Get Ready Now

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
A young man in college went to a professor, known to be a Christian, to ask him a question on something that had been bothering him. Upon coming, into his presence he' asked the teacher: "How long before death should one prepare for eternity?" The professor's answer was: "A few minutes."
The young man was glad to hear this reply, as he was determined to "have his fling", "sow his wild oats", and "see life" in all its aspects. Then, a few moments before death should close his selfish eyes, he would ask God to have mercy upon him!
"But," asked the professor, "when are you going to die?"
He had to reply: "I cannot tell."
"Then," said the wise professor, "GET READY NOW, for you may have only a few moments to live."
Many persons would like to be saved, but they say they are waiting God's time. Surely God knows the best and proper time for a man to be saved. He says it is NOW.
There is no promise in God's Word that a man can be saved next week, or next month, or next year, or when he comes to his deathbed, or at the eleventh hour, as some people foolishly and unscripturally say.
God would not say "NOW" so frequently in His Word if He did not mean it, or if there were not awful danger in delaying, or if tomorrow would do. It may be now or never for you. God grant that it may be NOW.
"Salvation now, this moment;
Then why, oh, why delay?
You may not see tomorrow!
NOW is salvation's day."