Gathering, The Lord in the Midst

Duration: 57min
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Address—H. Short
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I would like to sing hymn #79 the 1St 6 verses only, Hymn #79 the 1St 6 verses only.
Rest of the Saints are.
My Lord.
And my power.
Of love.
I will be out of.
Hey, Cortana.
Freedom boy, my children.
A long future?
Let me grow in your mother.
'S name.
And play the way crazy for the hell.
I'm in this world.
I know.
Joy and I'll go and answer.
I suppose we could call it perhaps a young people's meeting, not in the sense in which we normally think of young people, but in the sense of keeping.
Our souls and our spirits youthful before.
Our God, I'd like to read to begin with a verse in the book of Jeremiah.
And prophet Jeremiah we know is a known as a weeping prophet.
What is on my heart is that our hearts affections might be stirred and particularly.
To the Lord, as he would be found in the midst of two or three gathered onto his name, in these days of very great weakness.
Brethren, he is there, and he you cannot.
Divorce with saying that him of Jerusalem above you cannot divorce Jerusalem from the Lord, and to speak of affection for Jerusalem. We are Speaking of affection for the Lord. And I have on my heart the gathering, and the Lord in the midst, and what a privilege that is.
For us, but in Jeremiah chapter 2.
It says in verse one.
Moreover, the word of the Lord came to me saying.
Notice gold and cry in the ears of Jerusalem. Now when you get Jerusalem, it isn't exactly the same as saying cry in the ears of Israel. Jerusalem. You know without city that the Lord had chosen to place his name there.
And it's not called that way until after the division of God's people took place, when Jeroboam took off the 10 tribes around himself and said up to altars. The Lord spoke then of Jerusalem as being the city, the place where He had chosen to place his name.
And so this word would have a special effect upon our hearts, I believe. And then we read that, it says.
Jeremiah, chapter 2.
And verse 2 Thus saith the Lord, I remember thee this morning we gathered here to remember him. Now this afternoon he would say to our hearts, I want you to know that I remember these. The Lord never forget this, brethren. And he is looking down with far more interest in this little gathering here on Franklin St.
Than you and I had ever had in it.
So what does he remember?
I remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals, when thou winnest after me in the wilderness.
Oh, what a joy it was to the heart of the Lord to see.
What he here calls Jerusalem, going after him, the espousals of thy youth. Now that's without my heart this afternoon that.
Those espousals, those affections for Christ that maybe some of us may have had when we were younger and we find them waning in our souls, that that isn't what the Lord wants for us. He doesn't want us to get old and decayed in our affections. Age has not.
To do with this factor, we can go through this life no matter how old we get or how long the Lord needs us here, retaining the espousals of thy youth that brought such joy to the Lord. I was reading in my home, reading this past week in the 106th Psalm, and the Lord takes up the history of Israel there, and it's one failure after another.
One after another. And the thought came to me, Lord, where, when in the history of this people?
Did they respond to this verse? I would like to show it to you. Keep your place here and go back to the 106th Psalm. And it's such a little brief.
That you might miss it as you read that chapter that gives so much.
Of the failure of God's people and how they.
Failed. They failed in the land of Egypt, and they failed all through the wilderness. But in that song it says in verse 11, when they came through the Red Sea and the waters covered their enemies, that is the Egyptians, there was not one of them left.
Then believe they his words. They sang free. They sang his praises.
That's where this verse comes in. They had got out into the wilderness. They saw the defeat of their enemies and their hearts overflowed. But there were two things there that it says of them. They then believed they his words. They sang his crazy. The next verse goes back to their failures. They soon forgot his words. Does that have to be in our lives, breathing?
And is that just something? We have to resign our our hearts to that?
Yes, when we were first converted, or probably when all of you here were first gathered to the Lord's name, there may have been the joy. And there was a greater joy in my soul when I began to learn the truth of being gathered to the Lord's name.
Then when I learned the truth, my soul was saved. There are those affections have to be part with the passing of time. They don't. They don't have to look. This is the beginning of Jerusalem. I remember the the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals, when thou winest after thee in the wilderness.
In a land that was not sown, why were they so fervent in their soul? Because they were. There was nothing around them for to attract their heart. They they were in a place where there there was a land that was not sown. There was nothing around them to covet. There was nothing around them worth pursuing. The Lord had their hearts affected.
But he didn't. They didn't treat him first in their lives very long, and it soon waned to look over to the second book of Jeremiah, the book of Lamentations. Following this, and you'll see a tragedy there that came in and was speaking about Jerusalem, thinking particularly of those that are gathered to the Lord's name and our affections for that place where he is in the midst.
Doesn't have our heart. Does he have our hearts? Is it a joy?
To our souls to be able to meet collectively around himself? Or have we lost the espousals of our youth?
It says in Lamentations, chapter 4 and verse one, How is the goal become dim? How is the most fine goal change? Does it have to be valid? Do we have to fade in our lives? Do we have to?
Diminish in brightness and and affections to the Lord.
The stones of the sanctuary are poured out.
Into the top of every street. Now notice this expression, the precious sons of Zion comparable to fine gold. How are they esteemed as Earthen pictures the work of the hands of the body? Brethren, I think it isn't a proud thought that we should put ourselves in this verse. Zion is Jerusalem in grace.
Where the Lord had placed his name, these precious sons of Zion likened to fine gold. How did they diminish in value? How did they become so plain at what happened? Does this have to happen in our soul? It doesn't. It doesn't. We want our hearts and our spirits rekindled to the Lord. We want our affection stirred up to value what the Lord has given us again.
I'm speaking particularly in view of what we're having before us, Jerusalem or Zion, where the Lord has placed His name. Now let's go back to the New Testament and again.
Look in Matthew in Luke's Gospel. I believe it is chapter 19.
We see the city beyond.
That which was the delight and delighted, the heart of Jehovah, the espousals of their youth, those wonderful affections. And now here he comes. In verse 41 we read, and when he was come, Luke 1941, when he was come here, he beheld the city and wept over it.
How is the Lord looking down on us this afternoon?
He is, you know, he he has such an interest in the standing and he's looking down on us.
What is? What is the word I remember the even the espousals of thyroid.
No winneth after me in the wilderness. Or is he looking here? He beholds the city, and he weeps over it.
Saying, If thou hast known even thou at least in this sky day, the things which belong unto thy peace.
Do we know what belongs to our peace? Do we know God's portion for us that would bring our souls into total rest and peace? What is that first message of the Lord in resurrection to those troubled disciples? What is it?
He be unto thee, peace be unto you, The Lord would bring us into this peace, this tranquility, this continuedness.
With himself. But the spirit beloved city did not know what belonged to the thing, what that means for their peace. Now let's go.
And I'm sorry to turn to so many passages, but let's go to the Book of Revelation and that passage that we know connected with Ephesians.
Let's search at Ephesus.
And it says.
In chapter 2.
Connecting with emphasis, it says.
Verse 4.
Nevertheless, I have somewhat against me, because thou hast left thy first love, we might say. Thou hast left the espousals of thy youth. When the Ephesians were saved and converted to Christ, their hearts were overflowing with affection for him. But that waned. Everything else went on the same, you know.
We've been they carry on.
Recognizably from those days of the early brethren in those 1800s, early 1800s.
They might recognize the form that we go on with, the way we break bread. They would even recognize our little flock hymn book the same hymns.
What is the?
Still there?
For have we left our first love? Well, if we've left our first love, we can return. We don't have to finish our days in this.
Departed condition, the Lord can stir up our hearts and cause us to value and the precious privilege we have of coming to be where He is in the midst. As I say His Jerusalem. Now go back to the book of Acts where this assembly began.
And we can see there the fervency in Acts 20. I just want to look at Acts 20 in its early days of Ephesus.
We had it this morning, a verse from it, but I would like to go when he goes.
And his word to the elders Acts 20. And it begins at verse 28.
But I want to call your attention to an expression called uses here, he says.
He tells them in verse 29 After my departing, shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flaw Also of your own self, shall men arise, speaking perverse things to draw away disciples.
After them, so we've had a little experience of the flock. Being further scattered causes us our hearts to ache. But he said down in.
I'll have to find that a minute. I'm looking where, he says. You shall see my face no more. Perhaps it's earlier.
Yeah, that's that's what they saw where he says it, but that'll be all right. He says it earlier that they would see his face no more. And then in verse 38 they say sorrowing most of all for the words which he state that they should see his face no more. Now sometimes the Ephesian elders are criticized for saying that.
That is, he had Paul had told him of the destruction of the assembly, and they've been criticized because instead of sorrowing most of all for the loss of their brethren disciples being drawn away, they sorrow most of all because they would see false Faith No More. Now I like to make an application of that, I believe, rather than by the grace of God.
I've said this before, but if the Apostle Paul had come to tell her this morning.
I believe he would have come here and broken bread with us.
They valued Paul's presence so much that if that couldn't be true, that would cause the deepest sorrow that they had in their life. Now what do I mean? I mean this if the Lord removes His testimony from fellowship.
And there are no longer two or three gathered together unto the name of the Lord Jesus.
Would that be the greatest sorrow of your life?
The espouses of thyroid. The Ephesians.
Value this apostle so much that when they heard, they would see his face no more. That broke their hearts and it caused them to embrace him and they fell on his neck in verse 37 and chicken. It's a relationship.
Of love and affection.
Nothing else, I won't say. Nothing else matters. But that is the heart of Christianity. That is the heart of the Assembly. That is the heart of being gathered to the Lords name. Yes, we do need sound doctrine, but we need these hearts of ours stirred up.
We need these parts of our rekindle that we might love the one to whom we're gathered and where that is, brethren, where that is true in any of our hearts and many measures, that love, that same love, is going to be towards His people. You cannot love Christ and not love these people. Oh how often that smites my soul.
How often I like to think that I do love the Lord. But His people they weary me no, their barometer to our affections for Christ. And so the Ephesians fell on Paul's neck and embraced him. But in the Revelation Church at Ephesus, in the Book of Revelation, Paul had to say of that assembly.
All the way in Ephesus was one of them. All day in Asia have turned away from me.
What is the message this afternoon? He looking down. I mean, we are still. Ephesus was still an assembly gathered to the Lord's name, but their affection for Paul had waned and they had turned away from him who here they were embracing and sorrowing because they would see a face no more. That first love was gone.
How does supposing let's suppose that the Apostle had come here this morning.
What if he said to our heart, when he is said to us all day in Bella, have seen new age from the when he said that, as I say, the assemblies in Revelation are all called Assemblies of God. They were all, as we say, gathered to the Lord's name, but their condition, their state of soul, were vastly, vastly different.
And rather than that's what the Lord is interested in, He is interested in our state of soul.
He's interested in our state with soul. He isn't so important to the Lord that we do things correctly. We have one loaf, one copy. We don't have a ministry, We don't have a organ or so. I'm not making light of those things, but it means very little to the Lord if our hearts are cold.
That's done. This is a hard relationship. Now I'd like to go back.
And again, apologize for turning to so many scriptures but.
To the songs, I think it's.
About 138.
And we get a little.
View there as to why.
Our hearts grow cold. Why the precious?
137 Why our hearts affections wane from Christ? You know, in Hindi espousals of our youth we went after him in the wilderness, that is.
We looked around and that's how we viewed what was around us. We said nothing here.
For me, I remember as a young man and brother, Brown said To me and me.
What do you want to do in life?
I just didn't say I said Doesn't matter to me. All I want to do is serve the Lord.
I have no aspirations. I was in a wilderness and that's what I do to that. Sad to say, my life hasn't always viewed what's around me as a wilderness. And so now in this song, we 137 Songs by the Rivers of Babylon, what does this tell us about?
It tells us that Jerusalem has been taken captivity into Babylon. And what did Babylon tell us about? It doesn't tell us how the wilderness Babylon is the expression of the very height of prosperity to which man has ever attained, and what is judged in the Western world.
That is identified as Babylon, the great prosperity, riches, earthly, desires, earthly, hope, earthly.
Goals and purposes.
Have come in now and instead of seeing the wilderness.
We have seen babbling something to be desired. Remember Aiken? It says he took that garment with the Babylonians garment. That's what caused Aikens downfall. He saw that Babylonian garment and he coveted it. Then we we have got Joseph's coat of many colors. If we only knew what made for our peace, if we could see Joseph's coat in the babylonish garment.
Headache and been able to see Josephs coat instead of that Babylonian Starman Joseph coat would have eclipsed it. But we have forgotten what makes for our peace and so we look around. We get a little discouraged in the assembly and we say.
Really. There's something out there for me, after all. And what will it do? It will bring us into captivity by the rivers of Babylon. There we sat down. Yeah, we left.
When we remember Zion as we ever wept for the Assemblies and doesn't mean so much to our heart, they awoke and they saw they lost.
Jerusalem. They lost lions, captives, and faith looks back and it weeps with a broken heart, Babble, and did what the wilderness could never do. It took the children of Israel. It took Jerusalem captive. Then that's what causes our affections, you see, for us to lose our affections for Christ.
Only another object can do that.
It's like a marriage. We might look at that if time permits. When we get another object before us, between us and the wife of our youth, then the marriage falls apart. And so this Babylon and Babylon your nose, What caused dear Hezekiah's fall? They send to him when he was sick and it took him.
And it took his sons, not him. But it took his son to Babylon as slave. And so on. The wilderness is replaced by the Babylon Zion in his up in captivity. And let's say, all right, what's happened to my heart? I'm in Laodicea, the Lord is outside at all. Give me the part of my life. But he's knocking and I'm going to open my heart's door. And so it says We hanged our hearts upon the willows.
In the midst thereof, and there they that carried us away captive.
Required a song and they that wasted us.
Required as a mirror saying, Singeth one of the songs of dying. How long have been since you've done a song dying in your heart? And the joy of that city, the affection for Christ and his? Aren't they saying they couldn't sing it in babbling? Amira can read it, but notice verse 4. How shall we sing the Lord's song?
In a strange land if it's not possible.
That when the world and its Babylonians character comes into our lives and we pursue it, our affections waved wane, our song does to we cannot and be a captive in Babylon and sing the Song of Zion so we don't have to stay there.
Verse 5 If I forget the Old Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning there.
Don't just easy. And Jerusalem isn't exactly the Lord, but it's where he is in the midst, and he cannot separate the Lord from that place. And there those in captivity, they remember Jerusalem. And they said, let my right hand, if I forget thee, let my right hand forgive the coming. You know we have that expression and it's all becomes from this. I give my right hand for that or my right arm for that.
You mean we want something so badly we would be willing to give up our right arm for us? Well, that's just all here. If I forget the old Jerusalem verse six. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth. Notice this if I prefer not to ruse alone above my cheek. Joy. Is it true in our life, Gary?
But I say, if you could take the assembly out of your life, Jerusalem.
They were taken out of your life. Would you have lost your cheek joy?
It's real. It's real good, you know, I remember.
Thinking infectious death of heart.
I didn't enjoy going to meetings, but I couldn't go anywhere else.
There was no place else on Earth that I could go. It wasn't that I was enjoying going to meetings.
But I couldn't go anywhere else and in SO measures rather.
Isn't it the chief joy of a life?
Take it out of your life. What will it do to your heart?
If I.
Is it put there if I prefer not Jerusalem? About my chief joy? Remember, oh Lord, the children of Edom.
That in that day.
Of Jerusalem. The children of the Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom in that day.
Of Jerusalem. Who said raise it, Raise it even to the foundation thereof? Why are our numbers diminishing? Why are our assemblies getting weaker Because the enemy takes Jerusalem.
And the enemy of our souls, and he who hates the Lord Jesus, will never leave us alone. As long as there still remains to gather through the Lords precious name, He will not leave us alone. The language of his heart is raise it, raise it, even those sons of Lot who was a worldly man who loved Earth, who made his decisions based on the advantage that Earth could give him.
Father these boys and they had no use for Jerusalem. They said raise it, raise it paradigm. We don't want one stone left upon another And so it says.
Down in verse 8 or daughter of Babylon who are to be destroyed rather than you know, this world and all of its prosperity and pride. And it's arrogant.
It's going to come under the judgment of God when God looks down upon the man upon earth as they built that tower of Babel. And that's where Babylon has its beginning. They thought, all this wonderful power we're making ourselves a name. Those were not the thoughts expressed by God. And he came down and brought it all to confusion. One of the wonderful dreadings of finish our course and not have regret.
All said to Timothy upon his departure, I have fought the good fight, and he said I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed to him against that day. Paul didn't have much in the bank, but he had deposited his treasure with the Lord, and he said he is going to keep it against that day. It wouldn't be wonderful to end our days, brethren.
With our treasure.
In heaven. And we would step into that fear through our treasury well.
Babylon was going to come under the judgment of God and it says in verse.
The universe.
A happy shall he be that rewardeth thee, as thou hast served us, that is, it had carried Jerusalem into captivity, and destroyed the young. Verse. 9 Happy shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stone, if God is going to judge Babylon.
It took his city, Jerusalem, into captivity that he is going to judge it rather than let us judge it too. I don't mean war against it. I mean let us judge it for what it is in God's eyes and enemy of our souls that takes our affections away from Christ and bring us into captivity and leads us to lead a life that is improved living.
Now let's go to.
The ghost next book to Proverbs.
And see their what I mentioned earlier.
Chapter 5.
Speaking of espousals.
Additive overeations our hearts. Verse one it says my son Proverbs 5. Verse one my son attend unto my wisdom and bow down thine ear to my understanding.
Down in verse 3 for the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb and her mouth is smoother than oil.
This is a little picture of Babylon that takes our hearts away from Christ.
Yes, her lips are as honeycomb. Your mouth is smoother than oil, a beautiful object to behold. But death to our soul if we pursue this woman. You know, the mother of harlots, babbling the great.
That's what the church ends up her character as, and she's hearing her heart the way. And then there's the the political babbling or the world babbling, just getting our hearts speaking fine things, promising you and me.
A hope down here on Earth.
And something worth living for here on Earth. It doesn't have it. It isn't found in the whole Kingdom of Babylon. There's nothing worth giving our hearts affections to at all.
And so it says down in verse 4. But her end is bitter as Wormwood, sharp as A2 edged sword, all gathering in the Hebrews, It says and follow those who stay follow, considering the end of their conversation, that is those men of faith in their conversation without regret. And you and I don't want to come to the end of our lives.
With remorse and sorrow, and we will.
If our affections have been taken away from Christ, the espousals of our youth have been attached to a strange woman, but down in verse.
9 verse 8 Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house, lest thou give thine honour unto others, and their years unto the cruel. She didn't seem like a cruel person. She seemed like a loving, desirable woman. But if she gets her heart, and we live a life following her, we're going to find how cruel.
She is because she will mock us at the end. The Lord won't mock us at the end, whether when we finish our days, if we have kept the apostles of our youth, if we've gone after him and retained that around us as having the character of a wilderness, nothing there to be desired. We won't regret it when we finish our course. And then it says down in verse.
And it says.
Let thy fountain.
Be blessed and rejoice with the life of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind the pleasant rose leather breath. Satisfy thee at all times, and be thou ravished always with her love. It isn't that the wife is young.
It was the same way that Solomon took in his youth and his.
Instructions were to love her all his life. How wonderful, naturally, to see a couple.
Go on through life and instead of their first love waning, it grows deeper and deeper and deeper. I remember brother Albert Mayhol saying that he said I love my wife so much more now than I did when we were first married. I don't even know if I loved her when I married her.
Well, that's the way it should be in our marriages, that it should be that way in our relationships with Christ. Also, the fine gold does not have to dim. We can rejoice in the wife of our youth. That is so you followed of our youth. And what causes us this great joy? We go to a wedding. Why is it such a half an occasion? Because we're seeing before our eyes a portrayal of the apostles of youth.
We can have that today. We can have it in our marriages, and we can have it in the assembly. If we are willing to look at all and view the place in which our lot is cast as a wilderness not sown. That is the nothing here we're pursuing. There's not an object here on earth. Where's my heart's affection? That is the only way we're going to maintain.
The asthma of our youth.
Now go back to.
I say it again. I think it's Chapter 40.
It's a well known verse, but it fits in here.
Isaiah chapter 40, verse 30. Even the youth shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall who fail that have to be.
To say there's no way around it, our affections just it's just one of the laws of gravity or drop something that falls to the ground and we just this is our dude, you know it isn't so.
I may be true of nature, and I may be true of young people.
But it says here in verse 31, But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with the wings as Eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not.
They read in love. We found the Lord. We begin our days. Let's begin them waiting on the Lord.
We go through our life, let it be marked by men and women of God waiting upon the Lord. What's that mean? That means not serving him if waiting for a word for him. He's controlling our lives. Remember that first verse he said in that 106 lbs. And they had kept his word. They heard his word. Let's wait. I'm just thought, you know, I'm gonna get.
Now it's saying you can't, Mr. Brown used to say. Why God has joined together.
Let not man put asunder and God has joined the assembly and Christ together, and you can't separate them, but you can't separate the word of God from Christ Jesus. He is the Word. And and this book should be if our if, if our hearts are going to be maintained and the espouses of our youth, this book in a very real way will be the greatest treasure of our lives. You know when I travel around.
I have to leave the car parked at A at a rest area or a store or anywhere. I hide my Bible case and the reason I hide it because I don't want anybody to mistake it for a doctor say there's something that they might think would be worth steering because it's the most precious thing I have in the car.
That's the most precious thing I have and I don't want anyone.
To steal it, thinking that it's something else? No. Is the word vicious through our heart? It's the word precious to our heart. Well, we can wait upon the Lord and renew our strength. And then I would like to.
Point. Remember I said in Hebrews that says whose faith follow? I'd like to call our attention to two men of faith who finish their day without their affections.
Being dampened, they began with the espouses of their youth and they entered. One of them entered the land and the espouses of issues, the other finished the day go back to the end of the Book of Deuteronomy.
For the first one.
And let's follow these dear men Space I I'm not sure if I put my finger right on it, but.
I think it's the last.
Chapter not true.
Yes, Deuteronomy Chapter 34.
And verse 7.
And Moses was 120 years.
Oh, when he died.
His eye was not dimmed nor his natural force abated. He died at 120. A young man and I used to read this verse like this. Moses was 120 years old when he died. His eyes were not dimmed nor its natural force abated. But it doesn't say that. It says his eyes. His eye was not dimmed.
And that's how we're going to maintain ourselves in the condition of our youth is by having a single eye for the Lord. Moses went through the wilderness and he maintained it as a wilderness. He didn't seek his forces here below, he had a single eye for the Lord. It's true, because of the children of Israel provoking his spirit, he didn't get to go into the land.
But he had only that before his eye. His eye was single. He had no other object in that wilderness journey that turned him aside. He made a few brethren. His natural force was not abated, and we don't have to lose the affections of our heart for Christ and for the assembly.
And I'll go just in the next book in Joshua and clothing.
And read about Caleb.
You take me a moment to find this.
Verse of.
Of 12/11.
Verse 12 it says, And now behold, the Lord hath kept me alive, as he said these forty and five years.
Even since the Lord spake the Word unto Moses, while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness.
And now low I am this day, four store, 80 and five years old, 85 years old. As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day when Moses sent me. As my strength was then, so is my strength now for war, those to go in, to go out, and to come in the wilderness.
Was a wilderness, and he did not lose his affection for Christ the brethren. May the Lord help her.
And we don't have to decay, you know. It says. I think it was Ephraim. The Lord says I'll ask for hairs and knowest did not. Perhaps we don't even know our affection that weighing but God does. I have somewhat against these I'll have left. I first love those at Ephesus at O'hare's and their their affection had waned. They've gotten old and their affection.
But that's true of us. Rather than last weekend, there's always repentance less repent and return to the Lord and follow him in the disposal of Thy view. We can mount up brethren as the Eagles wings. We don't have to worry. You can run and we don't have the things. But it's a question.
Of our hearts relationship to our Lord, do we value what He has brought us into?
The place where he has placed his name. Jerusalem. Our Jerusalem.
Where he is in the midst of the two or three, gathered unto its precious pain, the enemy acclaim raised the phrases What is the response of our heart? Lord Jesus, preserve thy flock most graciously, within thy shall be.
Perhaps we could sing that and have to lift it up. He's always there. He's a lot of people and supplies.
You find that?
I'm not sure if that's the second verse or preserve like rock postgraduate.
And let's sing the very the third verse we spoke about it. We knew the things that belonged to our peace to 88 years verse 3.
Do the.
Holy Grail.
And grand blasts our graves and breathe.
Oh my God.
That's a beautiful body.
They pray in love on the man.
Laughing, Lord you.