't taste the roof. There'll be those. Maybe I'll saw him and think of this very room tonight.
Will one day stand there, the great white throne hanging out there, standing in nothing and looking at the very face of the man who died for them, who loved them, came to this world that they could have eternal life, be saved from hell and saved from heaven. And they'll see him with their eyes, but all they'll hear is those words depart from me and workers of iniquity I never knew. Is there a leopard tonight sitting in the gate in this room?
If you sit here, you're going to die. You need to come to the Lord Jesus Christ. One more passage we look at really quickly, just a minute, last place, and that is the.
Second Samuel, chapter 3.
Second Samuel, chapter 3.
Verse 27 when Admiral was returned to Hebron.
Joab took him aside in the gate to speak with him quietly.
And slowed him under the fifth rib side for the blood of Asset Hill his brother Afterward when David heard of it, he said I am my Kingdom are guiltless before the Lord forever from the blood of abdomen become a nerve, let it rest on the head of Joab.
Name verse 33 it says and the king lamented Abner's and said died. Abner is a food life.
But here we see the last gate that we look at tonight. And if we were to go back and look at the context of this little story, Saul and David, David have been in rejection. And Saul had been chasing David. And finally, and Saul's life ended on the mountains of Gilboa. You tried to commit suicide and he failed. And then Malachi came and swim. And then we find that after Saul was dead, that Ish Beshear, Saul's son, was put on the throne.
The children of Israel, they knew that David should be king. They said that even after they wanted dishes, they said we knew you should be king. But they put Saul's son, Ish Bichette on the brim, so David reigned. And Judah.
Initiative rain over Israel and there was a civil war going on between Israel at that time. Knowing a person comes to know the Lord, they know that they should give the Lord his rightful place. They know that they should make, so to speak, David and type king. The Lord Jesus should have that rightful place. If there's that battle going on and you're letting somebody else reign in the life, That's what was happening here in Israel. But finally Abner, Saul's general realized the mistake and he wanted to make David king over all of Israel. He wanted David to be king.
And so he came and he tried, and he made that movie. He was going to make David Cain, and a message came from him.
To come to Hebron. And so he started for Hebron. And as he came near that city where David was in the city of Hebron, we find that Abner or Joab is sitting in the gate and Joab has has out there started to go in the gate. On his way to David. Those words came to him and said turn aside in the gate, turn aside what had happened to him. Instead of turning into that city to go to David, he listened to the voice of someone else and he turned aside.
And the Bible says he smote him. He was spitting under the fifth rib and he died.
And David said died after as a full diet. Why did he say that?
You know, he brought was one of the cities of refuge and after was just one step outside that city of justice, just one step away from safety.
And there was a voice that said, turn aside indeed.
You know, there may be somebody in this room tonight that God has spoken to in this gospel meeting.
And you're just one step away from coming. Lord, you know that we should come to the Lord. Maybe there's a friend, maybe there's something, somebody, something that is saying turnocide and you're getting penicillin. Oh, those words die after died. We would pray that there would be nobody in this room that your parents, your loved ones would have to say you died as a full diet. But you would have to lift up your eyes in hell and say like saw a set of old. I have played the food.
We just pray that if you've never come the Lord Jesus Christ that you would be a wise man and that you would accept would not be a fool, but a wise person fool is set in his heart. No God if the wise man read about it in the 7th of Matthew builds his house upon the rock tonight. Put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ become the name of the gospel knitting. We hate to close the meeting is running a minute overtime 2 minutes overtime.
We stay at the end of the meeting, the end of discuss the meeting. This is your moment to be saved. Perhaps you'll never have another opportunity like it. We ask you tonight believe and the Lord Jesus Christ and also.