Gen. 13

Genesis 13
Address—J. Kilcup
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That was last night.
Was need to be replaced and it did. But they went out and they bought the most expensive and the biggest Bible I could find and I was overwhelmed that it's such a big Bible and my other Bible was much smaller. But what could we do? I mean this this dear couple gave from their hearts and we've been trying to get used to it, but sometimes you barely make it.
Hello exercise.
Prophet sonnet and this ways enough so I get started.
Would you turn to him #256 to begin our meeting tonight?
Praise the Savior, he who know him.
You can tell how much would you stand, please and join me at number 256.
Oh no.
There's a six words that goes with this hymn that could very well been included, but for some reason they did not. But it goes like this.
Lord and glory who adore thee, cast art, mounds and joy before the praise and homage render to thee in those parts of that holy, beautiful, so close to the world.
Assuming we took up the 1St 4 verses of the 40th song, that is that. The nut line is to the Christian life, the divine life, and there's some thoughts from there that would encompass at least the 1St 3 verses encompassed.
Encompasses every believer here in the room.
That is, remember the first verse? We had a safe life where we we cried.
And he heard her cry, our cry of need, you and me, as soon as we we cry to him. And he saved us.
Save this. I saved life. We have tonight.
We're not dependent upon any man. We're not dependent on circumstances. We're not dependent upon ourselves. We're not dependent upon anything or anyone but, he writes.
We are enjoying the thought this morning that.
About the blood, you know when I see the blood I will Passover you in next to this fall. There have been a life taken so it was not to be repeated. There was no reason for this destroying Angel to touch a home where the blood had been put on the door of the post in the lentil because the light had already been taken. And it was like the case of in Wisconsin not too long ago where a man had been caught for some crime that he committed and.
In the process of booking him, he confessed to a murder that he had committed two years prey to previously.
And his confession, of course, was vital to the closing of that case. But they had tried him on that and set him free because there hadn't been enough evidence.
And they couldn't read pride in because of the double jeopardy law even tried.
And set free, beloved, is what's happened to you and me. The Lord changes, has been tried, and He is. He wasn't set free, but because he fully exonerated, exhausted the holiness of God.
In him we are set free. We are saved tonight.
We shall never be more saved than we are this evening. And let us thrill our hearts. Secondly, in the second verse, it speaks about a secured life. He has set our feet upon a rock, and that rock is bright as we know the unshakable foundation.
Of the man Christ Jesus. And thirdly, it speaks there of a satisfied life, where we have been given a new song. A new song has been put in our mouth, and many shall.
That says, see it, not hear it. That is a song of our hearts, of our souls are going to be such a power. They have to be that many shall see it says, and fear the Lord and trust in him.
But the next verse is what we have been considering principally, and that is the 1St 3 verses ought to call out from your hearts and minds. The next verse where he says blessed is a man who trusted in the Lord, that is the surrendered life.
If you are the fact we are saved in view of the truth, that we have a secure life, and the time that we have a satisfied life, we ought to say in the response to our hearts, without the bees, Lord.
I'm yours. I'm yours again. The only instrument that we have that God is interested in is our bodies. I beseech you, by the mercy of God, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice.
So I says it's what he wants.
And the persuasion of power to present our bodies is encompassed in that word of mercies. I beseech you by the mercies of God. And as we contemplate the mercies of God, beloved, then I believe we tumble.
Then we say, yes, Lord, what would you have me to do?
Then we say I am yours. I My body is yours. My life is yours. I What are the mercies of God? Well, we're past judgments. We have been delivered. We have a safe life, a secured light. We have a whole. We have the promises of God. Sometimes just sit down and list the mercies of God. They are inexhaustible. But the more that the mercy of God grip your will and might. They're the only things that will move our will.
To surrender.
Our lives to him.
And beloved, if it's true. If this book is true.
Mary, we have to do it by the grace of God. Seek grace to do it. If it is not true, then we are among the most than most liberal. But what is true? And I believe it is true.
The Spirit has shown to me that it is true, and my spirit responds to it. Say Yeah Lord, it's true.
Every bit of it's true, and I believe moment by moment in this life we experience that it is true.
It is true. We talked to some of these folks like we have on this trip of 8889 years old and they're getting down to the end and what are they saying? It's it's been a waste.
No. If they had one complaint they they would. If they had a rerun they would have done it much different. There had would have been a surrender or a commitment much earlier in their lives.
That's their only side part of the race. They wish they'd run it with more of the goals that before there. But as we mentioned last night, there is no age requirement as to the the race. When we as we have a fresh start, we have a God of new beginnings, of a fresh start. I don't know how many times I've had a fresh start, but I spent many of them.
And we illustrated last night by enlisting, illustrating with Josiah who was eight years old when he said he sent his heart to holy follow the Lord. Then he was 16 when he went out, and he cut down the idols. And then I was a God's people. He destroyed the idol. He didn't have business for God. And we illustrated Abraham, and he was 75. God began to use him. Moses was 80. And so there's really no time along with people while we're here.
That we can't say yes, Lord, I would like tonight to turn back to the.
Book of Genesis.
Has to take our the next chapters. We have two men principally in this chapter, and I like to illustrate the two lives and one was surrendered and one one was not.
And possibly finish. So learn something that would encourage us to surrender.
To raise the white flag the words, and surrender. Oftentimes when we feel that we have surrendered but we are still elevating the compartment of our souls. Our lives that we are are keeping for ourselves and we say, Lord, I'm yours, I've got all of you, but let me have this little part of me.
But until he has all of us, I don't believe we're going to enjoy the thought that we have all of him.
Now in the 13th chapter of the book of Genesis we have Abram.
Returning after being to Egypt, it was a a last experience to him, that is no doubt he learned something of the flesh and that truck. But as far as gaining anything spiritually it was a total loss. And so in the third verse it says. And he went on his way, after taking his wife, of course, and lot with him on his way on his journeys from the South even to Bethel and to the place where his tent had been at the beginning.
Between Bethel and AI place of the altar which he had made there at the 1St, and there Abram called on the name of the Lord.
I think it's significant that until he get back to this place where he had been at the first, there was no progress in his soul and beloved. I think this perfectly illustrates your progress in mind. When we drift away from the things of God and until we judge what what caused the departure, that would seem to be in limbo, as it were as far as our dispersal enjoyment is concerned.
So May God give us the grace to go to him and say, Lord, whatever it is, I want to judge it, I want to deal with it.
And and we find it, it seems, Abraham and building his altered. It seems that it is what he had in mind. Now I'd like to illustrate this man as he has presented. Would you turn to the 11Th chapter of the book of Jesus?
Keep your face down in Genesis for the times of evil.
I report versus I'd like to read to us.
And it begins with verse 13.
Are these all died?
In faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For they that say such things, declare plainly that they seek a country. And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from which they had come out, they might have had opportunity to return, But now they desire, desire a better country that is heavenly.
Wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared for them for the city.
Now these people were weak and failing things that were listed in this chapter, but the general principle of their life was a one of surrender. And although they failed, here we see God's estimate of them. And there are 7 aspects, 7 appetites here written by God upon the lives of these patriarchs, These people failing people like you and me, but nevertheless.
They were again governed by the principles of surrender. First of all, you notice that they verse 13.
We all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them from afar, far out there, persuaded of them, and embraced them.
To solve the promises of God. And you see, they were so meaningful to them they believed the bare word of God.
And there were so meaningful to them that they embraced them. They they, as another has said, they hugged them to their breasts.
And you know, that's what we need to do do, pumpkin. I I believe it's how far as my heart hugged these promises. And I believe they closerly hugged them to know more. We will experience the the truth that we are indeed strangers and pilgrims. Tomorrow I hugged the promises of God. The more I will enjoy the blessings of God. They go together.
Or to others to make them our own. Secondly, you notice they not only pump them, embrace them as a word, but they confess that they were strangers and pilgrims.
They were happy. The power of the promises enabled them to walk and live as as strangers and pilgrims. I believe there's the only the degree that my heart is filled with the promises of God, the word of God. Will I have any desire to walk as a stranger in children? As one just passing through like I saw on the door of the refrigerator, Those 3 words just passing through.
That's all we are, the leather just passing through and the more we have these promises.
The more we'll consent to this truth, the more we will agree to it joyfully.
Not to have any strings attached here to be ready to soar not only soar when the Lord come, but sore in spirit now.
And that's the thing that'll keep our our standard lights and our eyes outward. But thirdly, I mean I say this third aspect of this is the best definition of separation in the entire word of God. It says this for they that say such things, that is confess the promises of God and that are exchanged the pilgrims.
They confess, I say. Such things declare plainly that they seek a country. There it is.
We declare plainly that we see another country that is separation. That's all.
There's nothing difficult, there's nothing profound about that. It's simply beloved that as our hearts are taken up with the promises of God or the specifically the person of Christ.
Then our lives will be care, finally that we are just passing through.
Just passing through. But declare any of that saying, verbalize, declare plainly by their lives that were passenger for them. And truly if they had been mindful of that country from which they came out, they might have had opportunity to return. And the thought here is that I would there was the there is the attraction to draw us back and if they had thought about the the attractions, the allurements.
Of the scene around them if they would have returned.
It could have easily said, well, this is not the path for me, the path of separation of a stranger in a pilgrimage. But you see that the promises through their hearts. And so they had they been mindful, that is, that they had wanted to, that is, if they had been so minded, they could have returned to what they had left.
And so it is with you and me.
As God says by the grace of God on on this course that He has placed us on or in.
There are going to be many, many attacks, many attempts to draw a society, and many of God people have been drawn aside, I suppose.
That if the children of the Saints had gone on as their parents had, and the parents had gone on as their fathers, their mothers had gone on this room, no way could contain that company. You would not find a room in Pella, or here in Sully.
To hold the company.
The children had gone on as their parents had, or their parents had gone on as theirs.
The The battle is so fierce for the hearts of men and women and young people as well. But unless we are embracing the promise of God, we will not stay on the course. But we like demons who chose the this world's attraction for the flavors of the fall. And that's just one that we could choose from. But there's you know them, I know them, and you may be one, and I may be one too. That will no longer be sitting in these seats or have an interest in being with the Lord of people unless we embrace.
Our embrace, even a daily way. The promises of God.
And enjoy most of all we say the person of Christ. That is paramount, because if we we must, as we embrace the the promises of God, we must understand that that these promises are based on the character of the one who gave them, and that is price themselves.
And so it is He and to whom we are attached. If to him we look and enjoy and revel it, that man Christ Jesus, none other. But there's more. In the 16th verse we have the fifth thought. And now he desired a better country. That is heavenly, a better country, a better country. In this book of Hebrews 11 Times over you'll find that expression better, better.
You know, often times we choose the good.
But God and had us have the better part the better, and he is taking time needs to for suffering Jewish Christians. And to whom this letter was written that you have a better part in Jesus, much better than not in the old things, the old ritual, the old form of things. But now you have a living Christ, the living Jesus.
And so the thought here they desire a better country, better than heaven. All love it. May we maybe so embrace the the promises of God and the person of Christ who gave them.
That our hydrostatic fixed on that better country, that better country, you know as we have the right perspective of this world.
I wouldn't want. I don't know why. You know, I personally had the flesh, and the flesh responds to the the dainties of this life. But I wish you had been with me today at the hospital down in Iowa City. I believe every believer, every one of you, that professed price.
Would visit a hospital or a nursing home from time to time. That helps us keep the perspective.
We live in a a dying world, a hurting world.
Twisted world what sin has done.
You know and.
The 11Th chapter, John said Jesus wept.
And you know, I believe that is one of the most profound, it's not the most profound person in the Bible. Why did he wait?
I like to give you 4 reasons maybe why he left, but maybe there are more. First of all, he left because of his humanity. He was a man.
Secondly, he went because of his sympathy as the high priest. He entered into it.
What they were suffering the loss of their brother. Thirdly, he went over the tragedy of sin. What sin had done? What sin has done in this world, beloved?
You feel it in your own bodies. If you don't, maybe you're a young person and the disease has not touched you yet. But it will. It will. You are dying. The scripture says that the old man is dying.
We can take vitamins, we can do our exercises and we can do everything, the doctor said. But we are dying.
But praise God, it tells us that the new man is renewed day by day. And are you investing in the Newman or the old man?
What a waste to invest in your mind is going to be laying in a hospital or taking someone away, but it's good for us to visit again to see what's the horrendous damage, the tragedy that sent his partners in this world and fourthly.
Peace, the glory.
That is.
The Lord Jesus knew that he was going to bring Lazarus back, and I believe that he went because of that. That could be one of the reasons he went because he knew he was going to bring this man ladders back into a world for which he and which he would, he would die again.
But I want to What a profound thought that Jesus was the man of the glory. The man in the glory. What? Because he saw this world through those divine eyes.
They felt the heartbeat, the heartache of what Sin had done, the heartache of his people anyway.
But indeed, there's a better country.
And six thought here is not, is not ashamed to be called their God, for he had prepared them a city that is God is not a shame to be told to, to to be identified with those who have embraced his Son, who embraced his promises and have their eyes fixed on him. He is not ashamed to embrace us in that glorious He's not ashamed of the place. Tell us they call us right.
That's great to personify.
And lastly, because this isn't what we wanted to take out this evening altogether, but last spot was.
For he had prepared for them a city.
God is not ashamed to be called their God. He has identified himself with us, He's embraced us, and he has prepared us a city.
And that city, of course, is that one between the glory well.
Made maybe these thoughts that embrace the Saints of old that are listed in this 11Th chapter. Maybe we understand something of them that so we can say as they did in in our weakness to say yes, Lord, I prefer that path. Finally, by your Grace, that's the path I want.
And I do believe too, if one believer is more spiritual than another, it's simply because he values the person of Christ more.
Each one of us have our relationship tonight with the Lord Jesus that.
We have chosen.
And all power for the Christian walk, I believe in testimony depends on the appreciation of Christ himself. That's all the more we appreciate that land.
The more we'll understand His glory, His Majesty and the tale of this world well, back to our chapter. What a tremendous.
Illustration there of the Lord speaks of the in there in the 11Th chapter of Hebrews to those poor sites, what encouragement it must have been to them.
Doctor caused our hearts to send too.
Well, in verse five it says a lot also.
Who went with Abraham had blocked some birds and sentence, and the land was not able to bear that that they might dwell together for their substance of rape, so that they could not dwell together. There was a strike between the herdsmen of Abrams cattle, and the herdsmen of lost cattle, and a Canaanite, and the Perizzite well then in the land.
Now if you will notice here something very very significant.
It says that there is strike between Abrams people and lots of people in the midst of the Canaanites and the parasites in the midst of two God fearing men who could not live in harmony.
You have these warring factions.
You know they did not strive in Egypt. Important, important thought. I do believe that that is worldliness, effectually.
Prevents brotherly care and concern, so there's no strikes. But once there is a concern and a love for one another, then we need the grace. We need more grace and more grace to go on together in unity, or there will be strife and controversy and contention as there was here.
Here godly men were involved in a strife and humbly. And how often do we find it among God's people? Because there hasn't been the the humbling and the seeking of more grace. Scripture says that we have not, because we have not. And we were speaking last night at the great fatal disease that many of us are afflicted with is We don't feel the need. We don't feel the need of more grace. We don't go before God in our burden, in our needs.
And we'd like to lay this scene. Who said that we have need of nothing? So he drifts along and moves out. The best part?
Thought maybe we maybe understand.
Arts of poverty, that we've seen more and more of those. And Abraham said unto life, Let there be no stripe. I pray the between E&D between my person and my and thy herdsmen, For we are brethren, is not the whole land. Before they separate themselves, I pray thee from me that thou will take the left hand, then I will go to the right, or if thou depart, to the right hand.
Go to the left.
This is beautiful. What disinterest we have here. How beautiful. He could care less. Abram could care less about.
What Locke had, or what he had, he could careless no notice what he did here. He knew that he did not need to assert himself. He knew that God would take care of him.
He did not have to push himself in order to have God's best.
So he let's not choose the planes.
Abram didn't choose. He left the choice to guard a great principle.
A great bunch of people.
Lot prescribing for the well watered planes and Abraham says lots. Make your choice. I'm going to leave my choice with God.
In that, in that fresh the beautiful disinterest that Abram had in the face of this conflict, he just backed away and says, I'm going to let God choose, but maybe he does come at this spirit.
But you know, I believe there's a truth here too, that that character determines our decisions.
And you know, no.
Anyone. As it works, that can ruin our reputation.
But no one can ruin our character. Only you can't. Only I can't.
And we, our character, again we say, is determined by and manifested by the decisions that we make.
And he.
His character is characterized by several things here he he doesn't pray, He doesn't look to God about anything. He is self-centered.
He is occupied with only the visible. He doesn't see beyond the immediate and he loses out, of course, on the riches rich part. But he seemed to have no discernment. He did not.
He did not see or seemed to care about the situation in Sodom. He should have known that the the real estate in Sodom was with us.
But you see, he was so self-centered and material minded that he lost sight of higher grounds and so he.
He lusted after those things. Are we guilty of that? In a sense, only you can answer that.
Actually, if we had time against, we could look at this from another viewpoint that lots followed. The man Abram, he didn't follow God. God was leading Abraham out by his bare word and another place you remember it says that Speaking of Abram acting on the word of God, he said. It says that Abraham staggered God at the promises of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God. If there's one thing to give, glory to God.
That is the act of faith that we are given grace to do.
What he He was just a mirror echo of Abram. He had no personal exercise outside of his what his uncle had, and so he had no stamina. He had no roots, and so he went away of his own choosing.
He looked for the best in this world.
We look for the best that had to offer and we know the conclusion of that. He came out empty handed, empty handed.
I was on a flight one time from Tel Aviv to Israel to Rome, Italy, and I was sitting alongside a Jewish lady, affluent Jewish lady, who obviously was well educated, and she asked me what I did for a living.
And I got to spend the next 2 1/2 hours telling her she had never heard the gospel before.
And she asked me a question toward the end, she said.
Why am I here? Why? Why are you here? Why are any on this, this plane law? Why are we here? I want to know why people. Why men and women, men and women are in this world on service, you know, That was, you know, a kind of a good question, A good question.
I believe Scripture tells us that we are made for the glory of God. I tried to share that with her. I don't know how much she got. And I believe for the Christian we are here to make the Lord, to to learn Christ.
And to make him known and that brings glory to God, I believe any any, any character or feature of Christ have seen in your life and mine brings glory to God.
We are here for God's glory, not as live thought for his personal and driving at his own personal.
Welfare or personal means or whatever he was here for himself and you and I are are beyond that. Hopefully we're here for the glory of God. At the close of the of the trip as we're planning, I asked her if she understood what we talked about, what I had told her and she said.
Understand. I hear you, but I don't believe you.
But I thought that it was not my my job to see that she believed or to force her to believe. I could not do that anyway. But I made her to consider what we talked about because her eternal destiny depended upon it. And she gave me a smile and left. But her question was a good one. When we know why we are here and what our destination is, then I think that we will hang on things loosely here.
Will be less likely, more like.
Well, it says in the 10th verse, it's not lifted up his eyes and beheld all the plaintiff Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the garden of the Lord, like the black Egypt, as autonomous on Tuesday.
So see it's beautiful land, how the lot was attracted to it. Then lot shows from all the Plain of Jordan and Lot journey east and they separated themselves at one from another.
Call of God had not reached the heart of of life, nor get God's inheritance enter into his vision at all.
And I think that if we would study this, we would notice that the the decline begins gradually but always leads away from Christ and into the world. It never happened suddenly. I remember a young man who was in prison. I had known him before he was incarcerated and that's what drew me to go see him. And he was a wild young fellow and the last time I had seen him, his hair was down to the back and and he had a wild slush. He was in the drugs and so on.
But when I went to see him in the prison, he was. I didn't recognize him when they brought him into the room because he was hair was cut, he was clean, getting a clear eye. And I had to be. He had to be pointed out to me.
And what happened to this man? He had been saved.
Out after he had been incarcerated, shortly after he been captured with a gun. He had had confessed Christ as a savior. Now he had heard the story of the love of God all of his life, But he had run as fast and as hard as he could, and he was remarkably safe. And it was so real and vibrant that we started up some meetings, So one meeting a week and so into that the prison.
And he would go out and he would get that Chapel full.
Of prisoners to hear the gospel.
He became a leader in the prison at the Chicanos of the Indians.
The group they have in the prison, the the blacks have their Chieftain and the Indians have their Chieftain, and the whites have their chieftains, and they pretty much run the prison, the chiefs, and he became a chief.
And by being a chief, he forced a lot of these people into the Chapel. And so we had many, many happy.
Times in the Channel with these prisoners hearing the gospel, sometimes not willingly.
But this young man?
He wanted to, he wanted to get into shape. And so he began to work out in the gym. They had to have the prison there and a track that he could run around. And so he and working out, he became, of course, tired, exhausted, and he would come in and throw himself on his bunk and crash.
The time that he had spent usually in in reading the word of God and in prayer for God.
Simply as he became more and more involved in getting in condition and his body had a tremendous bill that his time of God disappeared and.
He just just that crack, that opening, you see of giving up that the most valuable time that he had to God and being in a prison, you're surrounded 24 hours a day with every kind of evil and vice that there is.
More maybe it's all that outside, only in the prison is concentrated, and unless the believers in the prison walk closely with the Lord, there's no way can they stand against the evil and those that place in both places. And so just by opening a crack, I was giving up. Not intentionally, but being so busy with getting into shape, There's nothing wrong with being in shape, but it it cost him everything. He wasn't long after that that he was not coming out to the meetings at all.
Get no more interest in the gospel and soon he was involved in in peddling every kind of vice inside the prison imaginable. Money was let out for prison. He was soon back in for offensive pilot. His salvation had been real and in time. Now he is out again, but he has done permanent damage to his body through the drugs and so on. But now he is his mind is so effective that he cannot concentrate for any long period of time.
And so he is not stable, He's as a child and many things. But why I mentioned this young man is this that simply by opening the door a crack and giving up the most treasured part of his life, his spiritual life depended upon it.
Kid, past American.
And you'll not be able to hold down. I'm thinking of material things like constant, but think of you won't be able to hold down a job he won't be able to marry.
Think of it in this life, but it cost him. But in in his spiritual life, his soul, the sorrow that has brought in his life is the magical love. We may think well that's happened to him and that would never be so gross with me, but then maybe you can do it.
With a much easier way. But carry on with the facade and nobody will notice that you have opened the door to whatever giving up the the treasure time of God. But beloved, if we are going to enjoy the the promises of God, we are going to embrace them and and walk with Christ in a way that will fill us with joy and happiness in this life. And then we have to have that discipline life that surrender life that will above everything else.
Place this block.
Will treasure this more. Anything that keeps you and me from this book is our enemy.
Anything that keeps us from this book is our enemy, and we ought to recognize that. And the only way we are going to learn Christ is to be in the book.
Maybe I shared with you, but I remember not too long ago was I was mentioning that the necessity of our being in the Gospels and all of our reading. We want to be in the book, of course, but never, never pass a day without being in the Gospels. And a young man came up afterward, and then he said, brother, he said, I've been saved for three years and I've been learning truth and I've been learning doctrine, and my heart is as cold as ice, he said I'm going to get into the gossip. The Gospels, you see, present Christ to us as nowhere else. We'll find it, that is.
Our affections will be drawn to him. We'll find our heart satisfaction.
In the Gospels, as we have Christ minister to us, so never, never get beyond the Gospels in our reading as we feed upon the living Christ.
What I wonder 1St 12 you notice?
Abram walked in the land of Canaan and locked loved in the cities of the plane.
And pitched his tent towards Silent. I would like to ask you a question.
Was Abram sorry for his choice?
I've got any luck make the his choice.
Would you please turn over to the 19th chapter?
And the 28th 1St.
And he looked at Abraham, looked towards Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plane, and Miguel and all the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of the furnace.
In the plane of memory, which was near human word, Abraham was it was about 3035 miles away. He could see the smoke of the burning cities rising in the sky.
Was he sorry that he had made the choice, that he left it to God? I don't think so. I think he had the right estimate of the real estate values in Sodom and Gomorrah.
May God give us that same understanding.
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly.
You know, there's a lot. Mary, first of all pitched his tent towards Sodom. But even after.
His experiences, he seems to just be continuing. He's seen him in cops here, in a trap of his own choosing. You know, I was with Daniel's queen in Spain.
One time and there was a.
There was a river that was used for generating power and it went over a dam and it had a catch. It looked like a.
Spring of of real work of of steel. But anyway that was this water was running through and the last time I was there I I noticed that the the stream was not running anymore and I asked him what had happened. He said well see those men down there they're they're cleaning the the.
Trash screen down there so that the water can run through.
And you know it kind of came to mind. You know, that's what I need to do occasionally in the trash string. You see the water wasn't able to flow through there and generate the power that that because of the debris that had built up. You know that's what happens in our lives. We we need to clean out the the thrash screen we allow things to build up. So the word of God is not having its power. Like with this man luck he the trash stream also collected. He didn't understand what the will of God was. He was disinterested in in the will of God.
He was so collected, wasn't debris, and as we know, it's a healthy thing to do to get before our holy God. Like, do we read this morning what Job did and he got in the presence of God, he said. Ooh, I pour myself.
We get the right perspective from that viewpoint at least.
And we it's a healthy thing to clean out the track show screen.
The Lord sent him to Abraham in verse 14 after Lot was separated from him. Lift up thine eyes, now thine eyes, and look at from the place where northward and southward and eastward and westward.
Notice this he gets, he gets a view of what God has for him. I believe it's only when we are in communion with the with the joys and the glories of of the Lord Jesus that we will reject the world's display of things. Here he sees the the promises of God unfolded beforehand. If Corey says, for all the land which dossiers to thee, will I give it, and to thy seed forever.
And I will take thy seed.
As the dust of the earth, so that a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall I seek also be numbered. But the promises given to David, I know if Abram could look down in his body and could say he he looked he looking at his body, he could say no way, no way can that be.
But he looked at God rather than ahead himself, he said. He said verse 17. Arise, walk through the land.
In the length of it, and in the breadth of it, while given much of the then Abram removed his chance and came and dropped by the plane, or in the plane of memory which was in Hebron, and built there in Alder unto the bar.
Our blood. That's the end of the chapter and the end of the talk. Hebron means fellowship, Hebron means communion. And if you want to know the best place to live, it is in Hebron, Hebron.
It's a it's a nice thought to follow through sometime, and I wish we had time to pick it up because I stood the best place to live and the blessed best place to die.
Sarah died here at Hebron Patriarchs. I remember visiting Hebron one time, and all the patriarchs are entombed in that place and revered.
Still, Hebron is a place of fellowship, a place of communion, and it's certainly it is the place of blessing. May God so creating us a desire and a hunger that will not be fooled or deceived by, deceived by the things in this life.
Have an eye on that better country. You know, the third chapter of Second Timothy says. That character of our day, the time we're living in just before the return of Christ, will be that of this section. And I suppose never have people been so deceived in following this man for that man or this cult or that whole cult. It has never been as it is today. 10 years ago, you talked to people about spirits or about demons.
And they may have laughed at you now. It's part of our language. In the Northwest we have two internationally known channelers that mediums that work with these spirits, demons, which they profess to be 35,000 years old. And they will charge people $1000 for a weekend to have this medium, this spirit, this channeler, unfold, this wisdom of the ancients.
People are living and dabbling in the oaks out of the demon world as never before.
Time of deception. But it's not just happening to unbelievers. It is also happening to God's people. So never has there been a time when we need to be looking under Jesus that we need to be ravished by His loveliness, by His beauty, by His Majesty, by His power, and living in the glorious knowledge that He is coming to take His home momentarily. It's going to be there is. If you want another happy study, look in the scriptures.
The number of times that you find this expression, even as he had said, even as he had said, he remember, he told the disciples to go and prepare supper at a certain large upper room, and it said that they went and they found, as he had said, You remember at the tomb, the 28th chapter of Matthew, When they they came, the women came to the tomb, and the Angel says he had risen as he is said. 11 He has said, I will come and receive you and to myself, that where I am there you may be also.
Please turn to 174 with me.
All patient, spotless one our hearts, and meet this training to bear thy yoke, and learn of these that we may rest obtained. Oh, fix our earnest gaze so holy Lord on thee, that with thy beauty occupied we elsewhere.
Non basic. I'm 74.
Do a Please stand with me and sing this last temp. And would you change the wording in the first line of this last verse from our to my old fix my earnest gaze on debut?